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The best Wii-k they've done in a while, the developer thing wasn't amazing but after that, there seemed to be less pointless waffle and it all seemed to the point and purposeful. Like they were working against the clock instead of just playing out time.


Probably the thing that stood out the most is their enthusiasm of Pro Evo on Wii.

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Better review summary:


THQ Dan Ryan (associate game designer) on podcast

- Could see another Smackdown game next year

- Matt thinks it’d be crazy, since usually, it’s not considered a yearly franchise

- Bozon thinks first game was a great first step for the franchise

- Fun, great first effort

- Impossible to put in all modes, etc in first game for Wii plus motion controls with no problem

- Ryan says they read reviews, take everything into account

- Can’t confirm/deny there’s another game in the works

- May want to change the game to add more interaction

- Ryan knows fans had like it, but had bigger expectations, went to casual-gaming pick up and play audience

- Anyone could play, have fun with it immediately

- Mii functionality could be taken further - Ryan loves the Wii features, weather channel can be used, mail from characters, etc.


- During the podcast, Matt and Bozon are always shirtless

- Event like last year at Wrestlemania - may get more official news there

- More interesting guests on the show in the future - Ryan exits


Master System heading to Virtual Console

- Peer never really played the system much

- Matt left to Baltimore or something

- Peer can steal things off of his desk

- Peer also thinks Matt has problems dressing


Wii’s tie-in ratio 8:1 in December

- Peripherals only works with Nintendo games - ex: GT Pro Series

- All-time ratio not too great for Wii - slightly more than PS3, not even close to 360


Ubisoft-Nintendo-quality titles - More casual games from Ubisoft?

- Nintendo goes the extra mile to make their games really good

- Peer thinks Ubisoft can’t reach Nintendo’s heights

- Bozon: For Ubisoft to take themselves seriously, they’d have to take Rainbow team or Ghost Recon team on these projects

- If wanted to attain Nintendo-like quality, they’d put their “A†team on Rayman - ex: Platformer, not mini-games

- Ubisoft future: Brothers in Arms (port), Dog Island, Alive (may come to Wii), Petz, Prince of Persia (down-graded version, at least visually), Rainbow Six (same problem), Avatar

- When you think Nintendo-like quality, you know it’s going to be something special - Bozon

- Nitro Bike - plays like Excite Truck, but muddy visuals


Bozon’s blog:

- Analog control - forget about 1:1 movement for now

- Are we ever going to see a game like NBA Live for Wii - take a shot - didn’t shoot hard enough, so air-ball, or shoot too hard, goes into stands

- Will developers go beyond waggle = button press?

- Will take awhile, but controls will continue to get better - Peer

- Need to get past gimmicky phase

- Head-tracking - impressive, but limitation with only one person seeing it


Wii’s 2008, Top 10 anticipated

- Impressive games for 08

- Peer has a wishlist - only has 1 Wii game in top 20 - Brawl is his most anticipated - loves fan service

- So many characters, musical pieces - Pikmin stage worth price of admission

- Also for Peer: Mario Kart, Animal Crossing (when will we see it?), Dragon Quest 9, Pro-Evolution Soccer

- Pro-Evolution in early phase, but flows extremely well - intuitive - Peer very excited

- Wii gets spin-offs a lot of the time

- #6 for Peer: ASH - made by FF creator, looks great, came out in Japan already

- #7 Wii Fit - intrigued, but doesn’t know if he’ll stick with it

- #8 King’s Story (Project O) - charming

- #9 Ninja Gaiden DS - not too much of a fan of the console versions

- #10 Wii Music - wants to see how it’s done - wants classic Nintendo songs

- Another game Peer is looking forward to but can’t reveal yet

- Bozon has 4 RPGs on his list

- Bozon’s list: Smash, Mario Kart, King’s Story, Ninja Gaiden, DQ9, ASH, de Blob, FFCC for DS, FF Tactics, Pro-Evolution

- FFCC for Wii seems like going through changes, might not release in 08

- Peer liked old Samba de Amigo game - worried about maracas for new version


Thoughts on Smash online video

- Peer: Looks very encouraging

- Not worried about distance/connection in the video

- Playing online without voice chat is a sad thing


Mario Kart’s release date

- Supposed to be Q2

- Peer thinks it’ll come out 11/18

- Bozon: 11/14 - will be very surprised if it releases in Q2

- Nintendo likes releasing their games in same period

- Mario Kart always gets delayed

- Wii Fit will tide Nintendo over financially, will make something for July


What’s Capcom doing?

