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The N-Europe results hyper archive sensation 2007


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Congrats Buttons, and yeah Ellmeister, it is a good start for the results!!! Lets hope everyone else can pass and get to where they need to.


Before I go off and get mine, I just want to say good luck once more to everyone :D, I'm cheering without you knowing it!

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Guest Stefkov
And also:

Good luck to everyone :D not long now till I can go get my results to :D :D feeling very queasy but still. I just realised this morning that I haven't been thinking about my general studies results at all, I haven't even thought about a grade for it. lolz stupid general studies

Aha, oh bugger. Forgot all about General Studies, hope I got a decent grade.

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Dun dun dunnnnn!




YAY! I was all but certain I was gonna get 4 D's but those C's have made my day :D Shame about some of those really low modules pulling my B's down..bah, oh well. Retakes perhaps?


Best of luck to everyone else! Also, did anyone see BBC News this morning? With the two girls and one of them read their results wrong? Oh dear. I felt so bad :(

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Guest Stefkov

I did shit. B in Photography, C in Graphics, C in COmputing and an E in mths and General Studies.


Shit. Shit shit shit

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here get this

i got in :D


didnt get the grades or nothing (was one grade off it) - got a C and 2 D's when i should have got a B and a C





Well done, Buttons. I'm pleased for you.

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Guest Stefkov
thats not *insert swear word*


id be chuffed if i got that


depends on what your doing at uni i guess

Only 170 UCAs points. I have no idea how it works now having a conversation with my parents, we're all baffled so I really don't care anymore.

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Okay so I got my A Levels, I just needed to come back to my house quickly and I'm off out now for some heavy drinking.


I got a C in Government & Politics which... I don't know how I got that I thought I'd get an E. For ICT Double award I got a BC which I was very, very disappointed with. I was supposed to have a safe BB and maybe a AB. But coursework got marked down so much... then I found out I was two marks away from an BB... so I'm doing one re-sit to get me them marks...


I'm overall quite disappointed with it all... I supposedly had the chance of an AB... I was the top of the class in every single piece of coursework (we had 11) and yet I didn't get a very good mark... It just feels shit as I got an A* at GCSE, down to a BC... hopefully a BB once I get one unit re-sat... :(


EDIT: Also my AS levels from last year were C in psychology and a C in critical thinking.

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Only 170 UCAs points. I have no idea how it works now having a conversation with my parents, we're all baffled so I really don't care anymore.



Keep on top of things!!! Ring all the unis which would want to go to and ask if they have a place for you! Sound like you are on top of the world, if you are happy about going to their uni they will probs give you a place anyways despite your grades. (jsut remember to know something about that uni before)


@buttons: lol you got the same grades as me last year, and i hated my hell hole of a grammar school. Next year it's going to be 5 things


  • drinking
  • meeting a F load of new people (filling your phone address book)
  • sleeping in
  • late nights
  • more drinking!

EVERYONE POST YOUR UNIS! so we know where you are going for some stalking activities! (lol)


I'm at oxford brookes! anyone nearby *cries*

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Keep on top of things!!! Ring all the unis which would want to go to and ask if they have a place for you! Sound like you are on top of the world, if you are happy about going to their uni they will probs give you a place anyways despite your grades. (jsut remember to know something about that uni before)


@buttons: lol you got the same grades as me last year, and i hated my hell hole of a grammar school. Next year it's going to be 5 things


  • drinking
  • meeting a F load of new people (filling your phone address book)
  • sleeping in
  • late nights
  • more drinking!

EVERYONE POST YOUR UNIS! so we know where you are going for some stalking activities! (lol)


I'm at oxford brookes! anyone nearby *cries*


Im going to be at university of ulster in coleraine

2 people on the forum know where that is ( they both went)

but i only know one person going... rarr

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Guest Stefkov

Sorry for all the swearing but I was really dissapointed.

I'm so annoyed at Computing. They make us copy out code form a sheet. Briefly tells us what it's meant to do. Then they make us do a whole coursework from it, anaylysing code which we know nothing about. I got a B and an A in the two exams. People say CP3 was the hardest but I got an A.

Then an E in my coursework brings me down to a C. Um ok thanks.

It's ony AS, guess I'll have to work harder to try and get whatever Huddersfield Uni wants.

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I'm at oxford brookes! anyone nearby *cries*


Well, I'm curreny living in Oxford (to be honest my parents are and I'm staying with them), but I'll be off back to Birmingham come September. Anyway, I know a few people at Oxford Brookes. It's a pretty sweet university, with fantastic guild (quite often get some pretty famous bands playing there) and facilities. You'll have to contend with Oxford University students looking down their noses at you though if you go out in the city centre, but who cares about those snobby gits. :grin:


Well I had my graduation this week :) All those years of work are now over. Feeling quite proud, here's a couple of pics...


my degree



Why is it every university has a degree certificate that's better looking than mine. Birmingham's one looks a bit rubbish and hardly official at all. Congrats though.

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I'm just annoyed at mine because I had 11 pieces of coursework which were A/B/Cs and then loads got marks taken off, some as much as 11 marks. All I needed was 2 marks to get a BB and 62 to get an AB. That 62 would of been achieved if I hadn't got so many taken off. Oh well, one re-sit for 2 marks will do me...

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Well, I'm curreny living in Oxford (to be honest my parents are and I'm staying with them), but I'll be off back to Birmingham come September. Anyway, I know a few people at Oxford Brookes. It's a pretty sweet university, with fantastic guild (quite often get some pretty famous bands playing there) and facilities. You'll have to contend with Oxford University students looking down their noses at you though if you go out in the city centre, but who cares about those snobby gits. :grin:



That is so true but TBH the oxford students are too busy hiding in their archaic buildings and rowing on the river to really notice that it's the brookes students which really own oxford lol..


yeah there are great bands! at the Carling academy ive already seen gym class heroes and going to see the young knives this sept!


Speaking of gym, we do have a pretty good one :) with sauna aswell! XD

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