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Rumor Control - IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat


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I'm thinking of the 1Up arseholes judging from their preview, actually.


Their point is that Metroid isn't Halo neither Bioshock while trying to sell them, so I don't think they'll give Metroid a 9.5, they'll tell you to buy those instead (assholes).


Yeah, it must be 1up, their preview said it all.

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Good to see that more developers are chosing Wii and I'm literally DELIGHTED to hear that RE:UC is starting to look greta and the Devs are really pulling it together - I predict this game will be delayed and improved.


I'm also VERY happy that Free Radical are working on Wii, please give us the best FPS EVER! Also the fact that they think a headset may come to BWii is encouraging.


As for the Metroid score... I think IGN will go for 9.6 or 9.7, maybe I'm wrong, it could even be more, I certainly hope so. However, I will be seriously pissed f anyone gives it 8 - 8.5, that would be seriously shite. I think if anyone does that it'll be a real kick in the teeth as you just know if it was on the 360 it'd be scoring high 90s from everyone due to HD graphics.

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I wouldn't be surprised if IGN give Metroid above 9.5; they love the game, love the graphics and controls, so I don't think it'll score below.


1UP are actually a disgrace judging from their preview. Wouldn't be surprised if they only give it an 8.


Edit: I just finished listening to it and they said that Monday night there will be an update on metroid dread :)

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This Wii-k:


- Metroid Prime 3 = better than dual analog controls fact; hardcore game

- third parties are starting to wake up. Such as EA, which is making a game that capitalizes on Wii

- Zack and Wiki cool but they can't talk about it, Amazing game but nobody will probably buy

- RE:UC arcade mode better than main mode, camera issues, frame rate issues, slow moving, grainy, not very polished, but controls are good

- They don't believe RE4 Wii sales numbers they don't think it did that well

- Manhunt 2 next week maybe

- SMG graphics compared to power of Xbox (bullshit)

- LucasArts is being quiet and dumb

- MoH: Heroes is close to mouse and keyboard. Controls damn well

- Arcade mode in Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is better than RE:UC

- RE:UC in-depth talk

- Pepsi > Coke

- The next Zelda game may star Zelda for the first time in the actual Zelda series

- The "God Game" is coming from a company that recently posted an ad for Wii developers

- My Sims is linear

- Want Zelda:PH to be played with DS held like a book

- Good exclusive stuff next week and stuff lined up until 2008

- Smash Bros FAQ launching tonight

Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/817/817269p1.html


There goes IGN again talking about what they don't know, but I won't comment further in hopes that it does spread like willfire like some stupid comments from them in the past did.

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Longer summary


- Metroid Prime 3 is the best game on Wii - uses the Wii better than Zelda - the first game that people should buy for the console. Feels so smooth and dynamic. Not one of the games casuals can play - commercial doesn't represent this. Controls are fantastic - aiming is amazing, though turning is a little slow.

- Metroid has proved the power of the Wii controls - superior to dual-analogue ("totally oblitterates it"). Those who say otherwise simply aren't experienced with the wii remote.

- My Sims - enjoyable but linear. Need to turn a terrible town into a great one - build objects, paint things, fill houses. Doesn't feel like a completely open world - doesn't feel much like a social simulator, feels more like a building-simulator. Still fun, good style, feels like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing.

- Medal of Honor Heroes 2: expected the worst since it is a PSP port, but are actually pretty optimistic about it. About as pretty as Vanguard (worse lighting effects, but has a cleaner look). Runs at 60fps nearly all the time which benefits heaps. Lots of customization - can have it incredibly fast is you wish. Can even use Zapper. Online is just as customizable as single player and they don't believe it will share Madden 08's lag problems - reportedly maintains 60fps even with 32 players online.

- Controls are in some ways possibly better than Prime 3. Running needs to be faster - feels like "window-browsing" through the environments - feels like you're in duck mode the whole time. No sprint feature either, but hopefully it will be implemented.

- Lots of cool gameplay features, such as using the rumble and speaker when walking across the mine-field. Arcade mode is a bit shallow but still in some ways better than RE:UC even though its a secondary mode.

- Shows that some companies are starting to capatalize on Wii. Some handheld developers are actually excited to work on Wii due to the increase in power.

- Code Lyoko - based on the TV show. Can go into a computer world - can switch between 4 different characters with special moves. Can draw bridges with wii remote, can fly with both controllers, etc. However, it has control and camera issues. Still early and has some work ahead of it, hopefully these issues can be fixed since it looks quite promising.

- The Sims 2: Castaway has arrived in the office. Haven't played it yet. Not too optimistic since it's Sims 2 again, so it's likely very similar to Pets. Go with My Sims if you want a Sims game.

- Both played a little bit of the US version of Phantom Hourglass. Really well done on DS. Link feels really responsive, not sluggish at all. Stylus controls really intuitive. However, there are some issues. They believe it should be book-form since it doesn't use buttons and the traditional style of holding is less comfortable. Sometimes their wrist would get in the way of the action. However, they believe the game will be a huge success and deservedly so.

