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Although I've dabbled with fruit and veg in the bedroom, I've some questions....


Doesn't eating fruit (and being healthy in general) make sperm taste better? (I've yet to try it myself.)


I once went with a girl who refused to swallow my juices-of-love (which I gave to her...the cheek!) unless I ate fruit religiously for days before the "sacred act". She also complained that sperm had calories in it.


She could have just said "no" right?


We no longer speak...surprisingly :o


Always wondered about those things...never dared to Google.

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Doesn't eating fruit (and being healthy in general) make sperm taste better? (I've yet to try it myself.)

just... different.

dont think it makes it better or worse ~ it does make a difference, but i love the taste anyway, so i guess it differs from person to person and just depends on your palette :heh: i think some girls just feel weird about WHAT they're swallowing rather than how it tastes (though if you really like onions - it won't help)


apparently it's very high in protein ~ so at the very least you coulda told her it'd be good as a face cream :indeed:

(though i NEVER understood the whole "come on the face/tits" thing... that idea always seemed more icky to me than swallowing ever did!!)

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just... different.

dont think it makes it better or worse ~ it does make a difference, but i love the taste anyway, so i guess it differs from person to person and just depends on your palette :heh: i think some girls just feel weird about WHAT they're swallowing rather than how it tastes (though if you really like onions - it won't help)


apparently it's very high in protein ~ so at the very least you coulda told her it'd be good as a face cream :indeed:

(though i NEVER understood the whole "come on the face/tits" thing... that idea always seemed more icky to me than swallowing ever did!!)


^^ Possibly the greatest post ever?

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Yeah, good insights there Bluey!


Some girls are o.k with tastes I agree. I always kinda think "tut" when a girl spits it out into the sink or whatever. It's not like I've spat anything out when I've guzzled downstairs :( Tiz nice! (Even though spitting can be quite top shelf - narf narf.)


Some people are really wierd about sex. Met a 40yr old woman once who (after a lot of booze) said her and her hubby would only ever have sex AFTER showering and washing intimately with nothing but "vosene"...and afterwards it was straight in the shower for them both to use the vosene again. Now, to me that's just fooked up shit. (Or she loves the Vosene). Sex is just as goo when it's spontaneous.


But I guess some people see it as 'clinical' due to the various health connotations sex brings.


Also, some lass flipped once when it went AWOL into her braided hair. Girls hate that in general I'm sure. Took a year to wash out like. But I never deserved a crack in the ... :o

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Yeah, good insights there Bluey!


Some girls are o.k with tastes I agree. I always kinda think "tut" when a girl spits it out into the sink or whatever. It's not like I've spat anything out when I've guzzled downstairs :( Tiz nice! (Even though spitting can be quite top shelf - narf narf.)

kae so i feel strongly about this ~ spitting is perhaps the most unsexy thing a girl could ever EVER do. i dont understand how girls do it either - i'd feel like an idiot. plus if i were a guy and a girl did that on me i'd be like WHAT?! THE?! HELL?!


i mean what do they do? discuss it beforehand or just run around flapping afterwards looking for a sink? DOES NOT COMPUTE!!





heh... woo~ apparently it makes me a little angry on the inside :smile:

...plus... why's that the best post? O_o

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A woman's perspective is always nice in matters of such nature. It takes two to tango after all. Or is it the jig?


Anyway, I'll make spitting a no-no in future...maybe the girl I spit on likes a bit of naughtiness. A sprinkle of demeaning or something akin to that...which some find a turn on I guess *shrugs* :p.

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Yeah spitting is such phail.




I think Rez is talking from experience :(


just... different.

dont think it makes it better or worse ~ it does make a difference, but i love the taste anyway, so i guess it differs from person to person and just depends on your palette :heh: i think some girls just feel weird about WHAT they're swallowing rather than how it tastes (though if you really like onions - it won't help)


apparently it's very high in protein ~ so at the very least you coulda told her it'd be good as a face cream :indeed:

(though i NEVER understood the whole "come on the face/tits" thing... that idea always seemed more icky to me than swallowing ever did!!)



