Ellmeister Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 I can acknowledge good looking guys but its never once ran through my head about doing stuff with them. Definitely not my thing
nightwolf Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 I can acknowledge good looking women without having any desire to be with them or doing anything with them, not sure if it's my thing to be with a girl, can barely stand being around most of them 99% of the time anyway! You lot have some prettyyyy odd conversations..
rokhed00 Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Dannyboy-the-Dane said: It's hard to get a sex change without retaining a few traits of the opposite gender. But mostly, as I said, it's the mental part of it. Blame society. Really, it's not, a fair few transexuals are completely convincing without any surgery or other treatments. Gizmo said: Because they aren't a woman now. They are a man who has had a few surgeries to look like one. And if you can't tell the difference? MoogleViper said: Not on google images they aren't. And he said pre-op. Still different things, a preop transexual will be able to do nothing with their cock but pee through it. A ladyboy, or shemale, will have it fully active. There's a lot of grey areas in transgenderism.
MoogleViper Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 rokhed00 said: Still different things, a preop transexual will be able to do nothing with their cock but pee through it. A ladyboy, or shemale, will have it fully active. How come? .
nightwolf Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 MoogleViper said: How come? . I'm probably wrong, but with a preop they change because they dislike or even hate themselves..if I hated myself and wanted to change I probably wouldn't want to use the thing holding me back from being somebody else.
MoogleViper Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 nightwolf said: I'm probably wrong, but with a preop they change because they dislike or even hate themselves..if I hated myself and wanted to change I probably wouldn't want to use the thing holding me back from being somebody else. He said they wouldn't be able to do anything, not that they wouldn't want to.
nightwolf Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 MoogleViper said: He said they wouldn't be able to do anything, not that they wouldn't want to. I'm just guessing what he meant.
rokhed00 Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 MoogleViper said: How come? . The hormone treatment will render their penis incapable.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 rokhed00 said: Really, it's not, a fair few transexuals are completely convincing without any surgery or other treatments. And if you can't tell the difference? Well, as I said I don't know much about it. I only know that what ever transsexuals I have seen have had obvious androgynous traits. Of course, it's possible I have seen transsexuals without realising them to be, meaning they have been very successful. Again, the idea of being with anyone bearing resemblence to a male ... *shudders*. I just don't like it.
rokhed00 Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Dannyboy-the-Dane said: Well, as I said I don't know much about it. I only know that what ever transsexuals I have seen have had obvious androgynous traits. Of course, it's possible I have seen transsexuals without realising them to be, meaning they have been very successful. Again, the idea of being with anyone bearing resemblence to a male ... *shudders*. I just don't like it. That's my whole point though, they would have no current resemblance to a male in any way, but you would judge them on their past.
rokhed00 Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Gizmo said: They wouldn't have a womb for one thing. And you would know that how?
Gizmo Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Probably wouldn't be the first thing I'd notice, no. Still means they aren't a woman.
rokhed00 Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Gizmo said: Probably wouldn't be the first thing I'd notice, no. Still means they aren't a woman. You're doing a Mr Garrison then. Any woman who has had a historectomy is a man by your logic.
Paj! Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 I think the fact is that everyone is different. Some people are put off knowing that woman they might normally be attracted to was once a man. Some aren't, and love them as a person, seeing the attractive female characteristics are bonuses.
Gizmo Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Not necessarily. Just using it as an example of how a transexual is different to a natural woman. Don't think it's necessarily you, but at least a few people on here have preached before about how it's only down to "social conditioning" that we see something like transexuals as "unacceptable" or whatever. Surely though, the most natural way of defining the sex of a person is by the genetic way they are made. If they have a historectomy, sure, they are still a woman who has had an operation to remove a part of her body. Same goes for a dude who cuts his dick off.
Raining_again Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Gizmo said: Not necessarily. Just using it as an example of how a transexual is different to a natural woman. Don't think it's necessarily you, but at least a few people on here have preached before about how it's only down to "social conditioning" that we see something like transexuals as "unacceptable" or whatever. Surely though, the most natural way of defining the sex of a person is by the genetic way they are made. If they have a historectomy, sure, they are still a woman who has had an operation to remove a part of her body. Same goes for a dude who cuts his dick off. Fully agree, they may never be a "birth woman" but they are allowed to live as women in their own right. Its definitely not unacceptable, as Gizmo said, but its still a different thing. The hysterectomy thing is a bit of a low blow, women generally only have them because they have to, its pretty major surgery.