- Zack and Wiki - campaign is coming back "full force" since they've played more. It kicks ass. Just appears better and better. Puzzles are diverse - can borrow some ideas from former puzzles but it all still feels new. Puzzles can get crazy and really intelligent. Boss fights appear throughout the game, based on figuring out how to kill it. The game looks fantastic, similar to Wind Waker especially the water. Capcom seems more excited for Zack and Wiki than stuff like Devil May Cry 4. Game is awesome, but retailers and IGN doubt it will sell well. "Amazing game that nobody is going to buy." - buy it, especially if you want sequals.

- Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles - still disappointing. Slow moving with sluggish framerate. Looks good but grainy. Shooting zombies doesn't feel dynamic - they don't have much reaction to shots. However, the aiming controls are precise and co-op works well. Knifing feels pretty cool but need zombies to be close enough which is difficult. Camera is too mechanical. Shooting snakes didn't work well because it's difficult to tell if the snakes are dead due to visuals and animation. Game isn't context-sensitive enough and reactions are poor and inconsistent. There's still time but they're not confident, needs a lot of work.

- Rumours of 750,000 RE4:Wii sales are likely not true. However game has still sold well, possibly better than expectations. Capcom shouldn't base support on whether Umbrella Chronicles sells. Frustrated by Capcom's belief that Wii players couldn't handle a game like Resident Evil 4.

- Worms: Space Oddity announced for Wii from THQ and developed by Team-17. Has a space theme going on. Lots of customization options and Wii controls. Has online as well. Worms DS is really fun so they've got very high hopes for the Wii version. Will have coverage on the game next week - screens and tons of new info.

- New editorial coming out about lack of headset for Wii. Nintendo has no excuses. It's

- Haven't played the import games (Dewy, Endless Ocean, Gundum, Guilty Gear) yet as they have been too busy. Will cover them next week.

- Manhunt 2 - on Friday will possibly be able to bring you coverage on the new version. Will be able to play it, and perhaps show screens and video. Will detail difference from AO version.

- Super Smash Bros. FAQ up tonight. Allows them to speculate on rumours which official update site cannot do.

- Believe 3rd party A teams will start working on Wii once 3rd party games start selling great on Wii. Right now they're not doing so well (except Resident Evil 4). Expect an onslaught of crap, like PS2 had, due to the incredible sales of Wii.

- Don't expect to see Brawl at TGS - instead expect to see a single event dedicated to the game.

- Believe pro-scan and widescreen should be compulsory.

- Red Steel 2 - definitely coming, expect to hear more on it very soon. Don't think Ubisoft will ignore the poor reviews. Expect them to focus on fixing the controls, which is vital since because Prime 3 came out, they would probably give Red Steel a 3 or 4 if it came out today.

- The Eidos game is not the "God Game" that IGN have been talking about.

- Believe Metroid Prime 3 could be done on Xbox even though the game's visuals are highly satisfying. Believe Super Mario Galaxy could also be done on Xbox. The nature of the environments means that a lot of great effects can be done.

- Believe Halo 3's controls show the strengths of the wiimote.

- Lucas Arts are being very quiet on the Wii front. That "lightsaber" game for 2007 is just Lego Star Wars, and it's basically just gesturing for a button press.

- Guitar Hero 3 Wii - online multiplayer will be the extent of your online experience.

- Pespi>Coke.


I wouldn't argue about MP3 and Galaxy using the power an Xbox does. That'll just prove that Nintendo are using efficient graphics. Rather than lazy graphics and wasting polygons and power. (For the clearest example of "efficient" graphics - look as SM63DS. Mario looks a lot better, but is in fact lower poly than the original)

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- Believe 3rd party A teams will start working on Wii once 3rd party games start selling great on Wii. Right now they're not doing so well (except Resident Evil 4). Expect an onslaught of crap, like PS2 had, due to the incredible sales of Wii.



I thought 3rd parties were doing quite well on Wii. Just look at Red Steel, Rayman and Trauma Center for example.

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- Believe Metroid Prime 3 could be done on Xbox even though the game's visuals are highly satisfying. Believe Super Mario Galaxy could also be done on Xbox. The nature of the environments means that a lot of great effects can be done.


Xbox couldn't even handle Metroid Prime 1 polycounts at 60 frames, everyone in the industry should know that (or at least have that idea from playing the game); Xbox couldn't do 15 million polygons at 60 frames because GC had the edge with that; now... a game like Prime 3? It's tottaly in another league and still at 60 frames, that's why I say these guys are tottally third rate, arseholes. They look for flashy exagerated headlines and end up saying shit.


And what Mario Galaxy is doing on CPU alone is leaps and bounds from Xbox, let alone the rest of the game; frickin pricks.

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- Rumours of 750,000 RE4:Wii sales are likely not true. However game has still sold well, possibly better than expectations.
I don't see why Capcom would lie about it!


Also I think the figure is 750,000 shipped not necessarily all sold yet,




Capcom sets another milestone for its survival-horror masterpiece.


