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Fascination for the macabre


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Im not sure if i count this as macabre but i have a fascination with the insane. Its not a hobby i persue per se but I really enjoy iflms that get inside killers heads. Watching The Cell was sooooo good.

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Its interesting sometimes to hear about the crimes, I find. I dunno' why - and I usually regret hearing about them :heh:. That's mainly with the serial killers.


The other stuff just tends to make me lose faith in humanity, and those videos sound sick as fuck. They really do.


Oh, and dissections - its ok. You get used to it after a while, and the cadavers don't especially look human after a while with all the treatment stuff. Its all really interesting stuff though.

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Its interesting sometimes to hear about the crimes, I find. I dunno' why - and I usually regret hearing about them :heh:. That's mainly with the serial killers.


The other stuff just tends to make me lose faith in humanity, and those videos sound sick as fuck. They really do.


Oh, and dissections - its ok. You get used to it after a while, and the cadavers don't especially look human after a while with all the treatment stuff. Its all really interesting stuff though.


They really are. Completely fucked up. =/


That's interesting, that "no longer look human" perspective. I think it's something that's necessary when you work in that kind of field, or else you can't deal with it.

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I think you're on to a loosing streak trying to work out why serial killers are the way they are. The majority are certainly sociopaths (Harold Shipman springs immediately to mind) who, on a fundamental level, are incapable of functioning in a way we would Identify as human. It's a strange thought, but it's pretty much impossible to imagine how they think.

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I think you're on to a loosing streak trying to work out why serial killers are the way they are. The majority are certainly sociopaths (Harold Shipman springs immediately to mind) who, on a fundamental level, are incapable of functioning in a way we would Identify as human. It's a strange thought, but it's pretty much impossible to imagine how they think.


I like it... inabilty to live in society justified by horrific murder.

But hell, if you want true sociopaths, Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer take the trophy.

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Shipman must count though. I mean, he killed a horrific number of people, and he looked as if he felt absolutely nothing. You know that footage of him leaving the car in a body warmer? he looks plain as day, but there's a man who might have killed 100 people. how fucking strange is that?

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There are alot worse people than Shipman although he comes 4th on the list of most suspected murders.


The most is Thug Behram from India who had killed 931 people. I mean thats just crazy almost a thousand people dead and there was a whole cult of his just going about strangling people.


Does anybody know of the Zodiac? It's really wierd all the messages and the film just out is really good so if your intrested in that sort of stuff your should go see.


During the film the Zodiac just breathes down the telephone, and on Friday I picked up the phone to hear heavy breathing. I went with my friend to see it so I'm guessing hes just being a dick but it better be him...

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Yeah totally fucked up.


It was the blinds made from human lips which freaked me out a bit.


How the fuck could you eat soup from a human skull, it's just sicking.


And Dahmer, the boy that was taken back to him by the police. What the hell where they thinking?

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I asked first :P


Admiration comes in many forms, but I suppose you have never met any if this men, and so you can only admire their acts and "achievments".Thus the sickness.


I don't admire their actions, I just question them. For what purpose should a person that sort of thing?? And as it gets darker and grimmer I tend to question myself even stronger. I think that answers your question. It matters to me. :D

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I think you're on to a loosing streak trying to work out why serial killers are the way they are. The majority are certainly sociopaths (Harold Shipman springs immediately to mind) who, on a fundamental level, are incapable of functioning in a way we would Identify as human. It's a strange thought, but it's pretty much impossible to imagine how they think.


But this is why he's interesting. Your brain always wonders when his sociopathy will break and if he wil ever undestand what he did. Which he evidently did, hence playing swing time.


But like Oxigen, I find it really interesting getting inside these guys heads. If you can do it really well and start to understand their thoughts and feelings then sometimes you can put yourself in their shoes. Then when you look at their situation from the inside then you can see not only how they justified what they did but also their reasoning as to why murder/rape/mutilation arent that bad. You properly understand them.


And thats when it gets really scary. Cos often these guys arent totally unhinged. They just have a different perception or perspective on the events happening around them to how we see things. One of us might have gotten on really well with Mr. Shipman and when you found out he was a mass murderer part of you would have just been really disappointed.

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Just terrified myself. I was reading the wikipedia article on Jefrrey Dahmer when it said that one of his victims, Matt Turner was killed on the 30th June 1991 which is my exact name and birthday. Biggest coincedence ever.


On the very same day one Matt Turner died, another was born.

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