Cube Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 I mean Vista's video output is on my HDTV how do I make it HDTV and make it fully Widescreen. As for the driver they are installed...Still Nothing What are you connecting it via? If it's the same cable as a PC monitor, than it should work exactly like a monitor. Mine does, at a resolution of 1440x900.
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 What are you connecting it via? If it's the same cable as a PC monitor, than it should work exactly like a monitor. Mine does, at a resolution of 1440x900. Yeah the connection is exactly like a monitor, but the resolution is very low 1360 x 768. It has 2" to 3" Black Strpes either side, and the image is pretty fuzzy. It's a direct connection from PC to HDTV
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 32" Technosonic the HD works I know this because of my 360, but I can't understand why the PC hasn't taken full use of the TV
Cube Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 32" Technosonic the HD works I know this because of my 360, but I can't understand why the PC hasn't taken full use of the TV It's resolution is probably 1366 x 768 (common for a HDTV, 1080 is usually a lie - it accepts that as an input, but doesn't actually display it). So, the only problem is the borders, you can't do anything about the low resolution. No idea on solving the border problem, sorry.
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 It's resolution is probably 1366 x 768 (common for a HDTV, 1080 is usually a lie - it accepts that as an input, but doesn't actually display it). So, the only problem is the borders, you can't do anything about the low resolution. No idea on solving the border problem, sorry. *cries* cheers for your help anyway Cube Appreciated
Cube Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 *cries* cheers for your help anyway Cube Appreciated My Step Dad was kinda annoyed when I told him that the one he bought a few years ago (2 and a half grand) only had a resolution of 1366 x 768, not the full 1080.
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 It's awsome on the 360 I just don't understand why the picture from the PC is so shit, well it's not shit it's jus not what it's capable of.
motion Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I'm assuming OEM versions of Vista can be installed on a blank hard disk right? Doesn't need to be upgraded from XP? Also, god I hate that transparent window bar thing, hopefully that's changeable.
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Yeah it can Also it can be changeable, but the fact is it looks better then the others on offer...Besides you only get that Transparent bar if you get Windows Vista Home Premium and Upwards.
motion Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Ah cool, I've got home premium. Will see how it looks when I install the OS later on.
KKOB Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Ah cool, I've got home premium. Will see how it looks when I install the OS later on. Good Luck!
KKOB Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Thanks straightforward enough Was it? there are countless horror stories about upgrading to vista.
Guest Stefkov Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Upgrading to Vista was the easiest upgrade I've done. Saving all my files to my external HDD, which most of em were anyway, I did it a second time to make sure. Then sticking in the CD and doing it. Didn't take long at all, nor was there any hassle.
AeroScap Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Lol I just did an upgrade to vista for my living room media PC, 1) CD in 2) leave it to install 3) come backt to a new windows It makes a folder in C: called "" all your old files are there. After that is just a copy paste to your new location on your pc THEN just delete "" and it's as new. No problems to be found. At ALL.
fatnickc Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Looks like I'll be building a new PC + Vista in a month or two. What advantages does Ultimate have over Home Premium?
Wesley Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Was it? there are countless horror stories about upgrading to vista. Some links to back this up would be nice.
KKOB Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Some links to back this up would be nice. Lord! Just type in vista upgrade into google and hit a few links. Not hard eh? When vista came out there was loads of stories with driver recognitioon problems, systems just crashing mid install, systems that the advisor said would run vista fine didn't etc etc. Don't tell me during this time you lived under a rock? I hope for the sake of people who are wanting to upgrade to vista that these problems don't exist anymore. but i'm more inclined to think that they're still knocking about. But what do i care anyway?!
Guest Stefkov Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Takeo, that was when it was first released. I've had no problems with mine, no crashes, all updates have installed perfectly. Granted it took my laptop a while to load because of the amount of tihs on it. I wondered what that (Windows.old) was the first time I scanned over the new stuff. I didn't think of checking it, thinking it was important stuff but looking at my HDD, 79GB left of 200GB I was wondering I havn't got that much stuff, or even downloading that much. I find music, cookies, program files. Jeez, 7..8 ..9..21...25GB. lol
Wesley Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Lord! Just type in vista upgrade into google and hit a few links. Not hard eh? When vista came out there was loads of stories with driver recognitioon problems, systems just crashing mid install, systems that the advisor said would run vista fine didn't etc etc. Don't tell me during this time you lived under a rock? I hope for the sake of people who are wanting to upgrade to vista that these problems don't exist anymore. but i'm more inclined to think that they're still knocking about. But what do i care anyway?! You care enough to reply. The fact is that when you make that kind of statement you normally back it up with some links. But I see your tactic is to tell people to find them themselves and that they've been living under a rock. Good tactic.
