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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I'm sorry but having an 8 player race where you are all snaking is A LOT more fun than an 8 player race without it.


You're not going at a snails pace for a start.


Yes, that would be fun. But the maximum on the ds was 4, and i usually got matched with two people way better than me who snaked all the time, and someone who couldn't who usually disconnected. If i was lucky enough to be winnig, the losers would diconnect. So it is not fun if you can't snake, or don't like snaking.

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Yes, that would be fun. But the maximum on the ds was 4, and i usually got matched with two people way better than me who snaked all the time, and someone who couldn't who usually disconnected. If i was lucky enough to be winnig, the losers would diconnect. So it is not fun if you can't snake, or don't like snaking.


With your friends > Online.

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Why should anyone have to do that... the game shouldnt have things that put other players at a major disadvantage. Snaking destroys the fun and thats the end of it.

That's not a very good argument at all.


Should Bungie have ripped the sniper rifle out of Halo because there are people who have difficulty using it effectively, putting them at a major disadvantage?


Ergo, you could say the same for most games.


Personally, I don't like snaking either, and hate having to attempt it to keep up with players who do it (I'm not very good at it myself, and it makes my thumb ache after a while). But it's in the game, and nobody is breaking any rules by using it, otherwise the game would penalise players for it.

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That's not a very good argument at all.


Should Bungie have ripped the sniper rifle out of Halo because there are people who have difficulty using it effectively, putting them at a major disadvantage?


Ergo, you could say the same for most games.


Personally, I don't like snaking either, and hate having to attempt it to keep up with players who do it (I'm not very good at it myself, and it makes my thumb ache after a while). But it's in the game, and nobody is breaking any rules by using it, otherwise the game would penalise players for it.


In halo, you can counter the sniper by using another gun. In MK, either you snake or you lose.

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Guest Stefkov
In halo, you can counter the sniper by using another gun. In MK, either you snake or you lose.

How do you counter a headshot from half way across the map?

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Guest Stefkov
Move too quickly to be shot at, hide behind objects.

You just said with another gun though. Now you're changing to moving?

Still there are people that are good enough to catch you while you are moving.

They are good at the game. They can use varieties of weapons to win.

If you (not personally, to all) can't use a variety of techniques in Mario Kart to win then just accept that you can't be arsed to learn to snake because you've tried it once and couldn't do it. Start a petition or whatever to Nintendo to take it out of the game. Just don't say the people who snake are cheaters because they are, frankly, better than you.

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I still prefer split screen.....


Oh and hope Brawl doesn't have something like this or..well...there goes the fun.


and I agree, they should put an option either you can use snaking or not in a multiplayer game. Would be fair to all

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Snaking isn't a freaking flaw I can't believe how people wont shut up about that. You know how long it takes to learn if you really practice? A bloody day or two. All it is is mastery of powersliding to use whenever you want, nothing else. It's a completely natural and sensible tactic and it's outrageous that people whine about it when it's not even a hard skill to learn.

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I have already outlined my position on snaking, but I think it needs to be outlined again as Sir Kov seems to insist on the point that people can't be arsed to learn to snake and and they can't do it so they lose. Snaking is tedious, constantly waggling for the whole of every single race that you do. That sounds insane to me, why would anyone even want to do that?


I never said it was cheating, I never said that there wasn't skill to it.

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You just said with another gun though. Now you're changing to moving?

Still there are people that are good enough to catch you while you are moving.

They are good at the game. They can use varieties of weapons to win.

If you (not personally, to all) can't use a variety of techniques in Mario Kart to win then just accept that you can't be arsed to learn to snake because you've tried it once and couldn't do it. Start a petition or whatever to Nintendo to take it out of the game. Just don't say the people who snake are cheaters because they are, frankly, better than you.


I've tried and i can snake(better than most). I still don't like it, and i'd rather have a race where everyone has a chance. Does that mean snakers are better than me?

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I agree with Nintenchris.