Letty is highly reluctant most of the time to swallow mine. I think she sees it as a chore :(

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I think Rez is talking from experience :(





Letty is highly reluctant most of the time to swallow mine. I think she sees it as a chore :(


Frankly Im lucky if I get a blow job at all.


I certainly wish she was more a sex driven cum guzzler, as my sex drive, is as Ive mentioned before....



....Uberly MA.

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Poor Rez... you seem so unloved at times! Are you happy in your relationship? I mean, if you're not then why are you with Claire?


Don't be in a relationship just because you think you can't get another girlfriend or do any better.

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Poor Rez... you seem so unloved at times! Are you happy in your relationship? I mean, if you're not then why are you with Claire?


Don't be in a relationship just because you think you can't get another girlfriend or do any better.


Hmmmm....yeah. You're probably a bit right to be honest.


I do love Claire...but we're not HUGELY compatible. Its like...I try and get her into Invincible (for example) and shes just extremely reluctant to read it, whereas people at work (Im thinking in particular this one chick) whos never read a comic before was more than happy to try it after my recommendation. She also never listens to me. Perfect example last night, I had a package come with a lot of cardboard in and I was like "Oh sweet, I can use this for my Venom chest muscle plate (to hide my flab ;)) don't throw it away." and I threw it to the end of the bed. An hour later its folded up in the bin, and I explained it to her and she yelled at me saying "You never said that."


So yeah its not an ideal relationship.


Plus.....I havnt committed this to anything other than my mind....I might possibly like someone else a bit.





Hmmmm. I do still love Claire though. We do laugh together, and things would be infinitely infinitely better when/if we move out...but thats not possible just yet due to lack of savings (unless I blow my mums/grannys inheritance money) (Which isnt much....funny story ; My mum goes bankrupt, is forced to cancel a life insurance plan, one month later gets diagnosed with cancer)


But yeah.




Ill be all gravy. ;)

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Hmmmm....yeah. You're probably a bit right to be honest.


I do love Claire...but we're not HUGELY compatible. Its like...I try and get her into Invincible (for example) and shes just extremely reluctant to read it, whereas people at work (Im thinking in particular this one chick) whos never read a comic before was more than happy to try it after my recommendation. She also never listens to me. Perfect example last night, I had a package come with a lot of cardboard in and I was like "Oh sweet, I can use this for my Venom chest muscle plate (to hide my flab ;)) don't throw it away." and I threw it to the end of the bed. An hour later its folded up in the bin, and I explained it to her and she yelled at me saying "You never said that."


So yeah its not an ideal relationship.


Plus.....I havnt committed this to anything other than my mind....I might possibly like someone else a bit.





Hmmmm. I do still love Claire though. We do laugh together, and things would be infinitely infinitely better when/if we move out...but thats not possible just yet due to lack of savings (unless I blow my mums/grannys inheritance money) (Which isnt much....funny story ; My mum goes bankrupt, is forced to cancel a life insurance plan, one month later gets diagnosed with cancer)


But yeah.




Ill be all gravy. ;)


I'll be honest, me and Letty have this issue. Although, I do try to take an interest in what she likes (ie: Piercings, hair colouring, that twat DJ Seizen or whatever he's cunting called... God i hate 'it'.). I know i like stuff she doesn't like (ie: tech shit that she honestly doesn't care about). People have different interests and you have to understand that. Thats the biggest lesson i've learned in a relationship. Try to be interested in her things and usually visa versa sort of kicks in.


But yeah, relationships are complicated, very complicated. But having 'just a laugh' isn't really a relationship Rez. I'm not trying to cast doubt on what you feel but, unless you feel that there is no one else in this world for you other than Claire then you might wanna talk about these issues to her... unless shes one of those girls where she can't accept shes wrong in which case, you might have an issue on your hands.


I'm just... going off on a tangent at the moment. But i said something to Letty last night that came out totally wrong. I don't know if this is the same for the other guys on the forums, but when i kiss and hug Letty I know she feels something i don't. But when we have sex i feel this huge 'connection' (no innuendo plz) with her, that i don't think she gets at all. Doing it with her feels as if its the only way i can really get across how i feel but i just come off as a raging sex addict half the time... I just have needs that usually aren't fulfilled if you get me. God i wish i had a normal cock :(

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