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Is global warming a good thing for the UK?


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Over the past 350 years since the weather records began the weather recently scratches the surface of the damage weather has done in the past + Including Rainfall and Temperature...


What that has do to with your question I don't know but all I'm gonna say is There is nothing negative as of yet to be shown and if their is, surely it just means hotter summers and milder winters

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Somewhere in the Middle Ages (11th century) they started 'poldering' small lakes already. Poldering was mainly done for the fertile land it yields, but in recent years it was done just for living space (the entire province Flevoland was made for that).


We didn't go easy, comparing:

Middle Ages:




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A rise of 1-2 degrees will result in regular, hotter summers, the type of ones which killed dozens people across Europe a few years ago. Southern parts of Europe will become unable to farm traditional summer crops.


Economic migrants from Africa and Asia, where the deserts have already started expanding at an exponential rate, will increase dramatically. As the ice caps melt it's possible that gulf stream, which brings us our warm weather and much of our rain, will be either shifted or stop all together by the new body of water. If the ice caps do melt, we're pretty much guaranteed a rise in sea level of at least sixteen feet, which (I probably don't have to point out) will make the recent nation-wide flooding look like paddling pool.


Of course, this is all if we're lucky.

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As the ice caps melt it's possible that gulf stream, which brings us our warm weather and much of our rain, will be either shifted or stop all together by the new body of water.


also is the gulf stream becomes diluted with water from the melting ice caps it could actually send all of europe into an ice age. Watch an inconvenient truth by al gore. it makes you really think.


You mean the North Atlantic Drift. The gulf stream becoems that when it hits North America. I'd prefer cooler weather in Britain, so if the NAD stops I'd be happy.

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Guest Stefkov
Sea levels rising = destruction of Liverpool and a beach for Manchester?


Must be good then! :heh:

Hear hear.

A beach on Manchester would rock.


The Uk might become warmer thus making it that tiny little* bit more of an option for foriegners to come and visit on holiday.


*very tiny.

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Where's the evidence for this? Like pages from science websites?


It's alright saying these things are possible but why is it and stuff.


Watch "An inconvienient truth" it won loads of awards. there was a website but i forgot it.

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Guest Stefkov
Why don't they just nuke Manchester bury a mile deep hole and pump all the water there?....Makes alot more sense ::P

The IRA already tried and failed. Alas the pub my dad ran didn't survive :(

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Chavs, football hooligans, celebrity gossip-whores and binge drinkers now make up a large population of the UK. If we can... remove some of those - it could be an improvement.


You forget to include those 90,000 Prison Loving Criminals....


Besides anything that we do to reduce global warming China will make up for the Emissions we have saved and then triple the output...


It's all looking a little bit futile...

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