- Looking at Sonic crossover, will do something with Nintendo

- Capcom valuable to Nintendo, can’t end this way

- They have Okami, but need to have something new

- Rumor release list: Zack & Wiki 2, some Megaman game

- Real release list somewhere around GDC possibly


When will Nintendo show rest of line-up for 08?

- Gaps, could be other big and minor games - ex: Pikmin

- GDC and E3 left - Peer: not at GDC, but we will see something at E3

- Will be announcements before E3 in Japan


Latest reviews:

- One Piece - 6.8 - not as good as last ones on GCN

- Nitro Bike - 6.5 - fun but murky, online system is awful

- Endless Ocean - 8.0 - Matt really liked it - won’t be remembered, but something different

- No More Heroes - 7.8 - only sometimes amazing - gameplay there sometimes, not there at other times

- Jenga - 1.7 - completely pointless


- EA block game looks cool


Reader questions:

- If No More Heroes lacked blood in the NA version, it wouldn’t change much, but it’s lame - Possibly 7.7

- Waiting for We Love Golf - will have a lot of coverage when they get it

- Factor 5 interview about lazy developers will happen, but it takes a lot of time to do

- New laser TVs will have a better picture

- Bozon misses Matt’s beard

- Not too many rumors about interesting WiiWare titles

- Ubisoft didn’t push No More Heroes marketing - oddball game, don’t want attention after Manhunt 2 problems

- Retro hasn’t said much about lack of advertising for Metroid Prime 3 - still sold pretty well, could have done better

- Bozon enjoys Megaman 2 and Megaman X the most

- Peer doesn’t think Nintendo will make only casual games in the future

- Single-player on 360 - best is Call of Duty 4 and Orange Box

- Mario RPG on VC - Have to wait and see what Square will do - could end up releasing it for DS

- Most Canadian stores getting No More Heroes on Feb. 1st - Bozon bought them all

- Nintendo is a guy

- VC compilations on disks - Sega could do this, Bozon wouldn’t like it - SNK already doing it

- Reviews: Price can determine a lot for a game - also different editors, different opinions

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I love their comments about Ubisoft and I agree. As far as im concerned Capcom are the only one who is up there with Nintendo. Im more than happy with their output on the Wii and I look forward to seeing what else they have for us.


Resident Evil 4 was fantastic, Resident Evil UC although not great was a fantastic piece of fan service, Zack and Wiki is godly and then we have Okami and the always awesome Monster Hunter series.


IMO Capcom deserve praise for their efforts so far and other 3rd parties should take note.

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This weeks podcast was entirely Smash Bros. so I'll put it in spoiler tags.


Sourced from http://www.gonintendo.com


General podcast info


- Peer, Eduardo, Fran on podcast

- Matt out “sickâ€


- 3 days straight playing SSBB, including Eduardo

- Podcast mainly about Smash

- Peer thinks original Smash Bros should have been rated higher

- Nintendo thought Smash Bros. 64 was too violent - changed some things for NA version (sound effects)


- Currently unlocked for the podcast crew: Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Marth, Luigi, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Pit, Meta Knight, Falco, Ike, Pokemon Trainer, Snake, Peach, Yoshi, Ice Climbers, Dedede, Ness, Sonic, Koopa, Wario, Olimar, Lucas - Can get characters through multiplayer or Subspace Emissary


Subspace Emissary


- Peer thinks SSE is boring - uninspired

- Run through levels - from Nintendo world, music, recognizable characters, funny cut-scenes

- Story doesn’t make sense

- Enemies are generic - not from Nintendo games - no sense of threat, involvement

- Bozon: It’s linear

- Something missing from SSE

- Peer originally thought footage looked awesome, but when you play, it feels like a chore

