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Rumor Control - IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat


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So true, the amount of rubbish that is coming to Wii, what happened to quality? On the last Wiicast he reviewed two games that I'd no idea existed on Wii, and both were dismal. I can't remember the names right now but one was an elevator game where you just work through a building and kill everyone, and the other was a flying game where you control a big mech and shoot stuff. They looked woeful, and if there is more stuff like this on the shelves that we've never heard of, things are bleak.


As for the Wii-k in review- pretty good. They got through alot of stuff and both seemed pretty chirpy and upbeat about the year ahead. I found it hilarious that Matt rang up that developer and left a message that he knows about what they are up to, despite not being supposed to. It'll also be good for them to have guests on the Wii-k in review in future weeks.

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Wait a sec...In order to release a game on Wii ware you have to prove to Nintendo that it's good?


Well, maybe if they applied that OUTSIDE wiiware we wouldn't get the Ninjabread man game...


The world would be a darker place place without Ninjabread man.


That applies to any console though.

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That Red Steel info is interesting. Why? Because Surfer_Girl (one of those people that have insiders and spreads rumours, but no one actually believes them) said the exact same thing a few weeks ago I think. Which means she might be the real thing.


Actually, that was EGM.

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Wii-k In review Episode 42 is now up:




"Matt, Mark and Peer step into IGN's recording dungeon to chat about their undying love affair with Wii in this Friday's Wii-k in Review. Topics include a post-analysis of NPD data, Smash Bros.' delay, Wii's 2008 online games, Wii Fit's success in Japan and more. Matt and Mark also offer impression of Bully and Endless Ocean's online mode. Finally, the three place their different bets on the capabilities of Wii 2. "

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Heres the summary from http://www.gonintendo.com


-Bozon and Matt do incredible voice impression of NeoGaf Wii-k-in-review summary people.

-Decent Chewy impression


NPD Talk:

-They do not know the Pink to Red Breakdown of DS sales. Bozon prefers the pink.

-PS3 sold very well, “Its all those games they had”….. Crickets

-CoD4 is blowing away Halo 3. And Wii Play is pretty close.

-Peer thinks a nintendo track version of guitar hero.

-First has to be guitar hero aerosmith then guitar hero winger?

-Wii games is ten games to every system sold

-Wii software outsold 360 software sales

-No More Heroes- Bozon 75,000. Matt- 60,000+


-Bid farewell to Retro’s man



-No Online Mode

-3 Months ago a vast online mode was planned

-They would like voice chat



-6 Players Online

-Was 8 players, originally planned 10, but framerate issues forced the reduction

-Again they want voice chat.


Nintendo’s Stance on Voice Chat:

-Nintendo wants parents to listen in on voice chat.

-May not be attached to a persons ear, may be something else.

Bully Wii:

-Same game as the Ps2

-If you liked it then, or were interested and didn’t give it a shot do so now

-Rockstar Reps didn’t know Brawl would be pushed right around their release


-Bozon takes a great shot at Matt/Perrin/Reggie about the big 3 all coming out by the end of ‘07



-Matt; “Aboslutely going to give you a good Workout”

-They think its going to be huge here

-Don’t import, a lot of japanese text to get around the game

-May not have a push up counter on the board, that pushup was a part of a compound exercise


Endless Ocean:

-Co-Op online.

-Like a free roaming Pokemon Snap

-You can join a friend’s game in progress, they are notified and must surface before you both can dive in.

-You can’t swim the vast ocean, you move your boat to a dive spot and go from there. Invisible wall lets keeps you bound in the dive area.

-Cool, Very relaxing, Chill game


Matt and Boz Wii Project:

-Blackout isn’t a WiiWare game, its boxed retail.

-A major publisher rep, “dear god Matt, your a father now, we can’t have the child’s mother dieing in the first minute of the game”


-Peer “My friend told me about this new establisment that opened up in our town in Germany, its $50 Euro, all you can eat/drink and one free prostitute”. Bozon and Matt are huge fans of this establishment.

-Bets on Next-Gen Wii Console:


-No company has been as agressive with a wii game since Red Steel.

-Ign to third party publishers “put some damn money and effort into wii games, they’ll sell” Big emphasis on that the publishers need to market.


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

-1:1 controls

-Top 5 Best looking game on the Wii

-May not make it in 2008


-Lots of suprises from Square we’ll be suprised (No excitement or attempt to hype in the voice of Matt when he said this)

-What Third-Party games do we Know about? Response: Well theres quite a few.

-DQ:Swords on rails hack and slash not a full DQ game


-Nintendo will eventually announce something, guarentee that it will make you happy, its the light at the end of the tunnel.

-They also expect Pikmin and AC. AC much more than Pikmin.

-Mario Kart Q3 even Q4. Not going to be Q2, but hopefully it is that means they’ll have something nice coming this christmas.

-Some developers are looking at JonnyLee ( the wii head and figure tracker guy ), he may not even know it.

