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My BMI was 18.something, just in the underweight section. Was funny to see the animation of the Mii for it (had only seen it for ideal or overweight on vids). My Wii Fit age is 23, -4 off my real age which is cool. I was expecting it to be more, but found the balance test really easy. Same thing can't be said for the extreme version of it though...


...Found if you click on the Balance Board character in the background of the exercise menu. You have to keep perfect balance at 50% on each leg, managed the first 2 but the last one is impossible!


I jumped right in to the balance games after the initial test, heading footballs, skiing, the ball rolling one etc... all really good fun, especially skiing. Feels so good once you get used to the sensitivity of the board, can't wait to unlock snowboarding!


Then I made the mistake of trying out the push ups, man that thing nearly killed me! :laughing: After the chilled out / fun nature of the balance games it was a pretty huge shock. :heh:


i love running...and the island is definately the one shown on the wii plane demo!!
Really? That's awesome! I didn't notice that, was too distracted by all the Miis running around, not to mention those cute Mii style dogs too. :love: Will pay more attention to the surroundings next time, I did spot an 8-Bit Mario sprite though. :hehe:


So yeah, having a great time with this so far. The Balance Board is a fantastic piece of kit for sure, really hope we get to see many more uses for it outside of Wii Fit.

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Got my copy from Tesco at Lunch for £65- (I knew that offer of £55 someone linked to was too good to be true, But I suspect GAME where I did have a preorder would be selling at £69.99. So it's still a saving of sorts)


Your right as well the box is quite weighty.

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Wii Fit get :)


I had quite alot of excerise just walking back from the shops with it. It weighs a bloody tonne!


That it bloody does, I had to walk (I say walk more like power walk) passed a load of gypo caravans at 4am with it. Though if I had been attacked I could've used the board as a weapon.


Had my first quick blast, got a BMI of 21.48 which was awesome, though my age was 29, which is +9. Tried a few of the muscle stretches, and its definitely an area I need to improve. I'm really looking forward to making it a part of my daily routine.

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I'm still enjoying it even if there are some duff moments here and there tightrope...I'm looking at you - I'm loving the skiing games though! It makes me want Namco's We Ski more!


My fiancee hasn't (initially) been that impressed with the title noting that it seems a little 'Brain training' in it's lightness of features. I say the more you work on it the more you'll get from it. We will see. (Cynical women!)

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id proberly like this game but the space i have for the wii is not suited for this , if i had it in the living room maybe but a sloping roof attic room where you can barely stand straight in some parts isnt ideal lol .

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Maiky’s Life with WiiFit…


Images of unpacking











first toughs:


It was a freaking 6KG moving the board around itself could be a Wiifit training by itself!


My wife is already exited to play the game O.o


My feet are too big for the board >.< but it doesn't affect the game as far as i have seen




Owe my god i am really working out a sweat here O.O but to my surprise my test turned out my true age off 33!! So i don't have a bad "fiscal" shape after all. I only have a BMI of 27.70 (102 KG)so i do have a over weight problem! So let’s work on that!! From today on i will try to keep you all posted on my progress!! (My mussels hurt now and i am a bit shaky so i am going to take a little rest and a nice BIG glass of water!!) Ciao tomorrow!!! ... God i hope i don’t have muscle pain tomorrow >.>




AU!! The pain!! Belly muscle and lower leg muscle are acing but ill survive i had worse. I had a heavy office day today with loads of meetings and irregular dining. And yes it did show on the scale -_-; My BMI was now 30.50 and I weight 103KG and to finish it off I was a year older >.> pfff what a motivation this is. Well let’s start training and I did! O god I did… the exercises I did yesterday were mush easier than today. Not that anything changed. No I was tired of today’s work but I did it and I must say I do feel proud that I did it! *I guess I am starting to like it*


6KG is heavy??? sorry mate it's not at all.

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Guest Stefkov

I had the sudden urge to take my £50 notes and buy this. Didn't do in the end. Time was a problem. I want this, wierdly, quite urgently. I just want it.

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Anyone else having a problem that when they move the board to a different part of their floor a message comes up saying their weight has changed quite a bit?


I think my floor's pretty uneven so that might be it. It's not a great space in front of my TV so I have to move it about for example if I want to do the pressups.


I did a check , I did a body test then moved the board and did another test and I had lost 5lbs in a matter of 3 minutes.


Anyone else having a similar issue?

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*Jordan here*

I've been playing it alot actually, my BMI is 23 something, i need to lose a stone now to get to my perfect BMI.


I actually did lose weight over yesterday (well... my BMI dropped .05). I've unlocked free jogging, its fantastic! I can do 10 minute runs pretty easy, might try a 20 minute one later.

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This is all great to see. Look what nintendo has started. They can screencap this page and use it for advertising! OH! they should do those late advertising like you see on ITV2 and some other channels VERY late at night.


EDIT: or...they could just stick to advertising at sane hours....boring though ¬_¬

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Did the Boxcercise game on this today, it's absolutely brilliant! :yay: Love how you get to freak out at the end of it. The instructors voice is also incredibly amusing. "Allllright!" :heh:


It's a shame the balance and aerobic games are so much fun, as it's making it more difficult to do the yoga and muscle ones, which are what I should be concentrating on really. Speaking of muscle work outs, the press-up & Side Stand has now officially been replaced as hardest Wii Fit activity by the Jackknife. That exercise completely takes the piss and I failed miserably at it. :grin:


So, has anyone managed to complete the ultimate balance test yet?

I still can't do the final one. :shakehead

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wasn't gonna buy this yet, still addicted to MKWii & pro evo but gave in on way to work yesterday ( A lot of places had sold out ) Haven't taken it out the box since i ain't been home since yesterday afternoon.

Just going to unpack it now, erm!! will it know i have a hangover when i stand on the board ??

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Managed to snag my copy today. Game informed me that it was up for grabs as of last night since it's a 'big selling game', even though I preordered it and they're supposed to keep it for 48 hours...


I set up my profile, learned that I have a BMI of 23.35, and have been doing the exercises to learn just how unfit I am. I feel like I'm going to lose weight by the end of the day doing this. Fantastic stuff.

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Got myself a copy of this today - BMI is just under 22, and my Wii Fit age was 20 - not bad! :) Shame I don't really like being a weedy runt though. ;) I've found it pretty fun so far, but the aerobic and mini games are most fun.


Davey T: you can weigh yourself on this - I was just under 9 1/2 stone when I did it earlier.

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