- Doesn’t play like a platformer/fighting game - floaty

- Peer: Not terrible, but boring, co-op is alright, not focused

- Franchises are at disposal, so Bozon doesn’t understand why you fight generic enemies

- Look/sound is reminiscent of classic games

- Pacing weird

- Had a lot of potential, expectations very high


- Master hand returns, strategies return from previous game - 15:00

- Other enemies in game don’t have a strategy

- 35% way through SSE




- Multiplayer still fantastic, it’s what the game is about

- Some changes, but core game still feels like Melee

- Added levels, characters

- 25 maps unlocked, 7 returning levels so far


- Map editor is awesome




- Eduardo: Snake’s level is simple, but cool - nostalgic

- Snake level - can break down walls

- Hard to reach the other platform when bridge brakes in Eldin Bridge level

- Bozon: WarioWare level mean but cool, Pictochat is cool

- Delfino Plaza is confusing because it’s busy - Fran

- Tough to see characters in some levels

- Yoshi stage compact


Level editor


- Level editor gives variety, you can make them fast

- You can unlock new items to use in the level editor - can be unlocked through training and other things




- Shield isn’t analog anymore - Fran doesn’t like the change

- So far Fran can’t find a way to do deflections

- Wiimote is really uncomfortable - actually hurts your hand, a little better with Wii glove

- Fran wants to slap Matt because he uses the Wiimote

- Nunchuck setup not too bad


- Smash ball has some AI with it - Bozon thinks it’s harder for you to attack it if you’re winning




- Mario: Water hose is new - you can pump it - Bozon thinks it’s lame. Fireball, cape for Mario - final smash is incredible - Mario seems downgraded

- Peach - very balanced - must be good at smashes. Recovery is good. Very identical to previous version

- Bowser similar to before - Can turn into Giga Bowser - not great final smash - hard to hit people with it, slow

- Yoshi - seems pretty much the same - Super Dragon is final smash - flying Yoshi wings

- Most characters didn’t change too much

- Wario: Bike is weird, stays on battlefield. Sometimes can drive off the edge of a level. Wario doesn’t have a “nuke-fart†- but does have regular farts - Can spin like a Samus ball

- DK: Very much the same. Jungle Beat final smash (old DK song, characters get beaten up)

- Diddy Kong: Awesome, a lot like Peach - can do a lot of hand to hand stuff - Final smash: peanut bombs - can get 5:6 KOs with it

- Pit: Eduardo thinks Pit is awesome. Triple jump, can fly. Not incredibly strong, but balanced. Final smash is kind of weak.

- Link: Shadow Link is a great addition. Very similar to old one. A little bit stronger. Final smash difficult - track somebody down

- Wind Waker Link: Don’t have him yet, but same moveset as Link

- Zelda: Very much the same. Final smash = Light arrows

- Sheik: Same

- Kirby: Exactly the same. Final smash - cooks people - good beginner character

- Dedede: Somewhat cool - has hammer, some interesting moves. Like a heavy Kirby

- Meta Knight: Does a lot of damage - not the best for timed matches - has weak final smash.

- Samus: Really well done. Can turn into Zero Suit Samus. Can start with Zero Suit Samus - quick, but not strong. Fran thinks she’s one of the best characters.

- Star Fox, Falco, Wolf play the same - Landmaster final smash

- Ness/Lucas - very similar - more of an expert character, slightly different - good for Ness fans

- Ike/Marth - Ike is almost like Roy. Have different movesets - not just a costume change.

- Ice Climber - Ice final smash

- Pikachu - Same, final smash is brutal.

- Pokemon Trainer takes a lot of work. Can choose which Pokemon starts initially. Squirtle is great, quick. Not actually quicker than Sonic, but more agile. Pokemon Trainer has a ton of versatility

- Captain Olimar + Pikmin: Difficult. Hard to see the strategy for now. Can throw Pikmin. Hard to understand Olimar’s strengths. Final smash is awesome.

- Snake - Awesome. Like Pit, new, friendly. Plant minds, throw grenades. Final smash is amazing - very powerful.

