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To be honest there wasn't many things the police could do, as soon as she was kidnapped she could be in Germany in just 40 minutes. Her parents don't seem to care much about the way our police do things, which was exactly the opposite of all this attention seeking.

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With her parents being wealthy n all, could they not have paid for some of this media coverage?


Also she may have got this much attention due to the fact she is so young and can't look after herself but your friend in theory could of just ran away and started a new life and so if that came to light after they made a big fuss of him being missing would just make the media look stupid?


I am not saying for a second he has done that but that could be how the media would look at something like that possibly?

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Having somebody go missing is really horrible. You try to remain hopeful that they'll 'find their way home', but there's always doubt in you're mind that maybe they won't come in. I have respect for her parents and for you, dude, because it can be pretty traumatic.


It's difficult to say this, but people go missing all the time. Whenever I watch my local news, there's always at least one man or another person missing. After the broadcast ends, that's it, that's all the publicity that person will get.


It's to do with the age, and also I guess the fact that she is a girl. This reminds me of the Soham Murders, where those two girls went missing. The British media really grasped that one. But, if I'm honest, some times I think parents or people who are involved with those who went missing really, really go too far. It doesn't become a case of doing your best efforts to bring someone home, but more like..a media circus, or minor stardom.


Remember that little girl went missing all those years ago, and they brought in Sarah's law. Well, I remember years after all that, the Mother was still appearing in the papers, telling the destruction of her family, how she had moved on and had another baby. To me, I just find that a little unsettling.

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Guest Jordan

The thing with the Maddy stuff that gets me, to be honest... her parents were to blame.


Why the fuck did they leave her alone in the room for? She could have done anything, nevermind get kidnapped. Common sense? Anyone?

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I also think her parents were very irresponsible. Also, I understand that they might not be thinking straight with her daughter missing and all, but they're taking way too much advantage of it. I mean, going to the Pope? And this when they said they wouldn't leave Portugal until they found her.

I also don't see what else the police could do, in fact they're doing much more than what they would do for a local kid, cause of all of the media coverage.

Also, I assure you, the Portuguese Mafia had nothing to do with it and that Oxigen Waste will be punished for his words.

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A family friend's sister went missing when the friend was still a child. I'm not sure whatever came of it though.


It was weird this whole Maddy thing.. Every mronign on GMTV, they kept saying something else the parents were doing, and never even brushing on the possibility that the girl wouldn't come back.

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A family friend's sister went missing when the friend was still a child. I'm not sure whatever came of it though.


It was weird this whole Maddy thing.. Every mronign on GMTV, they kept saying something else the parents were doing, and never even brushing on the possibility that the girl wouldn't come back.


I've always thought that if you are worrying, is because you are contemplating he/she might be dead

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The thing with the Maddy stuff that gets me, to be honest... her parents were to blame.

Her parents were not to blame. They made a mistake by leaving her alone, but that doesn't make it OK for someone to go in and snatch her does it?

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Her parents were not to blame. They made a mistake by leaving her alone, but that doesn't make it OK for someone to go in and snatch her does it?


No, but somebody running a campaign for a lost child way after the child is undoubtedly dead is more than a little suspect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I find it strange that Margaret Hill, the 3 year old British girl who's being held captive in Nigeria by gunmen who have threatened to kill her isn't getting 0.0001% of the media attention the Madeline McCann case did, even though it was generally accepted Madeline was probably dead while this little girl is undoubtaly alive and in need of saving from being murdered.


Ah, hang on - just seen a photo of her parents. No chance of blonde hair and big blue eyes then. Carry on.

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Her parents were not to blame. They made a mistake by leaving her alone, but that doesn't make it OK for someone to go in and snatch her does it?


As a parent myself I can say for certain it's there damn fault. Why the hell would you leave a little girl alone at that age? It's stupid, no only can they get kidnapped, they can wonder off and get lost, hurt themself or pretty much anything else. Of course it doesn't mean it's ok for someone to snatch her but the point is that it wouldn't have happened if they hadn't left her alone.


I've never once had my daughter of 4 months alone, and not until my little sister was quite old was she left alone.


Urgh, you would expect doctors to be smarter then that surely?



As for the reason she's got so much attention? Parents status, girl, young, cute and anything else that helps the story sell.


Oh and as people said before, if it weren't two doctors as parents, they would have been slamed so hard for leaving her alone. It would have been a compeltely different story.


"Maddy left to die by negligent parents!" anyone?

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I find it strange that Margaret Hill, the 3 year old British girl who's being held captive in Nigeria by gunmen who have threatened to kill her isn't getting 0.0001% of the media attention the Madeline McCann case did, even though it was generally accepted Madeline was probably dead while this little girl is undoubtaly alive and in need of saving from being murdered.


Ah, hang on - just seen a photo of her parents. No chance of blonde hair and big blue eyes then. Carry on.


Read about that myself, disgraceful if you ask me stuff like this makes me hate the media's stance on abductions so crude and unjust

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  • 1 month later...

Kate McCann is being named as an "arguido" by Portugese police. This is being generally translated as "suspect" in the news but it's not quite that simple - It's a legal classification and both police and the person being interviewed often request the status because it gives them certain legal rights - It gives the arguido the right to silence and a lawyer and it gives the police the right to ask a much wider range of questions. So "suspect" doesn't automatically translate as "We think you might have done it" because there are other reasons for setting that status.


However, friends of Kate McCann say the plod are suggesting to her that they found traces of Madeleine's blood in their hire car and she fear's she's going to be charged over her death.



Completely unsubstantiated, but a friend-of-a-friend in Portugal says the papers there are saying today that police believe the couple (both doctors) drugged the kids so they could go for a meal and overdid it with Maddie - the evidence being the blood traces in the car and a needle found during investigations.

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That would be a horrific and inhumane thing to do to a small child. Sickening. I guess the plot thickens..I was at work this morning and some woman was showing me the front of the mirror saying "I told you they did it, I told you so". (The front of the paper had Madelines parents with SUSPECTS written above them). The fact she never picked up a broadsheet sickened me yet she was wholly adamant that all along it was the parents. She based this on the sheer fact of the parents supposedly leaving the child alone from the very start. People are obviously entitled to their opinions but shouting it out in Asda is just insensitive and rash. I hope the truth is laid out for everyone as soon as possible. As previously said it's just turning into a media circus.

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You know I said this near the beginning(in the real world not here) that it was ridiculous the way the whole world is jumping on this and celebrities are all getting on the bandwagon when they're plenty of missing kids and people who don't get this recognition.


Response : You're a sick fuck.


The media really do control this country, it's as if people can't think for themselves.

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The thing with the Maddy stuff that gets me, to be honest... her parents were to blame.


Why the fuck did they leave her alone in the room for? She could have done anything, nevermind get kidnapped. Common sense? Anyone?


I wouldn't say they were to blame but I completely agree with what you're saying about them leaving her alone. Thats just asking for trouble. If I had a kid and I was going to pop to the shops for 2 minutes, I still wouldn't leave them all alone let alone if I was in another country.

It bothers me how much sympathy her parents have gotten, as I think to do something like that is disgraceful. All my sympathy is with the girl to be honest.

I don't think this is something we should be joking about however..

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