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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Well if you ask me: Only the character models aren't completely well done (at least for some, e.g. Sheena really seems a not well done, especially her face at the picture where you see her alone; the new girl however seems to be done better). At least not yet. Maybe they will improve them until the launch - the game got delayed after all.

However, some things (especially in games) can't be really compared through screens. You need to see them in motion and if you ask me most of "Tales of" - games are such "things".


Regarding click and run worldmap: That wouldn't be a problem as long as it would mean you would control the char like you do it in Zack & Wiki but why did they more or less completely wipe out the ability to really explore the world itself? That is the only thing I currently really dislike about this game.


Also: Is there known what that "things" are that Loyd and the new girl (always forget her name :) ) are holding?

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I won't quote it cos is pretty lengthy but 1up have a preview/ interview article posted up but heres a snippet:


Teruaki Konishi: Let's take a look at the opening movie first. It's two and a half minutes, which is probably the longest one we've done. The staff behind the movie put their all into it. Even the musician working on it said that two minutes weren't enough; they wanted it just a little longer.


1UP: Who's singing the song?


TK: That is misono, vocalist for Day After Tomorrow, the group who sang for Tales of Symphonia. I think we will be reworking the opening music for the US edition, so there aren't any plans to have her do the song yet. Production I.G. is the outfit behind the movie animation.


1UP: So then, is there more than just the intro that's animated?


TK: It's just the intro.




Andy Tsai: The use of motion capture is one of the reasons why the in-game cut-scenes this time aren't animated. In previous Tales games, the cut-scenes were always animated by production I.G., but because we used motion capture we decided to use mostly real time cut-scenes.




So there we have it... no anime cutscenes. Did we know that already cos to me its a bit of a suprise. :( Or since he says "we decided to use mostly real time cutscenes" does that mean that there are still some anime ones scattered through the game at key points?

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No, because you forget he said just the intro. Which means that in game graphics will be used forever cut scene and also means I.G are mostly doing all the pretty cut scenes that will be in Vesperia. And I seriously think someone needs to get out the anti aliasing pen. All I see is Jaggies everywhere. And I'm starting to think I want gamecube controller support.


Tsutomu Gouda: It was also the case that Symphonia, being a GC game, was a natural fit to work with on the Wii when we decided to make a title for that platform. The original didn't come out in Europe [**TRANSLATORS NOTE: Actually the GC version did**], but we produced a total of 1.6 million copies for North America and Japan, including the PS2 port.



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heh, love this part:


For this game, we decided not to go with a field map. Stylistically, the game has you running back and forth through towns and dungeon maps like these, advancing the story and building up your party members.


1UP: Very convenient.


They've sure been figured out.


1UP: Of all the Tales games currently available, why did you choose Symphonia for a sequel?


TK: Tales of Symphonia was the greatest critical success we've had, one that was truly international in nature. Overall it achieved the greatest response we've got from the North American and Japanese marketplace combined, something we felt was a priority to us. Also, we had a very engaging story and set of characters to work with, and we felt that leaving Symphonia as it was would be a terrible waste. (a waste not to recycle those assets!) We chose Symphonia for this sequel effort because we felt it'd be the best response to all the people who praised the original.

Wonderful, as a reward for critical success outside Japan we get a spin-off with one intro FMV, crap graphics and secondary team while they're wasting their money elsewhere.


Best response would be new games done from the ground (including assets) with better graphics, effort, main series and preferential support you f*cking twerps.

The sales rates of "game-like" games like these are about the same on the Wii as they were on the GC. So if you look at it that way, ignoring your personal opinion of Nintendo's hardware platforms, the phenomenon of Nintendo's games selling great and third-party titles doing just OK is hardly a new thing. There are definitely more casual gamers out there, but in terms of pure sales, it's not like our products have suddenly plummeted. As I was discussing with some people earlier, I wonder if some are putting their own personal fantasies into the debate.
Perhaps it's because other consoles get the main one and we get a fricking spin-off with 5 year old assets; not to mention what we usually get for third party support; "just doing ok" by comparison is pretty good when Nintendo sells because they put effort, which you didn't.