- Sonic - very floaty and weird. Feels like you’ll fly off the ledge. Same thing with Squirtle. Getting attacks to click is tough. Fastest character in game. Stage is very cool


Reader mail


- Bozon thinks preordering is very important - will be a huge hit - Walmart, Target gets huge supply

- Localization, possible manufacturing issues might have caused delay

- Favorite part/feature: Level editor for Bozon, Multiplayer for Fran, 4 player for Peer, amount of fan service - especially music

- Favorite assist trophy - Little Mac

- Matt spams Pikachu thunder attack - gets fixated on one thing, doesn’t want to lose

- Dragoon parts really awesome - Peer - almost an instant kill. Fran will turn it off, thinks it’s cheap

- Bozon doesn’t think it’s the best Wii game so far - not better than Metroid, Galaxy. Fran doesn’t know yet - Smash Bros. at core is amazing, original. Played it easily for 6 hours. Very little use of IR, including shooting sequence at end. Peer still likes Galaxy more. Fran thinks you need this game if you have a Wii. Matt would put it below Galaxy, Metroid.

- Favorite newcomer: Eduardo - Snake - well-rounded, Fran - Zero Suit Samus, Bozon - Pokemon Trainer or Pit - Pit is cheap, Peer - Pit, Wind Waker Link, Matt - Pikachu

- Subspace Emisary: Give options who you use, open-world map

- Speed of the game is a little bit faster, but you have to pay attention to that - Eduardo

- Final roster is real. Fran thinks there is a character in there really deep and hard to get. Maybe more characters through WiiConnect24.


- More Smash coverage soon

- Fran thinks everyone should watch King of Kong.


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UGh, what did they expect from Subspace Emissary? The next Zelda? jeez.


They expected the story to make sense? OMFG!


You have to listen to the podcasts to get a feel for what they mean, it's not as literal as the summaries make it seem.


They don't really care about it not making sense at all, but it's just that it isn't really that fun to play the 2d levels because well it doesn't feel anything like a platformer even though it kind of tries to be this time and although they have level themes and characters, they don't try to do anything clever with the franchises and you don't have any enemies from most Nintendo games other than the koopas, goombas and a few bosses, though they're going by how far they were in Subspace.


It's not an outright "Subspace is bad" it's more like because of how much Nintendo hyped it (calling it like a "whole other game in itself" and all that) it doesn't live up to quite as much potential as it had gameplay wise. It seems to be fairly repetitive and unlike Melee you don't have the bonus of really going through each level as anyone, you can only play the stages with the characters they give you for those stages.


They like the cutscenes and stuff though.

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Lol Pedro, everyones expecting too much. McGeachie is right though, don't slate what they say on the Wii-k until you can be sure they are wrong. Sure they are huge Nintendo fans and huuuge Smash Bros fans so they won't have needlessly talked about the one player being a bit dodgy for no reason.


I'm sure I heard them saying that the multiplayer is immense and thats what the game is really about anyway.


Chill pill chaps, its only Smash Bros. Brawl we're talking about. :wink:

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Lol Pedro, everyones expecting too much. McGeachie is right though, don't slate what they say on the Wii-k until you can be sure they are wrong. Sure they are huge Nintendo fans and huuuge Smash Bros fans so they won't have needlessly talked about the one player being a bit dodgy for no reason.


I'm sure I heard them saying that the multiplayer is immense and thats what the game is really about anyway.


Chill pill chaps, its only Smash Bros. Brawl we're talking about. :wink:


:shakehead ONLY SMASH BROS. BRAWL. You fail sir. Brawl is A WAY OF LIFE! :bowdown:


Live fast, Hit hard, Die only on a high percentage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest one is up:


Matt returns from DICE 2008 (where he spent the majority of his time on the brink of death) and joins Mark to chat about Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Factor 5's next game, the behind-the-scenes trouble developers face in trying to create mature Wii games, and much more. The two also answer questions submitted by readers.




Summary by Milabrega at Neogaf:

Smash Bros.:


-Pikmin are multiple throw item.

-Matt has been trying to force himself into using the wii-mote only option. Fran a more core smash player, found he could do everything he needed to do with the option, though he still prefers to use the GC.

-Better than Galaxy/Metroid?? Matt: No, not for him. It is a really damn fine great fighter, but it does have some issues that need to be acknowledged.

