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Your Phobia


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Guest Stefkov

I have a fear of phones. I just don't like answering anything except my mobile which hardly anyone rings anyway.


That's it. People fear me, I wonder if that has a name.

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Guest Jordan


I remember a thread on here about synaesthesia, and a fuckload of you claimed to have it. Fuck off. It's ok to not be special. Really.


Just because you don't have it :p

Jealousy! Jealousy!!


But seriously, its real and i know for a fact Letty has it, its a little weird... but you know.


EDIT: If you wanna read up on it for whatever reason: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia

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Guest Jordan

My fears:

Fear of throwing up in public (as previously documented)

Fear of crowds a little

Fear of being alone (as in, relationship wise)

Fear of being injuried seriously, again....

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VIPER: Play the game Condemned, You will be scared shitless mate :D


I think i'd be ok if they're only virtual :heh: Plus looking at them isn't the problem, it's when they're in the corner of my vision because it feels like it's a person. Hard to describe but does freak me out.

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I fear large groups of chavs.....


Ah man, everytime when I'm out by myself and I pass I group I'm scared shitless they're gonna start on me for no reason, but that's only because of one bad past experience.

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Guest Jordan

I just realised i'm scared of ghosts too, but thats not really a phobia... but i've never played Fatal Frame because of it :(

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I have no phobias, then again phobias are rare conditions. I don't really have any irrational fears either.


I never really fully understand why anyone is scared of spiders. Sure they're creepy, I mean they're ugly bastards and move about unpredictably but they're mostly harmless creatures not worthy of our attention. I think a lot of people are brought up on the idea that it's normal to be scared of them.

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I have no phobias, then again phobias are rare conditions. I don't really have any irrational fears either.


I never really fully understand why anyone is scared of spiders. Sure they're creepy, I mean they're ugly bastards and move about unpredictably but they're mostly harmless creatures not worthy of our attention. I think a lot of people are brought up on the idea that it's normal to be scared of them.


Phobia's, and I mean things that bring on panic attacks and the like are quite common I thought? Or am I wrong?


I know irrational fears are extremly common. I have a irrational fear of spiders, as you say probably because I was bought up like that. But my phobia of complete darkness is definitly a phobia. I go into a panic attack, won't stop screaming and sometimes crying.


my wasp thing though, I had in my room a few weeks back and I wouldn'y go back in their that day/night, even when it was gone. I then kept thinking it was still in my room and could attack me at any moment. Is that just a fear or a phobia?

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Guest Stefkov
Just because you don't have it :p

Jealousy! Jealousy!!


But seriously, its real and i know for a fact Letty has it, its a little weird... but you know.


EDIT: If you wanna read up on it for whatever reason: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia

I remember that thread about that, people saying days correspond to colours and the like. Sounds pretty cool I think.


I fear being the centre of attention. I like being the quiet person in the group who occasionally comes up and tells a few jokes.

As soon as the attention is all on me I just can't do anything. Not really bad, I just say naa I aint doing it.

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Butterflies, freaky little shits.



Moths too. Spiders freak me out, as well as a lot of insects.


Ah man, everytime when I'm out by myself and I pass I group I'm scared shitless they're gonna start on me for no reason, but that's only because of one bad past experience.


Get one of them by theirselves, and they're total pussies.

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I'm not sure if I have any fears like the ones mentioned... Most of my fears would be things like I worry about end up getting fat or ending up a failure at life o_O Actually I do have a little bit of paranoia when out in town that I will always check my pockets just to make sure my phone/keys/ipod/wallet have not jumped out of them in the past five minutes. Not keen on insects knowing they are there and I can't see them but don't mind at all if I can see them. I actually quite like wasps, have no idea why.

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No phobias. But then again, I'm not a crazy person.


Getting slighly scared of something isn't justification for calling it a phobia. Phobias are full blown psychological conditions and my bets are you lot are over exaggerating your fear of whatever you claim to have a phobia of.


I remember a thread on here about synaesthesia, and a fuckload of you claimed to have it. Fuck off. It's ok to not be special. Really.


Well I definitely have a phobia of spiders. I can't be in a room with one. I know what you mean about 'being a bit scared of something.' Like I don't like Bee's and wasps but I don't have a phobia of them.


I also have a phobia of being in social situations. It's not quite as bad as it used to be, but I'm still totally aware of absolutely everything going on around me when I'm out with people. Oh, and yes, I am a crazy person.:blank:

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I *used* to have a fear of the dark, but I got past that. Sometimes it comes back to haunt me, but not so much anymore than when I was a kid.


Lately, though, I think I've developed a small new phobia.

Aeroplanes often fly over our house, and I've found myself stopping whatever I was doing and secretly thinking which way to duck to get cover if the plane falls. It isn't a big fear, but it's annoying.

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Slugs, but not the slugs themselves. It's stepping on them that I dread, the squelching sounds. Stems from standing on one bare foot when I was a toddler. Anyway, if I'm in a dark field or garden where I know there are slugs but I can't see them I start to freak out quite a lot to thee point of not being able to move apart from very tiny steps.

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Ah man, everytime when I'm out by myself and I pass I group I'm scared shitless they're gonna start on me for no reason, but that's only because of one bad past experience.


I actually hit a chav the other night, partly because he was on his own and starting on me.


Never felt so enraged in my own life...


He was like "Fucking Nob Ed with ya shirt"


I just kicked off...

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i have no phobias rwar!


i like the dark, i like small spaces it makes me feel closed in and cosy (i love potholing as you feel like that the whole time!) i used to be scared of (not a phobia of) heights but i got over it by confronting it etc (going high up, towers, rollercoasters etc)

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I actually hit a chav the other night, partly because he was on his own and starting on me.


Never felt so enraged in my own life...


He was like "Fucking Nob Ed with ya shirt"


I just kicked off...


I can only hope to have the balls to do that one day.


*high fives*

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I used to be scared of a few things when I was younger. They were results of bad experiences though. They weren't really phobias or anything.


Nowadays I don't fear much. Sure I still try to avoid harm and death but that's just my instinct. :heh:


Also I think it's fair to say that a lot of the phobias posted are just things that you simply feel afraid of over an actual full blown phobia.

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No phobias. But then again, I'm not a crazy person.


Getting slighly scared of something isn't justification for calling it a phobia. Phobias are full blown psychological conditions and my bets are you lot are over exaggerating your fear of whatever you claim to have a phobia of.


The Bard has phobophobia - the fear of phobias :laughing:


Personally, I can't stand spiders, I can't even kill the larger ones because I have to get close to them.


I also have slight vertigo - if I'm near a big drop with minimal protection from falling, I crap myself :(

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