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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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tracks: give us some cool, detailed but cartoony city courses(Diamond City from Wario?); stay away from isle delfino (mario sunshine infected DD too much); some paper mario style courses (postmodern jobs set in the underground levels from mario 1?).


Controls/Handling: Give us some insane f-zero-style gx speed; get rid of snaking; i like excitetruck but think we need less 'floaty' controls.. so nunchuck for steering and wiimote for aiming etc as said above.


music - if its as infuriatingly addictive as the intro tune to DD then i'll be happy.


characters/weapons: no sonic please... this mario kart, not a smash bros get-together; keep favouring the karts at the rear with good powerups... we all hate getting done by a blue shell, but in multiplayer with people that dont have the game themselves, it makes it more fun - just give us a strikers-style option to turn off/customize the appearance of items


oh - on-line too. dont forget that.

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tracks: give us some cool, detailed but cartoony city courses(Diamond City from Wario?); stay away from isle delfino (mario sunshine infected DD too much); some paper mario style courses (postmodern jobs set in the underground levels from mario 1?).


Controls/Handling: Give us some insane f-zero-style gx speed; get rid of snaking; i like excitetruck but think we need less 'floaty' controls.. so nunchuck for steering and wiimote for aiming etc as said above.


music - if its as infuriatingly addictive as the intro tune to DD then i'll be happy.


characters/weapons: no sonic please... this mario kart, not a smash bros get-together; keep favouring the karts at the rear with good powerups... we all hate getting done by a blue shell, but in multiplayer with people that dont have the game themselves, it makes it more fun - just give us a strikers-style option to turn off/customize the appearance of items


oh - on-line too. dont forget that.


As for tracks, I'd like to stay away from Isle Delfino too, lets have the original Super Mario World locales back please!

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My hopes?

Online multiplayer, a free Mic for ingame conversations, and a selection of karts.

Each character should have different karts, like in DD, and the standard kart should be upgradeable.

Also, when you play online, the servers should enable the admin/host to choose what karts and weapons should be available (so if I want a game with only standard Karts, no bullet bill or blue shell uppgrades, then I can have that arranged).

An adition I'd love would be some kind of level editor. Imagine playing on yer own level.

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Nice to see people liked my suggestions:


Downloadable tracks

Track editor

Option to use a Mii as a racer


I'm surprised they hadn't been mentioned before.


Also, if the track editor becomes reality:


Sharing tracks with friends through Wi-Fi and being able to receive ones from friends.

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Honestly, Mario Kart needs some fundamental changes to it's gameplay. It's becoming boring.


Someone mentioned faster gameplay? I agree. I think they should make the game's handling semi realistic while keeping everything like the weapons and whacky courses.




Like I said, not make it a sim, but make the handling a little more realistic, while keeping everything like the weapons and courses in it.

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At the very least it must be online and at least as big as the ds version (meaning that it needs at least as many tracks, a mission mode, etc.). An option to turn power boosts on (allowing snaking) or off (disallowing snaking) for multiplayer would be nice too.

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As for tracks, I'd like to stay away from Isle Delfino too, lets have the original Super Mario World locales back please!


I really dont think that will happen. Ds and DD both did it. One reference would be nice. Usually every character gets their own track with few exeptions but I hope for some galaxy racing this time.:)


Yes I want world too actually but what could you do?

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I really dont think that will happen. Ds and DD both did it. One reference would be nice. Usually every character gets their own track with few exeptions but I hope for some galaxy racing this time.:)


Yes I want world too actually but what could you do?


NOOOO, I want classic tracks, and yeah we need the Ghost house back, as well as a really good Bowser's castle with loads of thwomps!

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I, as well as many reviewers, would agree that co-op play on one kart is the best damn thing that ever happened to the series.
I wouldn't. :shakehead


I remember thinking it would be cool when it was first shown, but at the end of the day unless you were the one driving it really wasn't all that fun. Not enough going on with the weapons to make it engaging. If they were to add to that aspect somehow though it could probably work a bit better, but then they'd just be messing with the formula too much again.


I'd prefer MK on Wii to be more traditional, that's why I think the DS version was so good because they made it closer to the SNES version in terms of game play, yet still added some of the newer elements but without going OTT like Double Dash.


My wish list for the Wii version:


  • 8 player online mode with decent lobby system and all tracks and battle mode playable
  • More customization, like the icon editor from DS, and maybe even a track editor
  • Loads of classic tracks, all of them even. :heh:
  • Ability to save and share replay / ghost data via Wii Connect 24
  • Get Soyo Oka back to compose the soundtrack! :heart:

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It has to be FAST! Thats my main problem with Mario Kart: DD and the DS version, both were to slow!


Online as well of course!

I thought DS was alright in terms of speed actually, 150cc is pretty nippy. Again I'm back with my conservative views. (sorry) :heh:


But I mean, we have F-Zero for insane speed. :wink:

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If it resembled the snes version in terms of overall gameplay feel, with speed and camera placement, thickness of the race track and such, I'd probably buy it.


It would be cool if some of the tracks were interactive, as in having the ground being made up of circles in some areas that turned, so that ud had to adjust your driving a bit. I guess tracks like bowser caslte is similar in that sense.

