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Complete lack of respect


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The one thing worse than people over-reacting to swearing is people accusing others of "blaspheming". It's a non-crime. It doesn't work.

"You go to hell for saying 'Oh my god'" is like me saying "If you say that I'm going to hit you with this big, invisible, nonexistent baseball bat I'm holding!"

See what I mean? It doesn't work.


At school, I've been accused of being called a hypocrite for telling people not to use "gay" as a synonym for "stupid" or "crap", even though I "take the Lord's name in vain".

The crucial difference is that gay people actually exist...:indeed:


God (hehehe) I hate my school.

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The one thing worse than people over-reacting to swearing is people accusing others of "blaspheming". It's a non-crime. It doesn't work.

"You go to hell for saying 'Oh my god'" is like me saying "If you say that I'm going to hit you with this big, invisible, nonexistent baseball bat I'm holding!"

See what I mean? It doesn't work.


At school, I've been accused of being called a hypocrite for telling people not to use "gay" as a synonym for "stupid" or "crap", even though I "take the Lord's name in vain".

The crucial difference is that gay people actually exist...:indeed:


God (hehehe) I hate my school.

It's posts like this that cause 99% of the problems we're talking about. No need for it.

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It's posts like this that cause 99% of the problems we're talking about. No need for it.


How is that a lack of respect?

Why do I have to not question someone's beliefs? What the fuck ever happened to freedom of speech and expression?

You have every right to think and say what you want, but you can't expect others to just stand aside.

(This isn't aimed at any one person in particular, by the way.)

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Arguments and trolls can be fun sometimes, it gives forums some color every now and then. (Not that i´m saying there should always be an annoying troll here)

A conflict every now and then (intellectual or otherwise) is hard to deny not being fun, to a certain degree however.

In a perfect world.....i´d probably kill myself

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How is that a lack of respect?

Why do I have to not question someone's beliefs? What the fuck ever happened to freedom of speech and expression?

You have every right to think and say what you want, but you can't expect others to just stand aside.

(This isn't aimed at any one person in particular, by the way.)

You know that religion is a very touchy subject. You know that it is often the subject of extremely heated debates on the internet, debates that usually descend into name calling and insults. Yet you still make at least 5 posts per day on here claiming that 'God doesn't exist', purely because you are a troll fishing for a reaction. Well on this occasion I'm going to take the bait and say that you are a complete and utter fucking wanker. And yes, you are probably going to hell.

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It's posts like this that cause 99% of the problems we're talking about. No need for it.


I agree. Blatant hyprocrisy in sustaining a narrow-minded, self-righteous attitude then having the gall to talk about freedom of speech and respect.


It's this type of attitude that annoys me the most, that people cannot form such attiudes indepedent of that which is politically correct or in alignment with the general consensous of the time.


Obviously disrespcting religions are fine, as long as you don't say Mohhamed, but homophobs are just narrow-minded bigots right, so its ok for me to be anti-homophobia... isn't it!?

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its not just you your the tip of the iceburg


theres others but whenever i see a post by you lately its VERY rarely on topic and your arguing with someone which is really unnessasary (sp)



"because i called some1 who is uneducated on the foundations of the n word and racism - a tool... " - you could have simply pointed out where he was wrong in your opinion instead of name calling

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It seems to me that a lot of people with low self confidence like to vent themselves online... It's quite sad when you're called dumbass when you list some points of criticism on Ocarina of Time for the sake of discussion.

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You know that religion is a very touchy subject. You know that it is often the subject of extremely heated debates on the internet, debates that usually descend into name calling and insults. Yet you still make at least 5 posts per day on here claiming that 'God doesn't exist', purely because you are a troll fishing for a reaction. Well on this occasion I'm going to take the bait and say that you are a complete and utter fucking wanker. And yes, you are probably going to hell.

For once, I agree with fields. Not about the wanker part though, you are o.k.


It is definately noticeable that you don't believe in god and we get that. Agreeing to disagree is fine particularly in this case when there is no decisive answer. God not existing is just as much of an opinion as God exsiting. You are practically trying to convert others to your belief which makes you no better than over zealous Christians.


I don't believe in God but I don't have to advertise this because no one cares and it is going to cause a reaction and I don't want a react.

