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Russia vs Britain- who would win?


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1) It would never go nuclear

2) It would never be a 1v1 war, there are plenty of countries between us which would have to allow airforce/navel passage, at least most of europe would have to decide --> world war

3) If there was ever war, it would have to be for a very good reason, one in which there would be definite split of philosophy, ie countries on both sides both think one of us had done something atrocious --> world war

4) It would be easier for UK to invade Russia than Russia to Invade England. We're a small Island, with comparatively amazing transport to any part of the country. We could quickly and easily mount a defence to any point. Navel assaults are much easier to defend against than marching across a border (which Russia has a fair amount of).

5) We have a better trained and more proficient army, airforce and navy. Russia has a much larger force. Larger is usually better on the ground. Advanced better in the air. Navy would be close. You need ground occupation to win a war, we'd never win it on Russian soil, and we'd reduce an assault on UK soil before it landed. ie no-one wins.


With allies it would be interesting. Assuming traditional alliances/conflicts.

1 side: UK, America, Commonwealth (inc India), Japan, Western Europe, South Korea.

2nd Side: Russia, China, North Korea, Middle East, Eastern Europe.

It would be not much fun, China has the largest airforce and a large navy as well as huge ground forces. North Korea is the most militarised country in the world (something like 40% of population). UK and Allies have a large technological advantage in terms of military hardware (tanks, planes, navy).

China is much more of a threat than Russia military wise.

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UK would win, with allies or not. Russia's numbers won't do them any good if they have to ship they're soldiers, they can't keep the canon fodder like they did with Germany. And technologically UK surpasses Russia by far.

I agree.

The UK i'd say has the best Military in the world (and I'm not just saying that because I'm English:heh:). I also think Germany's military is pretty impressive, as are a few other European ones.

The US just spend a lot, but their training and attitude it bad compared to here.


Nukes shouldn't even be included in things....they've only been used by the Yanks, and that's because they're cheap (plus, the war had dragged on long enough).



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Some of the European armies are absolutely 1337. The British, German and Israeli armies are probably the most proficient in the world. The Danes are pretty good too. And the Swiss.


The US have pretty bad training comparatively. And considering that at least one Patriot missile operator mistook a Tornado GR4 for a SCUD missile...what the fuck?!

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It's retarded chauvinism to think that the UK would be able to beat Russia in a military conflict. Only the US and maybe China could beat them if they could. You seriously underestimate the Russian attitude, technology and technical expertise if you think the UK has a chance against Russia.

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It's retarded chauvinism to think that the UK would be able to beat Russia in a military conflict. Only the US and maybe China could beat them if they could. You seriously underestimate the Russian attitude, technology and technical expertise if you think the UK has a chance against Russia.


You don't know what my country and its allies are capable of, clearly.

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You seriously underestimate the Russian attitude, technology and technical expertise if you think the UK has a chance against Russia.


You obviously underestimate the RAF. Eurofighters and Tornadoes vs MiG-22s and MiG-17s? I know who I'd put my money on.


As for a land battle (without air support for either side) it's a little more tricky. The Russians have vastly inferior infantry weapons and tanks, but lots more of them. It's too close to call.


Also, the British Army are said to be the best trained army in the world.

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You don't know what my country and its allies are capable of, clearly.
Dude, I'm in one of them!


Sure the Brits aren't poorly armed, but ever since Poeetin is in control things have been changing, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some secret backups. Having said that, Britain could be taken down by any random country just by nuking London. There would be no way that Britain could organise any form of counterattack after that.


Also, the fighter jet discussion is bullocks as neither jet can physically fly to the other country.

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Also, the fighter jet discussion is bullocks as neither jet can physically fly to the other country.


You obviously have counted neither on Aircraft Carriers or the idea that one country may invade the other (most likely Russia invade Blighty).

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No, because neither country's defenses would allow those things to come anywhere near. This is not the US vs Iraq, this is two highly developed military forces facing off. They'd probably just be firing at each other from a distance, in which small Britain has a severe disadvantage.

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No, because neither country's defenses would allow those things to come anywhere near. This is not the US vs Iraq, this is two highly developed military forces facing off. They'd probably just be firing at each other from a distance, in which small Britain has a severe disadvantage.


You fail to see that this thread concerns a purely hypothetical land-based war between Russia and the UK.

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Also, the fighter jet discussion is bullocks as neither jet can physically fly to the other country.


Well, if you count in the Tristar and VC-10 it's not so unfeasible. But you're right it's not a likely scenario.


And by the way...it's not the "Eurofighter". It's the Typhoon (not to be confused with the Hawker Typhoon). Get it right :p

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arrrrrrrrrgh, im sick of people brining nukes into it, if london were destroyed, we could launch a nuke counter attack. simple as that, we would all be destroyed us, the enemy, the irish, probebly most of western europe would suffer radiation poisining and die horrible deaths.


and numbers mean little in modern war, espeiclay in infantry terms, machine guns can wipe out hundreds of man is a few second, a sub machine gun can take out a load of men as well.


a war between the UK and russia would be utterly insane, nothing to gain, billions of pounds to lose not to mention all the soilders and epuipment to be lost.

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Their Attack and Ballistic Submarines are better than ours I hate to say. I haven't read the rest of the thread so meh. A nuclear war would never happen because it takes away the point of war. What is there to gain when everything is fucked up and irradiated? Assuming you've survived to reap whatever spoils there are.

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Yeah, the war would never rally go nuclear unless absoloutly neccessary. And we all know that, even if it did turn nuclear, we would nevertheless win.


No offence, but how can you say someone can "win" a nuclear war? Its just not possible, whatever happens the earth loses.

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5 bucks says this guy joins the BNP, or, worse, the NF.


Still, either of them are better then the Tories...:wink:


There's nothing wrong with a bit of patriotism around here, is there? I'm sure you'll agree.

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