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I'd like a Free Driving mode where you are placed in a HUGE environment that seems endless, whether it'd be a city or something and all you do is drive around in your super cool cart. Here there are secret unlockables to be found by say driving in an underground car park and in the last space, there is an item or the lift opens up and inside the lift is another item.


This could act like a Mii Plaza type mode that is online, you drive around and meet other Wii owners. You can make exchanges such as car parts for money among other things and issue challenges for online matches.

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A strange wish for me: Change the font in the game. I really don't like the font and, althought it isn't at all important, I'd really like to see it changed (mainly the HUD)


Also, I felt the N64 Menus were much better than the GC and DS as it just drew me in more. It's weird, I know :heh:


Anyway, in relation to important aspects of the game, plenty of tracks would be good (over 20 at least) and I would definitely like the 'Isle Delfino' theme to be gone. I much prefer the classic feel of Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64. I have felt that all Mario games have been starting to lose that classic feel since the Gamecube era began, which for me is a shame.


I want Item boxes to be yellow with a white question mark on them, like the good old days. (Like 3D Super Mario World blocks on the track) Bring back the feather aswell for use in shortcuts and dodging shells.


Better Characters as drivers: Why did they ever think Petey Pirahna was a good idea? Maybe some people like it, but I don't. Why couldn't they use the Koopa Kids from Super Mario World or something? I think it would be great if they were all 'bosses' in the game as part of an adventure mode and, once you beat them, you unlock them to race as.


As well as an adventure mode, I would like the return of 5 races in a grand prix as opposed to 4. A better battle mode is also a must as they have been useless after the quality of the N64 and SNES versions.


I want a return to the classic go-karts which hold one racer. Making them a little bit faster probably wouldn't hurt either :heh:


Track editor would be great.


Different weather conditions. I want to see rain, show, thunder and lightning. Wind could play a part in a couple of levels to- making it harder to aim green shells, blowing item boxes around making them slightly more difficult to grab and blowing things across the track you need to dodge.


Basically, I want a Mario Kart which has a classic feel with loads of elements from Mario's history.


As for controls, I will copy those from the post I made in the Smash V Mario Kart thread:


I've been thinking all along that it should be a remote/nunchuck set-up with using the remote to physically throw bananas/bombs whilst pointing at the screen to fire green/red shells. The nunchuck's analogue stick could obviously be used to steer and perhaps nudging/shaking it when close to an opponent could be used to steal a weapon by barging into them or to knock them into a carefully placed banana or off the edge of the track.


Hopefully the game won't rely too much on luck either, something which frustrates me in some games, and I definitely hope snaking isn't possible as that would ruin any prospect of online play.

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I wouldn't. :shakehead


I remember thinking it would be cool when it was first shown, but at the end of the day unless you were the one driving it really wasn't all that fun. Not enough going on with the weapons to make it engaging. If they were to add to that aspect somehow though it could probably work a bit better, but then they'd just be messing with the formula too much again.


While I do agree that the whole 2 Player weapon thing should be more engaging, it really wasn't that bad. It depends on what you prefer, actually. I think they should have had an aiming feature to make the multiplayer aspect a bit more solid and compelling. I don't think they'd be messing with the formula too much if they improved it just a little to make it a bit more fun. Perhaps this game will have it both ways, where the player can choose for everyone to have two players in one kart or just one player per kart. We'll just have to see.

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I thought DS was alright in terms of speed actually, 150cc is pretty nippy. Again I'm back with my conservative views. (sorry) :heh:


But I mean, we have F-Zero for insane speed. :wink:


See i would 100% agree with you when i first played the DS version, but go back to it and it doesn't seem that fast, to me anyway! :smile:


Anyway your allowed your opinion mate, no worries! You put things in much better ways then alot of people do on here! : peace:


F-Zero speed in Mario Kart would be pretty cool wouldn't it?! :laughing:

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Online is a must, 8 players would be great with the option to do battle, vs or a whole GP. A friends list where you can invite players into your games, they can join half-way through (and watch until the next round) etc.


Loads of tracks, 16 isn't really enough as they aren't very long. 20 decent sized tracks and being able to possibly download more in the future and unlock tracks from old MK games.


As for the controls. I'm thinking using the nunchuk to control your movement, using one of the trigger buttons to powerslide. A to accelerate on the Wiimote and point at the screen where to shoot items and B deploys items. Brake can be demoted to either down on the d-pad or 1 as it's so rarely used anyway.


Widescreen and 480p

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Basically, I want a Mario Kart which has a classic feel with loads of elements from Mario's history.

I like your way of thinking. icon14.gif


Perhaps this game will have it both ways, where the player can choose for everyone to have two players in one kart or just one player per kart. We'll just have to see.
Yeah, having the choice would be best I think.


F-Zero speed in Mario Kart would be pretty cool wouldn't it?! :laughing:
:grin: Would certainly be funny.

Maybe they'll include a 200cc mode this time. As speed does seem to be a common concern that a lot of people have with the game.


Widescreen and 480p
Hell yeah, and DPLII.
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