-They haven't decided who will review it, perhaps multiple people since its so huge


MoH:Heroes Australia:


-No explanation provided for why there was no online

-PR said it was a misprint on the box.




-We like it, fun Jenga-style game for the Wii, feels like it was designed for the Wii.

-Bozon originally thought it would be a mid 7.0 game before going over to EA thinking it would be kinda meh, apparently after the EA visit he's enthused about the game.

-Matt's biggest let down was that in the level editor when you start to make huge levels, there could be some slow down, they hope its fixed prior to release.

-"Its one of those games that'll get a score, but really its a fun game to play with the family"




-No advertising blowout, no TV commercials

-No New Content, but the controls are feeling better and it looks better.


Julian (Factor 5 President) Interview:


(Paraphrased responses but very accurate)


Q -- Will this game push the Wii Hardware?

A -- We want to push the hardware, for us its easy to push the hardware, for us its easy. A lot of it is exploiting the uniqueness of the Wii. On the graphical side of course we are going to try to out due everything else on the platform, like we did with the GC star wars games, but of course the emphasis is on the controls. He personally really loves the pointing device. Pointing stuff is probably the biggest innovation they are working on right now.


-Matt and Bozon talk a little about how some games over-use the waggle just to waggle(No specifics) then talk about PES and their innovative use of the IR.



Q -- Are you going to use the nun-chuck controller?

A -- I can't comment yet, you try to design every game for the Wii to avoid the nun-chuck, but for some games the nun-chuck is a very viable option. When trying to go casual, the first barrier to over come is the ability to not have to use the nun-chuck.


-Matt and Bozon talk a little about how they like how games are designed for the Wii-Mote, but plugging in the nun-chuck can give you a little added effect (Boom Blox)


Q -- How far along in development are they?

A -- We are pretty much at a state where we are almost done with the engine. We've also worked on content quite a bit. Biggest milestone is the engine, does everything (pretty much) the PS3 does and then some. So we're happy with that.


-Matt and Bozon talk about the PS3 comments. They think what he means about the PS3 comments he was referring to the controls of Lair. Glad the engine is done.


Q -- Did they give up on the idea of a flying game? (After the canceled Pilot Wings project back in the day)

A -- Would never give up on the idea of a flying game, well maybe not an entirely flying game. ....(history of Factor 5 relation with nintendo late GC Era)... There were never any hard feelings about Factor 5 going to work on other consoles, since Nintendo was quiet about Wii, Factor 5 had to dive into the other consoles to keep the studio running so they didn't have to fire people.


Q -- Something to generate hype, a hint?

A -- Atleast what we're working on will blow them away with the technical achievement. We hope that we can blow them away by the innovation in controls, accessibility, new experiences. As for what property, is it a Nintendo property, Third party property, internal property he won't comment.


Q -- Casual or Hardcore?

A -- As Casual as possible. Not the attempt to suddenly capture the attention and heart of the hardcore market. Unsure how many games they will make for Wii. There are publishers talking about doing things for the hardcore market on the platform, our engine would be perfect for that, but he says they will wait to see how some of those hardcore games sell.


Bozon - Interesting to hear Factor 5 say they will use the motion and IR for their game, while Smash and Mario really did have traditional controls when you think about it.


Matt - Apply the rumors being thrown around about Factor 5, then apply them to what Factor 5 just said, and think about how those can meld, should prove for some interesting ideas. "Of course we can't comment, <Giggles>".


Coming Soon this week/ Valentine's day:


- Cool story coming next week about publishers/developers having trouble selling an adult style game on Wii. Piece should be enlightening and interesting to a lot of people. Can't comment on what game its about, but the developer will come on a podcast about the game and they will show the game. Since they are having a difficult time getting a publisher. Bozon likes this kind of feature a lot more than his issuing out PR. Should be a look at the world beyond PR, reviews, media and Press releases.


-On Valentine's day they will be unveiling some games that are darker in nature. (Yes, plural)




-Insiders only as of now. May put a template for people to submit.


Q -- Any unbalanced feeling characters?

Matt -- Olimar are difficult to use

Bozon -- Olimar and Dedede. Though Dedede can lay the smack down to some characters

Both -- Meta-Knight and Pit have some serious cheese 1 on 1


Q -- More time with Brawl still like it?

