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Yeah it's obviously about the money. The poor guy though :( The irony is is that he probably knows she's using him for the money but won't say anything because he loves her.


True, but it might also be the old guy knows he can get a much younger woman, because he's so rich and so enjoys it. I mean like Hugh heffner (sp?). So basically he knows he's only got a much younger woman because of his money, but in the end doesn't care.

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Manchester Pride was really stupidly great! A lot better than i ever thought it would be!


Next year i'll be going for the full weekend not just for the one night ^_^



I'd rather scratch my eyes out with rusty nails than go to a 'Pride' thing. Glad you had fun though.

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i think its more to show off that you are gay to the objectors (in the older days i mean) but now its more for fun isn't it?


Indeed it is, it's just another event, i see it more like a gayer version of a typical festival, with everyone staying in hotels rather than muddy tents.

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I disagree with the whole concept and would rather not associate with or hang around with the type of people who go to them (not all of course, but practically the majority).


Bar from a few old pissy queens, it was mostly bitch free. Most of the people i saw were just normal guys who were gay and were out to have a good time.

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Question someone might know: Is Darren Hayes gay?


He's married to another dude, so I would have thought so, yeah lol.



On the gay pride thing, I've never seen a parade thingymajig so don't really know what to think. I do think it's probably lots of stereotypical gay guys being general arses though, not that I'm saying everyone who is involved isn like that, just a fare few.

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Bar from a few old pissy queens, it was mostly bitch free. Most of the people i saw were just normal guys who were gay and were out to have a good time.


Sorry mate, but I find that hard to believe. Perhaps our definition on 'normal guys who are gay' differs.

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Sorry mate, but I find that hard to believe. Perhaps our definition on 'normal guys who are gay' differs.


Fuck off.


Normal gay guy is a normal person, who is gay ie. not ott camp as shit, in your face, screaming queen, you want to stab the eyes out of.

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Fuck off.


Normal gay guy is a normal person, who is gay ie. not ott camp as shit, in your face, screaming queen, you want to stab the eyes out of.


That's the second time you've told me to fuck off out of the blue. Jeeze, chill!

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Bar from a few old pissy queens, it was mostly bitch free. Most of the people i saw were just normal guys who were gay and were out to have a good time.


Wow, that's quite surprising. I can see why motion didnt believe you though, its does seem unlikely, although a welcome surprise. I get tired of people using their sexuality as an excuse to act like a tit or just in altogether inappropriate ways.

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You know what I love about being with someone, the way when you watch a funny film and laugh, the way you kind of hold eachother closer...


It's the best feeling ever....


if you say so . . . :indeed:< not in the best of moods atm, forgive me.

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