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I was wondering, what games do you guys really, really wish they'd make on the Wii? Now, I'm not just talking about GTA this or Half-Life that; I'm talking about games that aren't out anywhere else yet. And it doesn't have to be just for the Wii as such, just games you really want that you'd wish would then come out for the Wii. So not necessarily Wii specific (in terms of controls and what not).


I've always wished, prayed in fact, that a Dizzy game would come out. Wished to death. No words can describe how much I used to love this game...




Yes Dizzy... you make me feel that way.


I'd go out and buy a Wii right now if this game was announced for the Wii; or even just the whole series on the Virtual Console. Or better still...


These beauties being re-made or on the VC...








Points to anyone who can name those games... and not by cheating and looking where the images come from, lol.


So what about you guys? Include screen shots if you like cause it's fun seeing some screenies of classics. :awesome:


And yes.. I know loads of you are about to say, "I already have a Wii, lollzz". Well, don't disappoint, say it.


Nice thread. :)


Easily, Zombies (ate my neighbours).






Put simply, it was a very fun game. Featured a good variety of levels and locations. AWESOME enemies, including the lumberjacks.


I'd make it online, with the ability to co-op the levels with people from anywhere. Also, the ability to play Counter-op, so that some of your friends can actually be enemies in this game.


A new Monkey Island definitely. I loved the first four games and the Wii controller seems perfectly fit for those kind of games. I would even like a compilation of the first four.


AshMat gets points.


But I'm taking them away from him because he cheated.


No not really.


I've heard of the Zombies one but I don't know much about it, what was it for? I looks a bit SNESy.

  Wes said:
AshMat gets points.


But I'm taking them away from him because he cheated.


No not really.


I've heard of the Zombies one but I don't know much about it, what was it for? I looks a bit SNESy.


Aye, sorry, I forgot to list any details about this game.


It was released for the SNES and Megadrive. I owned the megadrive version, but I'm not sure if the SNES version was any different.


Basically, Zombies (as well as other nasty monsters) have invaded your neighbourhood and your job is to rescue neighbours. In each level, you have to rescue a neighbour in distress. However, the twist is that you have to rescue them before the zombies touch them, otherwise they die. Very fun game, and a good range of items. The humour in this is pretty fantastic, as it the cheesy soundtrack. :D

  Wes said:
I've always wished, prayed in fact, that a Dizzy game would come out. Wished to death. No words can describe how much I used to love this game...



That would be Magicland Dizzy - the fourth in the series. It's probably the Amiga version. :awesome:


I would buy every single Dizzy game that came out on the Wii. Then take my own screenshots, print them out and sleep with them.


Ancient BBC game Repton would be nice too:




I remember looking at a review of Freddies whatever it was in an issue of CVG and being gutted I didn't have an Amiga when I was still relying on my C64

Guest Jordan

Looks like you can't hot link to it anymore...



Gunblade. My favourite arcade game ever. Evil robots have invaded New York City, and only a brace of US Navy helicopter pilots armed with Uzis can save the day. It's cheesy, shallow and looks like ass. It's also the greatest amount of fun I've ever had while still wearing underpants. Well, sometimes while still wearing underpants anyway.


Silkworm, Speccy and Com64 game. Really good coop scrolling shooter. It totally relied on teamwork in coop mode and there was just so much action going on on the screen at once. Good days!


I would want to a Wii(assuming I didn't get one) if Phantasy Star Universe came out.Would work really well.


Along with Skies 2 and Shenmue 3.But realisticly,would be good if there was a proper sequal to Lylat Wars.


I'll think of more later.


I want a Castlevania game. Come on Konami - bring me some Wii Remote whip loving. I actually enjoyed the N64 versions so a new one with decent graphics and spooky music would rock my world. I'm going funny in the pants just thinking about it.


The kind of funny that gets you arrested?


And Rez would be awesome on the Wii... or if not they could at do something else cool with the Wii-mote.


Yeah the speaker in the Wii mote could give it a nice edge. They could even (shock horror) make it better than the original. Wouldnt even need the nunchuck actually!


Reminds me actually of a game clled Plasma Pong. That would make an awesome, original VC game.

  gaggle64 said:

Gunblade. My favourite arcade game ever. Evil robots have invaded New York City, and only a brace of US Navy helicopter pilots armed with Uzis can save the day. It's cheesy, shallow and looks like ass. It's also the greatest amount of fun I've ever had while still wearing underpants. Well, sometimes while still wearing underpants anyway.


Yeah that game was intense. I would like an update to Metal Marines that was out on the SNES! No one else remembers it :(

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