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Resident Evil 5


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Well, I've made a Japanese account, but it won't let me get the Biohazard 5 demo. It says "This item isn't available from your current location."


I've done as the guide said and I've even changed my location in the system settings to Japan. What now?


My friend has the same problem. Worked fine for me.


Maybe they've sussed out what people are doing.


Got to say I'm not loving the partner thing.


Resi is a game to play alone through most of it, with the occasional NPC tagging along every so often. 4 got it spot on. I think that having a companion all the time is going to detract from the experience.


Online co-op is ok, but again, it feels very un-Resi when playing it this way.


It's an excellent demo though, and I can't wait till March!

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Not liking the partner either it just makes things more cumbersome. To be honest, that's what the demo felt like: cumbersome. It's becoming more and more an action game (something I'm aware RE4 started) and zero RE, but then again it's just the demo. But the controls, number of enemies and level design together didn't click, it didn't give the rush the encounters in RE4 gave. Also, the enemy animations are terrible, the weapons feel like pea shooter and the blood is horrible.

Explosions are amazing though, even with dowgraded graphics from the initial showing the game looks fantastic. And finally you can strafe and change weapons on the fly (real time weapon change!). Also, hurray for uppercuts!

I dunno if it's me, but the game got me a bit dizzy after a while cause of the turning, it's like the image drags or something. Maybe it's the framerate.


I'll try it with more time though, kinda rushed it a bit and a demo is just a demo. Don't doubt it'll be a great game, but something didn't feel right.

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Hmm...not seeing many positive impressions? Pretty worrying.


That along with Mikami saying stuff about it "not being the game he would've made" have me kinda cautious now. I was always a bit wary at first with the whole new director but the game looked so amazing when it was shown it didn't seem possible it could turn out anything less than awesome.


Strafing and real time weapon change sounds kinda like they've removed the last elements that kept the series feeling remotely Resident Evil like now.


Did anyone (fans of the series specifically) have strictly positive impressions of the demo or does everyone have gripes?

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Don't get me wrong, the game could be awesome, I'm not taking conclusions from a demo, it just doesn't feel right at times. And strafing is only when you're not aiming, I don't think it's a big problem. It just feels like RE4, the number of enemies on screen at the same time doesn't even change that dramatically, but the controls and Sheva are cumbersome and the level layout seemed somewhat off. It's like, in RE4 the almost complete absence of terror was placated by being overwhelmed by enemies, here you get overwhelmed, because the controls are clunky most of the times.

The weapons being completely weak doesn't help, because you're basically shooting peas at the enemies, running back a few meters, shooting some and whatnot and the AI seems pretty much the same as RE4 too.

Anyway, need to play it again.

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Hmm...not seeing many positive impressions? Pretty worrying.


That along with Mikami saying stuff about it "not being the game he would've made" have me kinda cautious now. I was always a bit wary at first with the whole new director but the game looked so amazing when it was shown it didn't seem possible it could turn out anything less than awesome.


Strafing and real time weapon change sounds kinda like they've removed the last elements that kept the series feeling remotely Resident Evil like now.


Did anyone (fans of the series specifically) have strictly positive impressions of the demo or does everyone have gripes?


Excellent post, summed up my feelings exactly. I do hope this doesn't end up as just a good run of the mill game when so many people are expecting a Resi 4 beating Resi game.

A lot of the comments from people so far seem to confirm worries people have had, myself included. After such a long wait & expectation i do hope i have to eat my words.

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to those wanting to paly the demo, but can't be bothered to make a jap account


i tested this method and it works, the demo is all in English i.e the menus,voice etc


1. Download the files from:




2. Using a program like WinRAR or 7zip(WinRAR recommended), extract the files to any location on your computer.


3. Burn the files using any free burner(I use Nero, one of the best burners, but you need to pay for that)


A free one would be:




4. Burn the file onto a DVD or a CD with enough space for at least 450MB.


Pop in the disc in your 360, and blast away!

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It is IP blocked now so burn it onto disc if you can.


As for the demo. I thought it was good but I dont like the issue of having a CPU controlled partner with me. She screws up, dies and then game over. I dont want to keep looking out for her.


I wish capcom would of excluded her. Is it just me or were the controls on Resi 4 for the GC better than this.


Anyone else notice the screen tearing? I using VGA and it is pretty bad.

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I've only played RE4 out of all the Resident Evil games.


Even so, the demo doesn't seem right. I remember that RE4 was scary. The "stand and shoot" gameplay heightened this.


However, this demo wasn't scary at all. You're not alone (or alone with a useless person) and it seems that you can be smashed with a massive axe 20 times as long as whatshername is nearby.


