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Originally Posted by The Oxford American Dictionary

fate |fāt|


1 the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power : fate decided his course for him | his injury is a cruel twist of fate.

• the course of someone's life, or the outcome of a particular situation for someone or something, seen as beyond their control : he suffered the same fate as his companion.

• [in sing. ] the inescapable death of a person : the guards led her to her fate.

2 ( the Fates) Greek & Roman Mythology the three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans. Each person's destiny was thought of as a thread spun, measured, and cut by the three Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Also called the Moirai and the Parcae .

• ( Fates) another term for Norns .

verb ( be fated)

be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way : [with infinitive ] the regime was fated to end badly.


a fate worse than death see death .

seal someone's fate make it inevitable that something unpleasant will happen to someone.

ORIGIN late Middle English : from Italian fato or Old French fat or (later) from their source, Latin fatum ‘that which has been spoken,’ from fari ‘speak.’


Oxford is said to have the official definition


i don't care if it matches what i posted (i didn't even read it yet)

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Never really had an opinion, but recently I've been thinking, "Oh, of course that would happen to me, of all people" and stuff.


I used to go to church, before realising my brain can't beleive in God. (I want to, I'm terrified of death, and would love to think heaven existed, but I just can't) Sometimes I think, maybe it's some kind of punishment from "God".



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If fate really did exist wouldn't that take away any choices we have in life....that would suck.


How do we know it doesn't already? I mean how do we know the eventual decision we come to about anything isn't exactly what fate intended?


not saying I believe a word of that crap though lol

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How do we know it doesn't already? I mean how do we know the eventual decision we come to about anything isn't exactly what fate intended?


not saying I believe a word of that crap though lol


Yea, I'm not saying it doesn't exist, personally I don't believe in it, but if it did whouldn't that remove any choice we have in life?

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Yea, I'm not saying it doesn't exist, personally I don't believe in it, but if it did whouldn't that remove any choice we have in life?


well, yes I suppose it would. It would basically mean all our decisions we come to are actually predetermind. That's a scary thought.

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well, yes I suppose it would. It would basically mean all our decisions we come to are actually predetermind. That's a sary thought.


Its depressing...I don't understand why anyone would want to believe in fate.


Its partly why I don't believe in God.

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Kind of believe in fate, I have a similar outlook as the bad karma of My Name Is Earl(reading about karma on wikipedia the other day, it isn't actually quite like that apparently) but yeah, I think I should try and do good things and be nice to people and then good things will happen to me in turn. It also helps me keep my mind, because when bad things happen I think 'sure, happened for a reason' and 'something good will happen to balance things out'. It works for me, and keeps me happy :)

Now I have deja vu, didn't Flink make a thread about this a while back?

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I don't believe in fate but I came to the conclusion that there's always something like a right choice and a wrong choice. I think the right choice is offered by god and the closer you are to him the more right choices you make.


For instance this week had a few very crazy thing happening that kept me thinking.


My family was planning to go on holiday this weekend originally, then:

on Tuesday we were invited to a meal on Sunday by a good friend of my granny (who's wife had just died). I had to choose whether to accept the invitation or go on holiday (had to decide by Wednesday) and I chose the meal. I didn't have any reason for it, it just felt right.


On Thursday my parents promised to pick me up at my student occupation because this was my last day before the holidays began.

I had a couple of choices to make: do I still want to do ju-jitsu (yes), do I want something to eat at the student occupation or ask my parents to bring something (eat at student occupation) and then after the meal I had to choose whether to take a dessert or not (normally I don't) but I decided to take a dessert.

By that time a friend of mine came by and asked when a train went home (his parents house is not that far from my parents house). I offered him to go with us by car, and he accepted.


Then I decided to call my parents to ask where they were. The car broke down and they wouldn't be able to pick me up.


So if I didn't make the choices I did: I wouldn't have had anything to eat, had to go alone by train (now there was a friend with me, who could even take me home the last couple of kilometers by car because the train doesn't cross the border), we wouldn't be able to join in for the meal but also wouldn't be able to go on holiday.


Chance, fate - I don't think you can make so many right choices by chance and fate alone.

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Beserk it's an anime where its universe is controlled by the law of causality, the law of cause and effect.


Every action has a reaction, whether its nature is known to us or not. Everything in the Berserk world is bound to the strings of Causality. Each person's situation and even emotional states are tempered through years of careful, causal manipulation.


Which in turn, is manipulated by the Idea of Evil (God), created by human desires and intentions (can be interpreted as humanity's ego), which are primarily evil.

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But how do you know that had you made those other choice ultimatley something else could have happene that was better?


Good point.

Well it turned out quite good so I assume I made the right choices.

Of course it could turn out much better as well but also a lot worse. I'm never going to know.

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Beserk it's an anime where its universe is controlled by the law of causality, the law of cause and effect.


Every action has a reaction, whether its nature is known to us or not. Everything in the Berserk world is bound to the strings of Causality. Each person's situation and even emotional states are tempered through years of careful, causal manipulation.


Which in turn, is manipulated by the Idea of Evil (God), created by human desires and intentions (can be interpreted as humanity's ego), which are primarily evil.


The song 'Forces' is from Beserk :) Only reason i'd heard of it.

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No, fate is a way of excusing bad shit happening that could have been prevented/avoided.


I also don't believe in Karma, but sometimes, when life becomes a little be shitter for me, I like to think that because some bad stuff has happened, statistically, something good should happen, due to the laws of probability.

That's how I justify it, anyway...

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