At the same time Capcom announced it would be publishing Wii Love Golf for Camelot, the granddaddy publisher also revealed that it has shipped out 750,000 copies of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition to retailers worldwide. This is an impressive figure, considering that it's only been available for about three months.


What's more telling, however, is that it may be selling faster than the GameCube original. Six months after RE4 shipped on GameCube, Capcom reported North American sales at half a million. Sales from the other major gaming regions would have obviously put that figure higher at the time, perhaps as high as around 750k units. If that speculative sum was accurate, then the Wii version is selling twice as fast as the GameCube version, despite it being almost three years late to the game.


Was the GameCube in that bad of shape at the time? Or is the game really that good? If you've got an explanation for this phenomenon, we'd love to hear it in Talkback.

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Yes because EA is taking the same out of Wii as Nintendo is, they really push their systems :indeed: it's just like that Ubisoft team who said Wii doesn't even do shaders; they simply don't know the hardware they're working, simple as that (and sometimes use that as a excuse). We have more real information than that and like referenced... they (IGN) just said a lot of bullshit, because it's simply not true; couldn't be done full stop.


Fact is that MPrime 1 had polycounts above those of any Xbox title at 60 frames, so in reality... couldn't be done on one, not as it was; suggesting prime 3 would run on Xbox is not only a mouthfull, it's worth a laugh; credibility zero, just something tossed in the air by a noob.

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Fact is that MPrime 1 had polycounts above those of any Xbox title at 60 frames, so in reality...


How do you know what the polycounts are? It could be that Retro's models are well-made, and just look like they are higher poly than models from other developers.

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How do you know what the polycounts are? It could be that Retro's models are well-made, and just look like they are higher poly than models from other developers.
Because that kind of measure was still used last gen and thus that info was released, MPrime 1 and 2 are 15 million polygon games who ran at 60 frames.


Just like we know for Factor 5 games actually... And a bunch of other titles.


GC actually had the edge when it came to textured polygons, because it was more efficient than Xbox when applying them, because when it came to RAW polygons (without texturing) Xbox would have the edge, of course you hardly use those in the game. In reality GC had games who doubled the maximum xbox did in that area, so yeah.


Different architectures different strengths if you will, but this said it really capitalized on GC's strengths to the point of not being doable on Xbox (just like Halo 2 wouldn't be possible on GC mainly due to RAM limitations), suggesting Prime 3 who is a upgrade on all fronts could run on Xbox is delusional.

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MP3 and Mario on XBOX?

Oh my God these guys don't know SHIT. I mean, c'mon this is freaking ridiculous, what dumbasses.

Also, Phantom Hourglass bookstyle? Idiots, the shoulder buttons are very useful to use items if it was bookstyle you couldn't use them.


If the game was bookstyle it would be perfect. All they'd have to do is have a message that says 'Turn DS sideways' for boss battles.


Also, drop what they said about graphics. Every week matt and bozon say they love the graphics on Wii and they think it looks great; they don't care it's underpowered. Grow up people; you act like they're taking the piss out of the console.

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If the game was bookstyle it would be perfect. All they'd have to do is have a message that says 'Turn DS sideways' for boss battles.


Also, drop what they said about graphics. Every week matt and bozon say they love the graphics on Wii and they think it looks great; they don't care it's underpowered. Grow up people; you act like they're taking the piss out of the console.


Having played the game I really have to say it wouldn't be perfect bookstyle it's much better like this.


Also it's not wether we care or not, the problem is, it's one of the most read sites in the world and they're incredibely uninformed and ignorant which leads to misinformation and more ignorance. Like we didn't have enough of that already.

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Having played the game I really have to say it wouldn't be perfect bookstyle it's much better like this.


Also it's not wether we care or not, the problem is, it's one of the most read sites in the world and they're incredibely uninformed and ignorant which leads to misinformation and more ignorance. Like we didn't have enough of that already.


Surely if Prime and Galaxy were dumbed down like Resi 4 was for PS2 they could be on xbox.


And when you say they show misinformation, care to give an example?

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Who really cares either way? I don't care about how powerful the Wii is, the only thing that bothers me is when devs don't push a console and port old games with no graphical upgrades at all. Like Twilight Princess and Resi 4 Wii Edition.


Am I the only one who is far more impressed by seeing how much a developer can get out of a console than seeing better looking games on a more powerful console which don't push the unit?

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Who really cares either way? I don't care about how powerful the Wii is, the only thing that bothers me is when devs don't push a console and port old games with no graphical upgrades at all. Like Twilight Princess and Resi 4 Wii Edition.


Am I the only one who is far more impressed by seeing how much a developer can get out of a console than seeing better looking games on a more powerful console which don't push the unit?


Correct me if I'm wrong (Pedro), but I think Resi 4 did have advantages over the GC version (graphically). Doesn't it do 16:9?


And no, you're not the only one :)


But I probably am the only one who thinks the Wii-graphics don't look half-bad. I see the hyper-realism of the 360 and especially the PS3, and all I can think about is "too bad they don't have that Nintendo-interface."

But indeed, that lack of energy coming from some 3rd parties is just appalling.

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