Basically by putting snaking in the online side of things you are ruining the pick up and play aspect of Mazza Kart. I for one dont have the time to master such things as play through a hell of alot of games and never stick to just one. Its the same for Brawl in that I will only be playing people wanting a laugh not expert players.


Snaking in my eyes is fine but its an expert manoeuvre so they should have at least 2 different lobbies, one with snaking which could be ranked matches and then player matches where its disabled.

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Don't talk to me about skilled gamers. I did really well in the Mario Strikers Tournament (the first one) without using any of the 'cheap' tactics (not that I'm complaining about them.. each to their own)


There's a difference between enjoying playing a game skillfully whilst competing and having to carry out annoying tactics just for the sake of 'winning'. If snaking was a fun skill to learn, wouldn't everyone do it?

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Guest Stefkov

Well. All the people online are learning to Snake, so wouldn't that mean they think it's fun to do win the game.


Powersliding is a technique purposely put into the game. It's adds a bit of variety to the game and the way people play. No where at all says you are barred from powersliding on a straight.

I only see the manual saying it can be done on a corner. It doesn't say 'You shouldn't do this on a straight because then people will think you are cheating'.

You say it's an annoying tactic. Isn't holding the Blue Shell till the final straight an annoying tactic. You are just about to win and they fire off their blue shel they've held for the enitre race. You've just lost an opportunity to win.

That's an annoying tactic.

A skill such as using a technique put into the game to start with, you had no rules for it, no limitations, and because you can't do it, it's cheating.


If you don't like it, go back to playing Double Dash or Mario Kart Super circuit.

Super Circuit even had this powersliding. It took you a bit too far wide but it could be done on a straight.

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For goodness sake.. can you stop saying "You can't do it"?! I will reiterate again! I can't see how snaking is fun! Constantly wiggling left and right the whole time? Catch yourself on.. that's insanity!


The only reason I can see to snake is to be able to compete with others who do it. If noone did it, noone would have to learn that pish in order to compete.


Is there any satisfaction in going online, snaking into an unbeatable position and then winning the race against someone who can't/won't do it? Talk about a hollow victory..


Then if you snake and you compete against someone else who can snake, is there more satisfaction from beating them than there is of you not snaking and them not snaking and still winning? Wait til the Repetitive Strain Injury kicks in before you answer..

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Don't talk to me about skilled gamers. I did really well in the Mario Strikers Tournament (the first one) without using any of the 'cheap' tactics (not that I'm complaining about them.. each to their own)


There's a difference between enjoying playing a game skillfully whilst competing and having to carry out annoying tactics just for the sake of 'winning'. If snaking was a fun skill to learn, wouldn't everyone do it?

I've never played Mario Strikers, so I know nothing of these so-called cheap tactics you speak of. They obviously aren't much of an issue though if you can beat players who use them without having to use them yourself.


Back to Mario Kart. I don't see snaking as a cheap tactic. Probably because I find it hard to do on courses with narrow roads or with more corners than there are straights. The players who find it easy have obviously mastered the skill better than I have.

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I cant believe all the whining about snaking in this game we've no idea how it works within the game but people are already assuming you can snake all over the place. Nobody on here has played it yet so let's leave the moaning about snaking until we at least read some hands on impressions or better yet reviews of the game - enough already! :(

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I hear you Cooky lad.. it seems to have boiled down more towards the actual issue of snaking than anything to do with Mario Kart Wii which, yes, is off topic :hmm:


I'm really looking forward to the game and playing online: Hopefully get some great NE tournaments!

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I hear you Cooky lad.. it seems to have boiled down more towards the actual issue of snaking than anything to do with Mario Kart Wii which, yes, is off topic :hmm:


I'm really looking forward to the game and playing online: Hopefully get some great NE tournaments!


Yeah if it's anywhere as intense as the Mario Strikers Tourneys I can't wait!


I can just see it now Tales having a go at me for excessive use of shells :heh:

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