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So its kind of tied; what does everyone find sexual? And I'm not talking hug tits and cameltoe. I mean the little things?


I've got a friend who I'm really close with (we act all couply but we're not) and theres just something about her confidence and personality which is somewhat crude but she is undeinably sexy. I suppose confidence is a very sexy thing.


And I dunno what there is but theres something hot about a guy in just jeans in a casual situation (ie not chavs who walk around town with no shirt on because they think they're hot).

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;469716"]And I dunno what there is but theres something hot about a guy in just jeans in a casual situation (ie not chavs who walk around town with no shirt on because they think they're hot).




And confidence is a big factor with sexyness.

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Nice eyes, a good smile, cute face.


I have to admit there is someting about the type of guy your talking about. If we want to go abit deeper uniforms. My God. Not these fake things that look tacky, I talking if I see a policman in the street, like that.

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I've shagged three coppers to date, two of them were particularly good. :D


I've 'had' one copper, was alright-nothing to write home about though tbh.


Uniforms don't really do it for me, now if the uniform was office clothes and a half naked guy wearing a few peices then HELL YEAH!

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I've 'had' one copper, was alright-nothing to write home about though tbh.


Uniforms don't really do it for me, now if the uniform was office clothes and a half naked guy wearing a few peices then HELL YEAH!


Your so stereotypical.

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I've 'had' one copper, was alright-nothing to write home about though tbh.


Uniforms don't really do it for me, now if the uniform was office clothes and a half naked guy wearing a few peices then HELL YEAH!


'Having' (as you so politely put it ;)) two of the coppers whilst in their uniforms was very good. I'm with Fresh, very sexy.

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One thing I don't like is how some gays try to seek scientific reasons to explain why homosexuality is natural, as if such proof was necessary. Missing the point really, or rather, it just says more about the complex the person has about being gay. Not saying all are, but I've heard enough of them in the media who persue that path. Personally, I think one shouldn't feel the need to find such scientific reasons.

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well homosexuality is not natural or scientificly right thats for sure... i thought that was obvious???


. . . no. It's been mentioned before the various scientific possibilities that homosexuality may be the result of different biochemistry in a developing fetus or in peoples genes themselves.


Either way there is no conclusive answer to it yet, one way or the other. Nothing is scientifically wrong or right, there is just more evidence to say that such and such is a more likely reason of explanation. Aint science fun ^_^

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Fresh, we'll talk.


mcj, it's not the clothes, it's what the clothes represent I think. Maybe. Dunno really.


I'm awake now, yey.


It is what the clothes represent, authority, security etc. For me anyway.

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