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You know that religion is a very touchy subject. You know that it is often the subject of extremely heated debates on the internet, debates that usually descend into name calling and insults.


I know, but I try my hardest not to reduce it to name calling and insults. Insulting someone in an argument is basically saying "I can't think of anything intelligent to say!".


Yet you still make at least 5 posts per day on here claiming that 'God doesn't exist'


I'd like to see the evidence for this...


purely because you are a troll fishing for a reaction.


I guess you have to be one to know one...:indeed:

Please don't call me a troll. Mainly because I'm not.


Well on this occasion I'm going to take the bait and say that you are a complete and utter fucking wanker.


Nice of you to throw the first punch...


And yes, you are probably going to hell.


Goody! All the interesting people are in, or going to, hell! :smile:

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Not about the wanker part though, you are o.k.


Thanks. :heh:


You are practically trying to convert others to your belief which makes you no better than over zealous Christians.


I never try to convert people to what I think. If they don't think what I think, I think they are wrong, but I guess the feeling is mutual.


I don't believe in God but I don't have to advertise this because no one cares and it is going to cause a reaction and I don't want a react.


I don't advertise it. I only bring it up in threads where it is relevant. In this case, it is more that I feel that there is something seriously wrong with society's way of bending over backwards to 'respect' the beliefs (such as, say, not working on a Sunday) of religions.


What's wrong with saying you don't think God exists?


I don't think god exists.


They're accusing me of "flaunting" it. :blank:

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Just because they think differently, doesn't mean they're wrong.


Fair point. I meant I'll disagree with them.


I bet you read the Guardian, don't you?


If that's at me, I find that insulting. :(


I read Private Eye and the Independent, thank you very much...

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For once, I agree with fields. Not about the wanker part though, you are o.k.


It is definately noticeable that you don't believe in god and we get that. Agreeing to disagree is fine particularly in this case when there is no decisive answer. God not existing is just as much of an opinion as God exsiting. You are practically trying to convert others to your belief which makes you no better than over zealous Christians.


I don't believe in God but I don't have to advertise this because no one cares and it is going to cause a reaction and I don't want a react.


I sort of agree too, fish does bang on about it quite alot. In fact, I wasn't quite sure how he even managed to work it into this topic as well! I also think at times that fish is as narrowminded as those he criticises, like demuwan described. Not related to it, but unimpressed with the unoriginal invisible bat analogy btw, probably just cos I heard it somewhere else first.

hobbzinio, there's nothing wrong with a nice polite debate, nobody is saying that there is, but you constantly bring insults and bad language aimed at whoever is disagreeing with you. I didn't really care for the argument in the BB thread, and thought you and Kurtle were just as bad as each other, and actually a bit annoyed that you would think everyone else on the forum wants to sift through all that rubbish. Admittedly, you tried to take it private, but for some reason I'm unaware of but I think is likely to be stupid, Kurtle didn't want to. Anyway, this is not another thread for the argument to spill over into.

I think it could be reduced a bit with some more enforcement from admins/mods, kudos to Platty for actually telling them to keep it out of that thread.

I do agree with most that these forums are relatively nice compared to other forums, but does that mean it's all right for people to carry on being like it here? I'd like to think not.


EDIT: I think the whole thing with ReZ and Hobb was a good example of what this thread is about. It's quite funny, I think ReZ thought Hobb was calling chairdriver a tool, not Kurt, and then the issue escalated, but it's all just as bad.


P.S Fish, where do you get your private eye from?

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Not related to it, but unimpressed with the unoriginal invisible bat analogy btw, probably just cos I heard it somewhere else first.


I 'liberated' it from a youtube video. :heh:


P.S Fish, where do you get your private eye from?


I subscribe. I think you get a subscription off their site.

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I'm sorry but whats wrong with the Guardian? I don't read it, but there is nothing wrong with it (We sell a lot where I work). Also The Fish, private eye?!?! Why man why!


One word: Grauniad.


Oh, and it has a style that annoys me. It has headlines that make you have to read most of the way through the article to work out what it's about.


What's wrong with Private Eye? It may be biased, but it's equally biased against everyone. :wink:

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