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Only 170 UCAs points. I have no idea how it works now having a conversation with my parents, we're all baffled so I really don't care anymore.


I got a simillar amount of UCAS points 2 years ago, after finisishing my A-levels. Basically, I had always intended on taking a gap year and that's what I did. During that year, I had the chance to go back to school to re-sit one or two modules, and that's what I did, but the overall marks and UCAS points didn't improve much, probably because I was working full time during my gap year, and didn't have as much time to revise as I did in the 6th form. So if you are going to go down that route - make good planning with your time.


After the gap year, I applied for a few University courses through clearing, with my low UCAS points. Many of which required around 240Points, were more than happy to consider me, so do not be afraid to approach departments that you think you may not be good enough for. At one group session/interview thing I attended, I remember seeing a kid with only 120UCAS points being accepted to do Teacher Training, which required 240Points!! So if you do go through clearing, prepare yourself fully for it, study as much as you can about the courses and show a keen intrest in it!


Oh, and people who says A-levels are getting easier are Bastards!

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I've literally turned up to my English Lit & Lang lesson 30% of the time this year. The woman gave us Shakespear sheets then fucked off, really was poor teaching. Made some good mates on the course, but I could not be bothered. People literally used to clap if i turned up lol.


So I was not shocked to see 2 U's on the Shakespeare papers. But get this, for the second year running I got full marks on the creative writing paper and the highest A possible. Which took my grade up to a C, well chuffed considering I didnt put any effort in. Must be the best at creative writing in the college's history (hate to blow my own trumpet), but full marks 2 years running is pretty special.


Got a B for film, as I expected as I rock at that subject :D


And an E for Media :( We had a shit teacher for 2 years, so fuck it.



So you got a C after only turning up for 30% of the lessons in english? That's pretty impressive!


I've only been at about the same amount of my english lessons this past year too, yet I've improved my mark from a D to a B on all my mocs/coursework. Hopefully I'll get the same for my final grade.

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Cant really compare GCSE English to AS Level English mate. A. There is no coursework involved in AS/A2 Levels, so its all exam based and B. It is much harder.


For GCSE English back at skool, I got 2 A's...


I wasn't comparing the 2 courses, I know their much harder, I mean they are A-levels. I just meant you did pretty great getting your grade up and then mentioned my english gcse. Thats all.

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Cant really compare GCSE English to AS Level English mate. A. There is no coursework involved in AS/A2 Levels, so its all exam based and B. It is much harder.


For GCSE English back at skool, I got 2 A's...



That's news to me, AS = Coursework in English lit 3 pieces (AQA), Physics 3 pieces (Edexcel), Biology 1 piece (edexcel)


and that's just AS

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Do any of these involve courework?




Philosophy and ethics (AS) general studies (AS)



Thats what I'm taking in A-level, I actually prefer coursework to the exams for some reason.


I'm planning on taking the Red ones aswell. I'm also taking Biology and Maths. I don't really want to take maths, but the course i was looking at for Uni says i need it.

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I'm planning on taking the Red ones aswell. I'm also taking Biology and Maths. I don't really want to take maths, but the course i was looking at for Uni says i need it.


I have no idea what I want to do in Uni, at all. I'm just choosing the subjects I'd really like to do and seeing where it takes me basically.

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I have no idea where that is! sounds like somewhere where I should know!


I had a okish friend that went to my grammar school that went to my uni at the same time. We dont really talk that often :S


its in northern ireland

we o nly have 2 universities

*uni of ulster (split into 4 campuses, magee, jordanstown, coleraine and portrush - coleraine is the best of them all)

*queens uni


I got four As... whee! So now I've made my Cambridge offer.


Well done everyone else.


smart cookie!



i think our headboy was doing something like history at cambridge

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Oh, and people who says A-levels are getting easier are Bastards!


Know what you mean. I remember when I finished my A-Levels, there were all these newspaper reports that were going on about how records numbers of people had got A's and that they meant nothing any more. It made me so angry I wrote into the Guardian basically saying people who say that can piss off as I worked hard to get my results and didn't want to some stuck up middle aged cock telling me that things were so much harder in their day. They never printed it. :sad: Maybe I should have been less vicious in my attack as the middle aged cocks were probably the ones reading it. Oh well, made me feel better. :grin:


That is so true but TBH the oxford students are too busy hiding in their archaic buildings and rowing on the river to really notice that it's the brookes students which really own oxford lol..


yeah there are great bands! at the Carling academy ive already seen gym class heroes and going to see the young knives this sept!


Speaking of gym, we do have a pretty good one :) with sauna aswell! XD


Woah, Carling Academy? I think you mean either The Zodiac or The Venue. :wink: Although its been taken over, its soul will still be non Carling Academy (I hope). Oooh and don't forget the pretty decent climbing wall you got as well, and avoid the little nobbers next door in my old school of Cheney!

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