Speaking of whathsename. I find the way she walks very off putting, even when walking to the first building. She does, however, seem fairly capable in combat (one time she even blew up an explosive barrel that was near some people).


And yes, I called them people. They don't really seem to be zombies or infected apart from a little glimpse when they grab you. A bunch of people that want you dead just doesn't seem scary at all. Especially when you're playing in bright (in terms of lighting) levels. The enemies/locations just doesn't seem to suit the combat system at all. It doesn't feel right.


Also, apart from the character models and overuse of bloom, the graphics don't seem to be much improved from RE4 (which isn't really a bad thing...but still I expected it to look a lot better considering what they could do with the GameCube). And artistically the graphics are a massive downgrade.


Overall the damo makes RE5 seem like half the game that RE4 was.

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Thinking back to Resi 4 I have remembered/realised how great a game it was. There were so many sections that rocked and it was just brilliant. May have to play it again but I can't since I sold my Wii. I could get it for PS2 but I'm not too bothered.

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Obviously, the demo is only a small section of the game, and although I enjoyed it, there's a few annoyances and things that didn't seem right. Anyone can feel free to add more or disagree with me but these are impressions from a long time Resi fan. Apologies if it's a little garbled, but these are my thoughts.


Think back to the past Resi games, what made them special were the locations. 1 had the mansion, 2 had the police station, 3 had Raccoon City and the clock tower, CV had the prison, 4 had the excellent castle and the lake. 5 has something that looks like it was ripped out of Ghost Recon or any modern war game. A ruined third world urban area with electronic shops and small buildings with wrecked cars lining the streets. Sound familiar? I really hope that there's loads of variety in the locations. Admittedly I've avoided a lot of screenshots and videos but the ones I've seen only show the same looking areas.


I know some people will like it, but I didn't like the inventory system. 4 had it nailed perfectly. It was fun arranging your case, kind of like Tetris! I don't like having to request and keep exchanging weapons with Sheva.


And speaking of which, the voices are really annoying in this part

"I need ammo"


"You take it"



It got old for me in about 3 minutes, couldn't stand 20 hours of it.


As somebody has already mentioned, AI is poor. You can run past most enemies (chainsaw included) and they'll just let you go past. In 4 you would take a lot of damage this way. I got through the demo just by running from one end of the playfield to the other, occasionally turning round to fire.


The partner system just feels really clunky. Even swapping weapons, ammo etc takes 5 or 6 button presses and is not easy to do during a battle.


Newcomers to Resi (especially the ones who are used to stuff like Gears of War) are not going to like this game. In the demo anyway, the emphasis is mainly on action. If the majority of the game is like this, people are not going to enjoy not being able to move and fire at the same time. They'll expect a Gears style game and they won't enjoy it as much.


Scares...this game needs them. apart from a few sections, Resi 4 had very little in the way of horror and mostly relied on a heart pounding "oh fuck there's 20 of them coming my way" intensity, which was a good replacement as it was new at the time and a shot in the arm for the franchise, but this game needs to have something extra. We need to explore claustrophobic dark places that make us sweat like a Scotsman in a taxi (kind of like the Ashley/suits of armour or the garden maze sections in Resi 4) or we need to have something stalking us thoughout the game like Nemesis in Resi 3 or Mr X in Resi 2 (the B scenarios) We need to have plenty of situations where we are split up from Sheva and we are alone, you know, like survival horror games are supposed to be (but I can't see this happening due to online co-op)


Online co-op is something that I'm unlikely to play. It doesn't suit the game at all. But I suppose if you are playing with someone who works together with you rather than pissing off then getting killed then it could be ok.


As for me personally, if there are diverse locations, some good puzzles and a few scares along the way, I will enjoy it. Resi has always been about enjoying the game despite it's many flaws and this one will be no different so long as it provides all the other stuff you expect from a survival horror game.

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Well, I've (finally) downloaded it via the link CompSci sent. Thanks man!


After playing it, I have to agree with the negative comments; the controls feel clunky, the action is a lot slower than RE4 and the blood effects are horrible. It really doesn't feel like RE at all any more. However, it certainly has potential to be awesome and I'm not going to place my final judgement on a demo. I'll wait and see how it turns out.


Yeah her voice is horrible. Lucky she has a good ass.



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It is IP blocked now so burn it onto disc if you can.


As for the demo. I thought it was good but I dont like the issue of having a CPU controlled partner with me. She screws up, dies and then game over. I dont want to keep looking out for her.


I wish capcom would of excluded her. Is it just me or were the controls on Resi 4 for the GC better than this.


Anyone else notice the screen tearing? I using VGA and it is pretty bad.


I'm on HDMI and i didn't spot any at all, i was looking out for bugs like this as well.

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