Fierce_LiNk Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Raining_again said: Fully agree, they may never be a "birth woman" but they are allowed to live as women in their own right. Its definitely not unacceptable, as Gizmo said, but its still a different thing. The hysterectomy thing is a bit of a low blow, women generally only have them because they have to, its pretty major surgery. Yeah, and they're "losing" something for a particular reason. They're not gaining anything in return, trading or getting anything back at the end of it.
rokhed00 Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Gizmo said: Not necessarily. Just using it as an example of how a transexual is different to a natural woman. Don't think it's necessarily you, but at least a few people on here have preached before about how it's only down to "social conditioning" that we see something like transexuals as "unacceptable" or whatever. Surely though, the most natural way of defining the sex of a person is by the genetic way they are made. If they have a historectomy, sure, they are still a woman who has had an operation to remove a part of her body. Same goes for a dude who cuts his dick off. It's an awful narrow minded way to look at things though. It's no different from any other kind of cosmetic surgery really, if you want kids it may be an issue, but plenty of genetic woman are infertile anyway, so there's no real differentiation.
Gizmo Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 How is it narrow minded to differentiate between those who were born female and those who decided to become female after 40 years of living as a man?
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 rokhed00 said: That's my whole point though, they would have no current resemblance to a male in any way, but you would judge them on their past. My point was that I would judge them on if they still had male traits left. But I can't honestly say how knowing them to have formerly been male, but without visible or otherwise noticeable male traits left, would affect my judgement. I know how strongly you feel about this, and I do feel a little bad about having this kind of prejudice, but I want to highlight that it has absolutely nothing to do with transsexuals or homosexuals being different. I simply have a repulsion towards engaging in sexual behaviour with a male, and I do not know how I would react to a transsexual who looks completely female. As mentioned, I do believe society is to blame for this, but I can't really help it. Feelings are not that easily dealt with or changed.
rokhed00 Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 Gizmo said: How is it narrow minded to differentiate between those who were born female and those who decided to become female after 40 years of living as a man? We're not talking about me here. Dannyboy-the-Dane said: My point was that I would judge them on if they still had male traits left. But I can't honestly say how knowing them to have formerly been male, but without visible or otherwise noticeable male traits left, would affect my judgement. I know how strongly you feel about this, and I do feel a little bad about having this kind of prejudice, but I want to highlight that it has absolutely nothing to do with transsexuals or homosexuals being different. I simply have a repulsion towards engaging in sexual behaviour with a male, and I do not know how I would react to a transsexual who looks completely female. As mentioned, I do believe society is to blame for this, but I can't really help it. Feelings are not that easily dealt with or changed. Fair enough.
Gizmo Posted December 26, 2008 Posted December 26, 2008 rokhed00 said: We're not talking about me here. Fair enough. You're an example of the group being referred to, therefore we are inherently talking about you.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted December 26, 2008 Posted December 26, 2008 MoogleViper said: What's your obsession with lady boys? Not an obsession but I'm definitely very curious of them. Its so 'NEXT GEN'... In that there are beings with feminine dispositions with male and female genitalia. Maybe I'm just think to deeply into it but it is something more than "bizarre". This could be "evolutionary"... And yes, some Transexuals are extremely beautiful in a feminine way, and of course due to hormonal medication, have close to perfectly formed feminine figures. If you are a heterosexual male, atleast 'respect' that lol. Though more more than anything, I have a lot of pity and sympathy for transexuals which allows me to respect them more.
Paj! Posted December 26, 2008 Posted December 26, 2008 King_V said: Not an obsession but I'm definitely very curious of them. Its so 'NEXT GEN'... In that there are beings with feminine dispositions with male and female genitalia. Maybe I'm just think to deeply into it but it is something more than "bizarre". This could be "evolutionary"... And yes, some Transexuals are extremely beautiful in a feminine way, and of course due to hormonal medication, have close to perfectly formed feminine figures. If you are a heterosexual male, atleast 'respect' that lol. Though more more than anything, I have a lot of pity and sympathy for transexuals which allows me to respect them more. Wait...aren't you talking about hermaphrodites? I thought "lady boys" were akin to the Lady Boys of Bangkok, as in...just transgender men, who present themselves as women, but keep male genetalia? I have no idea if the lady boys of bangkok even have male genitalia, can't say I've ever inquired to much/seen their "shows".
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