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The Search For Love


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haha, didn't fully explain. I think I talked about before er something; it's true that I hardly know her at all, but I know that about five or four months ago she felt quite similarly to me and one night I had the chance to do something, but I just got too shy :p Thus, the risk of the letter is that she may not still feel the same way: I see her frequently, most every other day and we do glance and exchange smiles but other things just get in the way :indeed:

Anywho, the next time I see her I shall act and with the letter in mind, if her reaction is postive or negative either way: I'll be happy. The letter is more a means of trying to squash my one regret, 'cos I bleedin' hate regrets :smile:


Ah cools. Sorry man, didnt mean to go and throw the book at ya. Good luck! I'd still stear away from using the L word though. Even in your head.

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I thought i was with my recently ended relationship (by recently i mean saturday). But by the end of alst week i realised i didn't, and regretted rushing the sex, i mean, i don't regret having sex, sex is awesome. But the fact we rushed it and i didn't give it a chance to develope.


Which still leaves me with my really sad though, i've had (i'll be frank) a bunch of girlfriends, and my longest has been 4 weeks. Yeah, i can't hold down a relationship.


your too young to have sex

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I'm such an idealist when it comes to love. I see it as all flowers, honey, sunshine and lollipops. I thought all I really wanted was hugs and kisses, but in the last relationship I found this perhaps wasn't the case. However now that it's over I miss her so much that I wonder if maybe it was what I was looking for all along. Either way I'm extremely confused about this whole love malarkey. Then there is the my on going infatuation with a girl that has lasted years, with her giving mixed messages and recently going out with one of my best mates. That is whole other story for another time though.

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1 - Rob, that's what my mum said, but my dad didn't.


2 - Eel, what'dyou mean, shame?


I dunno, suppose I wanted to sound smrt and impress jordan :( 15 doesn't overly young, but just make sure yew do it for the right reasons. Or yew're on holiday er sumthing. Anyways, bed.

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I have been 'seeing' a girl for 3 weeks. She left Uni two weeks ago,to go back home, and she will be coming back up here in early September. We havent kept in contact that much, only the odd text and convo on MSN, so I am not sure if we are on a 'break' or what, not that I am planning on going on any dates this summer. Planning on starting a proper relationship together in September, and I think I'm going up to see her once this summer, in August when the parents are away on holiday.

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It is too young. Im 16 goin on 17 and havent had a girlfriend yet. And yet he not as good looking as me.


1. A lot of girls aren't that shallow, a lot of my friends have had gfs and they're not that good looking, unless acne is a turn on for girls... (rubs grease all over face)


2. Pics of your good lookingness please. :heh:

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He is pretty young and 4 weeks isn't that long at all, but whatever. He's pretty immature sometimes though; maybe girls like that...


I was in love about a month back. I'd being going out with a girl for 9 weeks and it was great, until we had sex and people found out. it made her feel arkward and we went on a break. 2 weeks later she dumped me and a day after that she got a new boyfriend. She expected me to be completely fine with it because apparantly 'she'd done nothing wrong'. It hurts me, a lot. I walked to hospice today and saw them together making out, sucks ass tbh.


Do i want love again? yes. Definately. it's a great feeling and it's nice to be able to look into someones eyes and know they love you as much as you love them. I mean, i want a relationship to feel loved and to enjoy being with someone. Infact, i'd rather just hold a girl in my arms than do anything else tbh.

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I think one of the worst feelings is to find yourself being "replaced." That's how I feel now, as this guy is apparantly a lot like me personality wise. Fucks sake, he even shares my name. Whenever I see Becky's messages on facebook about him, it's like she's saying them to me, and it really drives me insane.

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I think most women would be surprised how many guys want a relationship more than sex though.


I'm like that, but that's not to say sex wouldn't be a plus.

A very, very, very big plus. :wink:


However, I do feel that it's love that should come first in a relationship, by a massive margin.

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Ergh god, fine then:

Note, on this pic i still have braces, it's probably half a year old, but i still look exactly like this



And plus, i'm only 3 months, in fact 2 and a week off being 16, and when it came to sex i feel i was very mature about it. Yeah i can be immature, it's fun to still try and enjoy yourself at my age.

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My story is really rather simple.


1. Fell in love

2. Had a wonderful relationship for 3 years

3. Lost my love but remained best friends with her

4. Discovered I was really happy in my life with the way things were and all my good friends, never really felt I need to pursue love again.

5. I expect one day someone will come along, but in the meantime I don't much care.


It's true what they say, the first thing you have to be is happy with yourself and how your life is. And that's pretty much how I feel. Anything else that comes along is a bonus.

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