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Football Season 2007/2008


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It's the first game of the season, so it's not like they desperately needed the points. Like I said, I do think there is some quality in their team, and we know for damn sure they can give teams a right good game, so I'm just pretty damn disappointed to see them play like this. Is this how we're going to see every team outside the top 6 play against us?


Weather its the start or the end of the season, all the points count just as much. That point could well keep reading up, you never know.


Utd must have surley known that reading wouldnt come to outright attack. They would get slaughtered.

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screw you man u fans. Maybe you don't understand supporting a big club but this is the way a team like reading has to play to get a result. You spent 50 million in the summer we spent 500 thousand. How do you expect us to compete without playing defensively

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Well Chelsea complaining about their injury "crisis" we now are without any strikers. Hmmm whats worse Terry injured or your whole strikers out?




Chelsea have a lot more than just Terry out.


And shame about Rooney he's in my dream team.

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Well Chelsea complaining about their injury "crisis" we now are without any strikers. Hmmm whats worse Terry injured or your whole strikers out?


No one has really complained, it more just an inconvenience. Its United's fault for not having sufficient backup. Had we not brought in reinforcements in defence Terry's injury really would be a crisis.

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Some Major Knee Jerking on the forum here...


  • Reading came out, had a plan, stuck to it, got a result simple as really
    United weren't good enough
    Poor Finishing from United
    It's Still Early Season


Some People Need to Calm Ze Fuck down, United still have Tevez to come but having said that It has yet to be seen if United have a plan B against teams like Reading who will come and defend.


United just looked out of options half the time.


Still, 2 Points Dropped and as they said on Sky it's the kind of league where every point counts...


The League isn't won or lost on the first day of the season it's still a long road ahead....


Fulham last year didn't really go their with the intention of winning either, not to my recollection anyway. The fact is, Reading are not a newly promoted side, they have definite quality in their team, and they should be gunning for a top 10 or so finish this season. I'm a little bit disappointed to say the least in a team such as Reading to see them play in such a way, especially as I thought they had aspirations.


Reading too have aspirations but at the end of the day their are places in the league, Anfield, Stamford Bridge, Old Trafford, Emirates to name a few where any result is a good result...

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I'm just pretty damn disappointed to see them play like this.


Play like what? Effective? Great way to play at Old Trafford, I'd be happy to see every team outside the top 4 play like that there.


To be honest, we're going to be in for a very long and boring season if teams continue to play like this.


It'll be 10 times as boring if teams go to grounds like Old Trafford and turn over like good little minnows, just acting as fillers between the games between the big four and to make up the numbers. I know that's what the marketing dept and the Far East 'fans' want, every match to be the Harlem Globe Trotters against some no-marks, but it's better for the game if teams are willing to play ugly and grind out unexpected results.


If your game plan for the season if to expect teams like Reading to come to old trafford and play open attacking football so you can breeze through them and stick four or five past each game, you're not going to hold on to the title very long.

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screw you man u fans. Maybe you don't understand supporting a big club but this is the way a team like reading has to play to get a result. You spent 50 million in the summer we spent 500,00 thousand. How do you expect us to compete without playing defensively


Come on, it was a little boring. People just want to see a flowing game. I was disappointed with the result, but hey, you can't win them all, and there's still 37 games left to go!

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Play like what? Effective? Great way to play at Old Trafford, I'd be happy to see every team outside the top 4 play like that there.




It'll be 10 times as boring if teams go to grounds like Old Trafford and turn over like good little minnows, just acting as fillers between the games between the big four and to make up the numbers. I know that's what the marketing dept and the Far East 'fans' want, every match to be the Harlem Globe Trotters against some no-marks, but it's better for the game if teams are willing to play ugly and grind out unexpected results.


If your game plan for the season if to expect teams like Reading to come to old trafford and play open attacking football so you can breeze through them and stick four or five past each game, you're not going to hold on to the title very long.



Pretty much spot on. Reading done well to grind out a result.

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How about the Prawn Sandwich Brigade....*Ducks for Cover*




Watching MOTD and Kitson should never have got a red card for that.


I thought that too, a bit late, but not intentional. Yellow card would have been suitable.

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Guest Stefkov

I laughed at that Kitson challenge, sure it was late and looked bad but it didn't deserve a red.

He's only been on like 2/3 minutes?

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