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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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A new scan of this game.


Link: http://gonintendo.com/?p=21805

I know it was already posted... but just to turn the thread more colorful and not having to link elsewhere :)





I like :D But Namco should really revamp those shadows, make them detailed. That, and I bet what seems to be the overworld map and the fact that there isn't a party to be seen (only a guy kicking ass) must be worrying some.


*merge be dammed*


Wii Gets Tales of Symphonia Sequel

Namco Bandai announces Symphonia sequel Tales of Ratatosk.


Namco Bandai has recently announced it will release Tales of Symphonia: Knights of Ratatosk for the Wii. The sequel takes place 2 years after the events of Tales of Symphonia featuring new characters Emil Castagnier and Marta Lualdi. Fans of the series can expect to see familiar locales and characters from the previous game as well.


In a recent interview with producer Makoto Yoshidumi on Japanese publication Famitsu, he talks about the upcoming sequel.


"The reason why we did not name this Tales of Symphonia 2 is because the game concept is quite different from the previous game. Now players will be able to have monsters as party members and can level up together with the main characters."


Like Dragon Quest and other RPGs, players can have monsters join their party when meeting certain conditions after completing battles. Monsters will most likely be controlled by AI and simple commands might be included, but the producer is still keeping details under wraps.


Another change from the previous game is that there is no longer a field map. Players will use the Wiimote to point at locations on the map. After selecting, you will then enter into that location, whether it be a city or a dungeon, and this is where you can move and control your character. Knights of Ratatosk takes place in the combined world of Silvalant and Teseara which was recreated at the end of the first game. The game will feature the Linear Motion Battle which has become trademark to the series. Wiimote controls are expected to be in the game although not much has been talked about at this point.


Tales of Symphonia: Knights of Ratatosk is expected for a spring 2008 release in Japan.

Source: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3161485
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Another change from the previous game is that there is no longer a field map. Players will use the Wiimote to point at locations on the map. After selecting, you will then enter into that location, whether it be a city or a dungeon, and this is where you can move and control your character. Knights of Ratatosk takes place in the combined world of Silvalant and Teseara which was


Ah for frack sake, i don't believe they'll actually taken this approach, damn it, they better make the towns and dungeons massive to make up for this. And and no rheards(sp?) then i guess, FRACK.


When they first said about using the pointer to navigate the map i thought it might be like in some PC games when you use the mouse and click on the map where you want the character to go but he still actually walks there and you get to explore.


crap, have they actually gone and ruined the dream?

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crap, have they actually gone and ruined the dream?
I think they're testing the Wii, like they've said DS is now their top priority... No wonder, the thing sold 19 million units in Japan... Wii is 3 million as of yet, and the idea is that is also sells to a more casual public, so rather than go all out their trying their luck.



This spin-off re-uses most assets (including places), bring a new mechanic into the game to make it fresh while they are also taking the oportunity to be experimental.


Incidentally the map was one of the biggest complaints about ToS because of the graphics, so they are just axing that one from the ground, even because deep down, they'd have to make a new one from ground due to *symphonia spoilers*


I'm still glad they're doing it though.

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I think this isn't a project of the same size as the original, but I still think when all is done this is going to be a kick arse RPG for the wii probably at a time when the Wii still hasn't got many.


I think taking out a world map isn't too much of a loss, it shows a sort of laziness and rushedness over the game though which worries me. Saying that, the monster catching things sort of shows the opposite, so I'll keep optimistic :).

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Well, it's obviously not a priority title was like Symphonia (no real Tales game was since then, it seems) but it should still be good. The overworld in Symphonia was far from great, in my opinion, so this isn't that bad.

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Mieu (that ubercute blue creature) is sidekick character from Tales of the Abyss, which was Team Symphonia's last game.


Ah, ok. Thanks Teppo, I really couldnt figure out the link. :red:


Hopefully a Tales of Symphonia sequel like this should be safe in the hands of Team Symphonia!

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Ah ok Pedro, I guess I didn't really recognise it as I've never repaired it! :o


What about the second one, I can't quite remember its name. Its near the start of the game, I even remember playing one of the Katz mini games with them as Genis there. And isn't where you get that flipping letter for Aifread (I think?) who I've never found to actually deliver it to!


Lol, I sure hope I'm thinking of the right place...

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What about the second one, I can't quite remember its name. Its near the start of the game, I even remember playing one of the Katz mini games with them as Genis there. And isn't where you get that flipping letter for Aifread (I think?) who I've never found to actually deliver it to!
If memory serves right... Izoold?
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I did, but I don't remember seeing a Lloyd statue (although now that you mention it, perhaps I did)


After you repair it you can build statues of characters.Ones Lloyd,I think ones Raine and the other Sheena?


Can't quite remember or if you select what statue of the character you want done,but there's definently statues in it.

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