AeroScap Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Some links to back this up would be nice. Sigh. Comprehensive MacBook Pro Complaint List (Ordered by Annoyance Factor)Screen-related buzzing at all but highest brightness. This has become the biggest complaint because it’s also the loudest distraction. And it kicks in whenever the computer decided in its power-savings, or I decide in my blindedness, to reduce the screen’s brightness. When I’m working quietly, I have to put the screen at maximum brightness, or I can’t concentrate. That’s annoying. Fixability Factor: should be fixed by replacing faulty screen inverter. Screen-related high-pitched squeal. This started much later than all the other complaints, but is also unbearable. The squeal begins reliably after some short period of working in silence, and goes away promptly at the slightest adjustment of the screen’s tilt. Is it related to the inverter flaw above? Who knows. This one happens even when the screen is at highest brightness. Fixability Factor: may go away if the above problem is fixed. CPU Whine. The classic. The only good things about this bug are that it’s maskable by various power-guzzling workarounds, and that it’s barely noticeable when one of the insanely loud noises above is being emitted by the machine. Best theories so far suggest the problem is a flaw in the power supply, which vibrates in response to fluctuating power draw and produces audible noises. The most recent shipping units seem less likely to exhibit the problem, though it seems some are still squeaking (heh, heh) by. I’ve never read of or heard of anybody who has sent a machine in for repair and had the whine fixed, though I have heard from several who have received replacement units with no whine. Fixability Factor: I’m guessing it’s 100% fixable but perhaps a 10% or less chance a defective unit will actually come back fixed. Mooing Madness.The extremely sporadic mooing problem is usually either absolutely present are or absolutely absent. I am pretty sure it has to do with the heat of the machine, with gives credence to the idea that it’s a cooling fan repeatedly firing up and spinning down. It’s wrong, whatever it is. Fixability Factor: it seems like an obvious flaw in either the power management software or in an electrical connection to that fan. If it is a fan, that is. I’m holding out for 50/50 chance of fix. White Noise. As we move down into the “far less problematic, but still annoying” ranks, we have the issue of the 100% active left fan. While the mooing noise almost sounds as if it’s a fan that can’t quite get started, the subtle white noise that emanates from the left side of the machine seems more like a fan that will never shut off. Perhaps the computer runs hot enough that always running a fan is the way to handle things. UPDATE: Chris Liscio chimes in with information suggesting that the Seagate hard drive is responsible for this noise. How can he be so confident? He observed a similar sound from his iBook, starting when he replaced the original hard drive with a similar Seagate. Case closed, as far as I’m concerned! Fixability Factor: Assuming it’s the hard drive, anybody who is really bothered by this constant, very quiet white noise can probably find another hard drive that doesn’t exhibit the same trait. Hot, Hot, Hot! Perhaps related to the always-on fan is the fact that the machine gets very hot. So hot that I can’t hold it on my lap. I thought this might be a side-effect of 2.0Ghz of dual core power, and maybe it is. But some have reported that the heat issue is less significant in later revisions. If so, I might as well point out that ideally I’d like to be able to put this laptop in my lap. Fixability Factor: if the always-on fan and the can’t start fan are signs of underlying cooling problems, it might explain why the machine is frequently hotter than a fresh biscuit. Vague hope for a fix. Track, Damn Trackpad! This is one I hadn’t noticed until I started trying to do more long working sessions at the MacBook Pro. Frequently I find myself unable to move the mouse for a few seconds as the trackpad apparently becomes unresponsive to my movement. I don’t know if this is a wacky side-effect of the way I use the pad, or what. I’ve never had this problem on another Mac laptop, but perhaps it’s somehow related to the “two finger scrolling” feature, which I quite like. Fixability Factor: given my extremely negative experience with the Mighty Mouse, I suspect it’s possible that Apple is simply studying users who don’t expect pointing devices to behave the way I do. If that’s the case, perhaps I just have to learn to live with it. Bright Spots. No, this isn’t the optimistic change of tune you might have been hoping for. My display has bright spots. Literally. The bottom left and right corners are slightly brighter than the rest of the display. Not a big deal, but a “sub-perfection” observation. My only concern would be if the brightness is an early warning that the magnetics in the speakers are not being properly shielded from the display. Does it even work that way on an LCD, though?Fixability Factor: don’t care that much but suspect that another screen might happen to be better (or worse). Sweeping Broom Noise? Is this is a new UI effect, or yet another aural anomaly? I sometimes upon starting up my machine hear a sort of crashing/broom-sweeping noise. It only seems to happen when power cycling, but it’s disconcerting. One reader has reported a “rattlesnake noise” which might be the same. Anyway, this barely bothers me at all because it’s confined to a specific period of time, but I’m slightly worried it is the tip of a problem that will develop into something more omnipresent. Fixability Factor: shrug - I’m in the dark here. Airport Flakiness. Here we are at the very rock-bottom list of my complaints. This is the least of all complaints, but it’s something I haven’t noticed before on my other Macs. It’s basically guaranteed that every other time I click on the Airport menu bar item, it will be empty of stations. I have to click it again to see the list (sometimes quite numerous) of stations in my immediate vicinity. Note this is not the same as the “doesn’t reconnect after sleeping” issue, which I fixed by making a new “location” in Network Preferences from scratch. This issue doesn’t affect connectivity at all but is just a nuisance when trying to make an initial connection. This has mostly annoyed me on my recent week-long vacation to various points west of the Rockies. Fixability Factor: suspect it may be fixable in software, as other wireless detection software such as AirTrafficControl seems to maintain a more consistent view of the wireless world. Looks like I'll be building a new PC + Vista in a month or two. What advantages does Ultimate have over Home Premium? Have a look here Windows Fax and Scan Protect against hardware failure Easier remote access for your business Better protect your data All pointless unless you like to send faxes XD Save a few bob by going for home premium
Slaggis Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 only problems I've had have been with nvidia's crap drivers. thats it. vista is great.
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Vista is awesome, as long as you go by the instructions and what or what it is not compatible with it will be a pleasent experience. Anyone who cries over how bad Vista is probably has a Mac.... Vista is great
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