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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Nice to see the game is a bit more colourful. Although the first game was meant to be colourful it seemed the colours didn't come across too well. The graphics don't seem improved except that, but I'm not complaining.

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Luin's looking nice :) well. I did what I wasn't supposed to do and I'm playing ToS again. Did the hard way (going to the north part of Sylvarant instead of going to Palmacosta first). And I became soulmates with Sheena before even getting to Tethealla. I guess this game is going to assume that Lloyd and Colette ended up again. Which is a shame really.

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Do you mean at least two or only two? Don't most tales games have 4, or was that just symphonia and phantasia?
Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk is a spin-off, therefore different than our regular Tales game... you have those two main characters we've seen and then... seems like you're supposed to capture enemy monsters and... train and evolve them.


We didn't have a picture showing the hero and the heroine in the same fight before this, so it was unknown if they ever fighted together.


You probably end up having as many characters on screen as in Symphonia, thing is... they're captured by you, in similar fashion to Dragon Quest Monters: Joker for the DS. (again, I'm going by the description, the details are scarce)

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Heh who's up for a tos speed run a month or two before this comes out. I'm seriously going to vanish for a few months when this comes out.


I am. And i'll complete it more than once. I love that footage. Can watch it over and over again and the way Lloyd enters is freaking ace.


Oh god I need this game.

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I hope they put the typical Tales multiplayer possibility in it - even if it would be only for two people (although I hope there will be more heroes and that you can play with 4 people; although I wonder if you might be able to control the "monsters" yourself too)...

Also: Will you only be able to have one monster at the time (the trailer only used three of the four char slots at max, although there is place for a fourth one - if you are only able to have one monster at the time this might mean at least a third hero?)..?

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