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I'd love a Macaw Jo, do you have a supplier lined up? I'd also love a Conure, they are so cute. I have two budgies at the moment, but no pictures to show, I'm sure I'll find one soon.


I do yeah - it took ages to find someone that actually bred that particular kind (theyre quite small for macaws and not as loud as some of the big ones like the blue and gold), but someone saw a post I made and found me :D Now I just have to wait til the eggs are laid next year! Im really psyched about it. I used to have pet budgies all the time when I was younger and really miss having one around.


Conures are beautiful, especially the suns which are a riot of colour. The only issue I have with them is that they are so loud! Most of the people whose posts I have read state that the macaws are louder in volume, but dont (generally) make constant noise - but the conures with screech on all day, just because theyre happy. I dont think my neighbours would be very pleased! That being said, it would be sods law that I get an unusually noisy macaw and get evicted. Sigh.


Glass Pipe Pictures

Edited by Johelian
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Why is he wearing tracksuit bottoms?


He was itching a lot, so the veterinarian told us to put something on him, so he couldn't itch and make wounds. The picture were taken right before they left with him to the vet some months ago. I just thought he looked so adorable in that. :p


EDIT: Anyway, it's a T-shirt.

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It's supposed to be my brother's dog, her name is Fieldy, we have loads more, they're right little scummers.


The pups have no names yet, £125 if you want one.


Her knee looks a mess, but don't worry, we don't abuse our pets! She's allergic to flea bites and that's what happens. Anyhow, she's treated now so don't call the RSPCA on me.


Oh, and she looks a bit worried because at the time of taking the photo I was screaming as loudly as possible and flapping one arm.

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Woohoo, pets!

*animal lover* =3


Let's see what I got...



This is my dog Pacha, who sadly had to be put to sleep a bit more than a year ago (I was the only one who stayed with her then; still hurts ='( ). This is a picture of when she was still young (she ended up being 13, which is a lot for her kind since they usually don't get older than 10). And yes, she has one blue and one brown eye. =3



Birdies. We only have the top one still (Leo); he's something like, 15 years old now already and survived all his buddies. The bottom one is Kuifje, but he died a couple of years ago already.



The mother cat here is Tina (about 10 years old now I think) with three of her kittens (there were 4 but one's not in the picture). She's a lot older now and has gone blind through one of her eyes. Still a cutie though (sadly, I don't have a better picture of her here).



The striped cat is Minoush; we took her in after someone found her abandoned on the street as a little kitten. Even though she's really cute when around people, she doesn't usually like other cats that much. In this photo however, she's showing her soft side. =3



This is Zwartje, one of the two kittens we kept. She loves being stroked (even though she farts then XD ). Great at catching mice and birds (an occasional bat), but awful at "fighting" with the other cats.



Other kitten we kept, Streepje. She's actually gotten quite fat... She likes sleeping and eating. Doesn't like people very much; when she does want to be pet, you have to go after her first because even then she keeps getting away from you. She's weird. And cute. X3


Well, we also have a couple of fish (no pictures) at the moment and we'll probably be getting a new dog next year. Hopefully. Other than these pets we've had a ton of others (bunnies, more fish, chickens, turtles, guinea pigs and walking sticks (if that's what you call those in English)).

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would you believe hes 13 this year still looks like a puppy at times he acts like an old man though grumpy as anything most of the time bless him.

Had him since he was six months old poor guy was the runt of the litter but we soon sorted him out and now he thinks hes a rottweiller barks at everything in the street as if to say "oi get away from my property" does some cool tricks too i can get him to give me five which always impresses visitors.

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