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Latest podcast is up




January 25, 2008 - This week kicks off our first one-on-one chat with developers/publishers here on the Wii-k in Review, as Matt and Bozon sit down with THQ's SmackDown! designer (and part time male model/archeologist) Dan Ryan to speak on last year's game, and our hopes for 2009's offering. Matt then splits for a day of vacation, and Peer joins Bozon to chat about 2008, answer reader email, and talk trash about IGN Nintendo's EIC.
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This Wii-k's:


-Blah blah with the wrestling dude (Dan Ryan). I skipped through the interview.

-Someone said that they would have more interesting people on the podcast.

-T&A Wrestling game coming soon. (were they joking?)

-Why won't there be a Wrestlemania this year? The writer's strike?


-Master System coming to VC, some dude doesn't care about it, I don't care about this dude


-Wii's tie ratio 8 to 1 for Dec. They go on about stuff that we argue about on the boards for like 5 threads.

-Ubisoft and it's Nintendo quality: 1) Is it possible or 2) is it casual? Peer thinks that it means more polish. Bozon thinks it isn't going to happen until they put the main games on the Wii while Peer thinks they need to put Ubisoft's big developers. They list the Wii games coming out and pretty much say that Dog Island game looks ok and everything else is ports and not that promising.


-Bozon talks about developers going past waggle = button press uses NBA Live for an example.


-They talking about Johnny Lee and his badassness but they don't say his name. They are probably fear saying his name out loud for they can not match his badassness.


-Talking about the games coming to Wii this year. Says it looks alright. Peer talks about Smash Bros being his most anticipated. His #2 is Mario Kart. #3 is Animal Crossing. #4 being Dragon Quest IX. #5 is ProEvolution Soccer. Bozon (?) has it is #10. They think the controls look awesome. They say that is different. Bozon thinks that this is the way they should do it for NHL. #6 is ASH. #7 is WiiFit. He calls Bozon a fat fuck. #8 is King Story or Project O according to the nerd. #9 is Ninja Gaiden DS, not a fan of the XBOX because of the camera. #10 is WiiMusic and it is #10 because there is another game they can't reveal yet. #1 is Smash Bros for Bozon, #2 is Mario Kart, #3 is King Story, #4 is Ninja Gaiden DS, #5 is Dragon Quest IX, #6 is ASH, #7 is deBlob, #8 is Final Fantasy: CC for the DS (the Wii version might not hit 2008), they make fun of Cassississimara of him playing Zelda, & #9 is Final Fantasy Tactics 2.

-Smash Online video - It looks encouraging and they didn't notice any lag at all.

-Mario Kart's release date: Now Q2 but they think it is getting pushed back. November 21st says the Peer. He changes it to November 18th but Bozon thinks it is coming out November 14th because it will share the DS date. They think that there should be another blockbuster released in December like Animal Crossing or something.

-What is Capcom up to? Capcom is going to do something with Nintendo. Peer thinks that Zack and Wiki should have had a Mega Man stage and etc. New Mega-Man game for the Wii possible and a sequel to Zack and Wiki 2 (these are rumors). GDC is when stuff should be when Capcom shows it cards.


-They think Nintendo will show its upcoming games at E3 more than likely.


-Gave One Piece a 6.8 but not at as good as the Gamecube games. Nitrobike got 6.5 and says online is a bitch. Endless Ocean got a 8.0 and Matt really liked it a lot. Bozon gave it a 7.8 because he thinks it is an amazing game but only sometimes. Hates the open world but everyone hates him because of it. We still hate him for it. They gave a Jenga a 1.7. Peer thinks that it didn't deserve that score. Bozon says it is pointless.

-With the lack of blood, Bozon wouldn't think it would change the score much in No More Heroes. Maybe a 7.7 for a slap on the wrist.


-Factor 5 is being interviewed about the lazy developers for the Wii.


-They talk about the laser TVS and Peer says it looks awesome.


-WiiWare rumors? They don't know of much yet.


-Why no Ubisoft marketing push for No More Heroes? They think that it is because of the Manhunt 2 controversary.


-They talk about Metroid Prime 3 sales. They say it isn't so bad but could better.


-Bozon's favorite Mega Man is 2 and X.


-Peer doesn't think Nintendo Kyoto won't be exclusively making casual games.


-The reason why Super Mario RPG coming out to VC because Square is in the belief that they could just remake the game for the DS and sell it for 100,000s of copies.


-Bozon doesn't think that there will be VC comps but thinks that Sega might do it.


-Bozon says that 8.0 for Endless Ocean is maybe because of the pricing of 29.99.

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That's overblown, it's not Nintendo owners not buying software, it's everything, software is not selling in Japan, I mean... look at PSP? it's competing with Wii in the hardware sales department (and has a bigger userbase since it launched way before) yet, it's software sales are about 4 times (or 400%) lower than the Wii's; but why no news saying PSP software doesn't sell in Japan?


And Kotaku is very partial.


This said, 8-1 ratio is in US and in December.

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