If the game just sells ok (which you were saying ToS was the biggest smash hit in tales series ever) blame yourselves.


The core gamers who own PS2s haven't even bought the Wii hardware itself. And that's not just a Wii issue, either; a lot of them actually haven't made the switch to the HD consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360 yet. You can see this in the way that PS2 games were the top sellers last year for both ourselves and other publishers, and you can also see that if there's a switch happening, it's happening more in the direction of the PSP.
Next Wii game confirmed, Tales of the World: Nakiri Dungeons 5, thanks Namco.
we see Wii owners not using them near as much, and even with all the hits, the attach rate is low. Meanwhile, the 360 install base in Japan is just a little over 600,000 consoles, but the software sells like gangbusters (yeah right, we sure see them on the tops), and the system really motivates its customers (of course, they're moneyhatting J-RPG's their way). You have to think about what sort of game would be best for the sort of customer each console attracts (in short you had to think what can you get away with), so putting Tales out on the Wii could be called a mismatch, but we see it as a calculated business risk because there are no other RPGs.
I want to strangulate this guy.
TG: Judging by the Internet response, it's all going to plan, I guess. [Laughs] They're all like, "Why?!" Well, you'll have to play to find out.
They're not saying "why" for the same reasons you're thinking. more like "why NAMCO?"
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Just scrap the game already. I'd rather they don't bother with a sequal now, will ruin Symphonia. They made a new low budget 'Tales of' game but they're unsure how well it would do, so they slap it in the Symphonia world and claim it as a sequal to it might sell.


Why bother Namco, your half assing it, ruining and restricting it and you think it's going according to plan? Get real.

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Damn. No world map, worse character designs and graphics compared to original, judging from the screenshots, and now we find out there are no anime cutscenes? Why not take out the battle mechanics as well and make it a platformer. Each new information is more and more depressing it seems.. The story and gameplay be better unbelievably fantastic. If I'm dissappointed, I might join the others on that raid thingy. I hope it still turns out decent, but if not.. Well it's sad because it's still a must-buy for Tales (of Symphonia) fans, eventhough it's already dissappointing. Not buying it just reduces are chances of getting a "real" Tales. I spent litterally hundreds of Euros on Tales of Symphonia stuff now, so this is the thanks I get..

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flock to the tales forum and make yourselves heard, at least they're Namco's someone must read them if they're commenting in the interview the discussions they have. I sure went there yesterday and there was 5 pages of drama. lots of people self conformed and all that in there.

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They really aren't putting any effort in making this.


This part you posted Pedro about XBOX360 software sales in Japan being really high according to them, had me going :confused: It's just all wrong, moneyhats of course.


we see Wii owners not using them near as much, and even with all the hits, the attach rate is low. Meanwhile, the 360 install base in Japan is just a little over 600,000 consoles, but the software sells like gangbusters (yeah right, we sure see them on the tops), and the system really motivates its customers (of course, they're moneyhatting J-RPG's their way). You have to think about what sort of game would be best for the sort of customer each console attracts (in short you had to think what can you get away with), so putting Tales out on the Wii could be called a mismatch, but we see it as a calculated business risk because there are no other RPGs.[/Quote]

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I can never remember my login details for that forum. But it makes me question what I didn't wrong on the "Where do you want to see the tales forum go" questionnaire. I'll be getting a 360 on the day Vesperia comes out because I'll be fed up with all the cop outs they're making with this one. This can sit right next to tales of the tempest on how to make a crap rpg. Yes I haven't played it but it just seems like a real time action based pokemon or dragon warrior monsters based game. With Emil and Marta as the Pkmn trainers. /Rant

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Not really sure what to think of this as I haven't been following it but I loved the original ToS so much and from what I'm seeing it looks like this is complete cash-in?


Screens don't like great, but I won't judge the game on them as Wii screens can be weird like that and it might look much better in motion!

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Im not made of money! Plus I am trying to get something else that is pretty rare at the moment, and may have to break the bank for that, but it should sell preeeety well in the future if I do get it.


Anyways, I am a bargain hunter. I am sure I can find it cheaper elsewhere *remembers all the times he saw this game in stores for cheaper than is on ebay* damnit. I judged the book by its cover :(

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