Goron_3 Posted September 3, 2007 Posted September 3, 2007 After seeing the TV advert around 50 times, I was wondering if anyone knows what the song in the background is called?
Coolness Bears Posted September 3, 2007 Posted September 3, 2007 Is it this Advert? http://youtube.com/watch?v=2ERNHxYpPu8 If it is then that's beyond the sea by Bobby Darin.
Goron_3 Posted September 3, 2007 Posted September 3, 2007 Is it this Advert? http://youtube.com/watch?v=2ERNHxYpPu8 If it is then that's beyond the sea by Bobby Darin. Thankyou
AshMat Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 Man i am absolutely loving this game, just got into Fontaine Fisheries now. Missed one of the little sisters, but i took out 3 of the big daddies.. must've mised one, but i couldn't be arsed going back to find her after all that.
Bluejay Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 Man i am absolutely loving this game, just got into Fontaine Fisheries now. Missed one of the little sisters, but i took out 3 of the big daddies.. must've mised one, but i couldn't be arsed going back to find her after all that. Sometimes a Big Daddy won't have a Little Sister but if you follow him for a bit, he'll get one then you can toast him. I think they respawn too. Go back for him, back tracking is quite fun in this game.
Bluejay Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 Complicated question time! Ive researched everything but the Little Sister in my medium play through and are currently going back as the Big daddy taking pictures etc... Obviously Ive dealt with every Little Sister, so does that mean i cannot get the achievement unless I play again? And if I do unlock it on another game, will I have to unlock everything else in order to get the PHD achievement? Some1 help us out lol IS it possible to get back to Tenebaum's House of Children (german lady's little sister haven) If you can, there are lots of little sisters there. Or, at the end, you escort one, take pics of her. If not, you are stuck until next run. How difficult is hard? Anyone tried it?
AshMat Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 Wait, did everyone else start on easy or something? I started at medium..
Bluejay Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 Wait, did everyone else start on easy or something? I started at medium.. Hobbins did Medium first, now easy for a reasons beyond my comprehension. I'm going to try hard sometime. When is Half Life 2 out? After Halo3 and before that perhaps.
Bluejay Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 How do you get back to her house then mate? I thought it was locked And the reason I am gonna go through it again on Easy first, is to get all the stupid nitty picky achievements! As when I play through it on hard I wanna focus on completing the game and not searching for stuff, If you catch my drift You probably can't. I haven't tried. I played on easy, no idea why. It was an absolute cakewalk. I didn't die once. I did get the Tonic and Audio Diary achievements though so I don't need to bother with those when I play on hard. Easy to Hard will be quite a jump. I'll have to quicksave more.
Nintendinosaur Posted September 5, 2007 Posted September 5, 2007 Help me! I need help desperately. I need to get into the Theatre to meet with Sander Cohen (I think thats his name anyway) I'm in a little room with a bar in the middle, there is a door that wont open in the exact direction of the mission arrow thing, and there is an elevator that is closed shut in the same room. If I go upstairs I find the room with the guitar and stuff. HOW DO I GET INTO THE THEATRE?!
Haver Posted September 5, 2007 Posted September 5, 2007 And where is the third big Daddy in FF WAH WAH WAH
Bluejay Posted September 5, 2007 Posted September 5, 2007 Help me! I need help desperately. I need to get into the Theatre to meet with Sander Cohen (I think thats his name anyway) I'm in a little room with a bar in the middle, there is a door that wont open in the exact direction of the mission arrow thing, and there is an elevator that is closed shut in the same room. If I go upstairs I find the room with the guitar and stuff. HOW DO I GET INTO THE THEATRE?! I think there is a button near the elevator to open the gauze.
Dyson Posted September 5, 2007 Posted September 5, 2007 Got this game from a friend earlier for the PC, and my my...the demo really doesn't do it justice. It put me right off but having played the full game and worked my way through to Fontaine Fisheries, I can safely say this will probably be my second favourite FPS this year, losing only to the Orange Box.
CoolFunkMan Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Wait, did everyone else start on easy or something? I started at medium.. I started on Medium, now I'm playing it through again on Medium. I'm loving this game! There's so much stuff I missed first time. When is Half Life 2 out? After Halo3 and before that perhaps. If you mean the Orange Box (with HL2 plus the Episodes, TF2 and Portal), then that's out October 12th in Europe. The Steam release is going to be 9th/10th October. So yeah, just after Halo 3.
Solo Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 I have a small question, how do you fully research a subject?
S.C.G Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Hmm I went to play Bioshock last night and it DC'd me from Xbox Live as there was an update available, played it today and noticed that it now seems to freez for a few seconds moderate - frequently, has anyone else has this issue? I figured it must be due to the update but I will try some other games later to make sure, it has better not be my Elite thats gone wrong or something because that would just be too annoying >< as I don't expect any problems being that it should be improved and not suffer from the problems that some of the first gen 360's did.
Caris Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Try what aimless said, bootup the game holding RB and LB until the title screen appears.
S.C.G Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Ah cool ty I will try that when i next play it, I didn't see the previous page but I've read up on it now and it seems that must be the problem, assuming that the update included changes to the textures or something then that may well have changed some of the data thats stored on the HDD I guess. And assuming that the Elite has maybe a slightly different DVD drive to the Core and Premium variants then it might be reading the game at a slightly different speed, so I guess resetting the texture cache will most likely sort it out, anyway I will give it a try and let you know what happens.
Solo Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Nope I had the same problem and I have the regular 360, holding down those buttons does indeed fix it.
S.C.G Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Aawesome it worked ^^ Thanks. *goes back to playing Bioshock* (still haven't completed it once yet ><)
BeerMonkey Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 nearly at end now just going back to kill all the big daddys best 360 game ive played so far
That Guy Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Can't believe I've not played this for 2 weeks now. Must get into it this weekend. Enjoyed what I played of it so far but for some reason I just can't be bothered to play it.
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