Both -- Liking it a lot more.


Q -- Price feel on Boom Blox?

A -- $49. They both would like it 30-40


Q -- Civ. Revolution gone forever?

A -- Sorta on hold forever. Hope it goes DS.


-Chatter about their review standards.


Q -- Star Fox for Wii, When?

Matt -- Hopefully never. It was great back in the day, it was one of the first 3d games so that was the wow.


Both --Now every game is 3d. Make it Sonic and the Secret Rings Roller coaster ride 3d, and no one has been able to do it yet. Keep them in vehicles no Jet Force Gemini Light having them run around. No DS game either where its half strategy and really don't know what to do with it.


Bozon -- Hope Nintendo makes it a $10 Wii-ware game, old school arcade style, but they don't think it will happen.


Q -- Why were you both confident there would be Square and Capcom characters in Brawl, why do Sega and Konami each have one?


Matt -- Thought it was natural, figured these companies have been partnering for years now. Hopefully theres some WiiConnect24 thing, but doubts it


Bozon -- Thought since they had all these musicians from all these companies working together in this big collaborated effort, with Sonic and Snake already in, thought it would have been just natural. Instead its still a Nintendo show with two friends. Ended up more closed off than they thought it would be.


Q -- GDC big Nintendo announcement?

A -- I wouldn't say big, but medium size news. Would be surprised if this wasn't used to show off something with Wii-Ware or WiiDS channel. Nintendo doesn't have a big key note.

Third Party perhaps.


Q -- NA WiiFit and Mario Kart dates soon?

A -- Hopefully pretty soon, think around GDC should be expected.


Q -- Now that Nintendo is publishing Fatal Frame, can we expect others to want to publish dark games?


A -- Theres a bunch of dark games... Bad news is one of the dark games got canned because Nintendo wanted to mini-ize it. Matt "There you go everyone Nintendo wants to make mini games everyone, sometimes". Same thing also happened to Project Hammer. One of the dark games they mentioned is the one they will show next week.


Q -- What level of difficulty did they start out on SSE?

A -- Started out at Green, then moved up. About 50% of the play been on the Yellow one, but he has done the hard one a little.


Q -- Load times in Brawl?

A -- Multiplayer, pretty quick, 2 seconds if that. SSE sometimes 10 seconds. Game has a 2 second load screen on start up that just says Loading.


Q -- Third party alternatives to voice chat?

A -- Ya, think you will see it. Depends on when Nintendo puts out its voice chat solution, which is definitely coming. Reference people back to the feature they talked about the voice chat, very not traditional. When that happens third parties will tap into that for the traditional headset. Once Nintendo announces what they are doing, it'll take not even a week for people to tap into that.


Q -- WiiDS download channel?

A -- No idea


Q -- Final Smashes, how do you feel?

A -- Likes Samus, Mario, Links. Not like the blue shell at all, its really fun when they appear. Mention the cloned FS, Star Foxes and Links.


Q -- What do you feel is absolutely essential in a Wii version of Animal Crossing?

A -- Online component. Want Voice chat and open it up a little better. Fishing needs to be amazing.


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Maybe its just me, but every week I swear they announce about one or two new secret games that they can't talk about, and then nothing ever comes about of it?


Yep, they seem to do that and it's bloody annoying!


Nevermind, we may here some new details on games we already know about next week at GDC, doubt it though.

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No, every week they're generally vaguely talking about the same games because people on their boards keep asking about them. They'd obviously rather never bring these things up in the first place but only do so that they're kind of reassuring fans that some hardcore type games are coming. Apparently a couple of these games they've mentioned now are struggling to find publishers or were outright canned because it was assumed by publishers they simply wouldn't sell on Wii, which is easy to understand.

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In this week's Wii-k in Review Matt and Bozon briefly discuss Fatal Frame being published by the Big N, and mention other "Dark Games" - and refer to another 'dark game' being cancelled alongside Project Hammer, after being hacked at to become 'miniaturised'. Now, the only game I can think that would fit into this 'Dark Game' label is Disaster: Day of Crisis.


So, has Disaster had one of its own?

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