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Eenuh, you are truly professional standard. I don't know what a lino cut is (even after reading the descriptions) - I thought you'd drawn it with pencil and inked it with Indian Ink - but it doesn't make any difference, it's an awesome picture!

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Re: The ink in lino cuts;


I assume the ink was mixed with a bit on linseed oil? The amount of oil the ink is mixed with before you put in on the lino can affect the consistency and therefore how it ends up.


I mentioned last week I was doing lino...I disliked the cutting out, but enjoyed the actual printing, played around with some yellow shiny fabric I found, gave a nice effect. Once my camera is being less dickish I'll upload photos of my (pretty simple) gos last week.


Ganepark: Funnily, I hadn't touched any form of printing since the start of 4ths! Gave it up and never returned, as I always felt that I may as well just draw/paint, something I knew I could pull off, rather than print, something I wasn't so sure of. It's been starting afresh at a purely art-based school, as they force to retry all the techniques.


It'sd vis. com. now and I actually loved the big friday collage project, and loved my pieces (unashamedly). I'm normally modest, but most people just piled crap from celebrity magazines onto sketchbooks pages, whereas I spent all day yesterday designing collages of images that really conveyed the pair of words I chose etc etc. A lot of thought into it. I think I'm just proud of how hard I worked, considering I'm so lazy. :p [/modest?] Will try and get photos of them up too.


Today was odd though, we had to "play" with elements from our collages to mess around with typography, by my stencils I traced/made kept falling apart qand everything looked like shit/ I didn't "get it". After chatting with the tutor, I 'm trying to design letters that give off "Attract/Repel" (the words I chose), but through the aspects I picked up on, sexual desire, pleasure and pain within them, and bees :). (Bees are just...amazing metaphors for ANYTHING. Life, death, servitude, gender issues, sexual allegory etc etc)




Basically I'm having loads of fun at art school. :D


(P.S Eenuh your skill at lino cutting seems to outweigh all the lino cuts our year did the other day. :) Great stuff!)

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I'd love to see your creations Paj. Sounds like you're having lots of fun. =)


Also, linseed oil? All I did was pour some of the "water soluble block printing" ink on my glass desk, roll the roller over it and then try to spread it on my lino cut. To be honest I don't even know if this ink/paint stuff is any good for lino printing, but it was sitting next to the lino equipment so I just got it (plus it seemed the cheapest/smallest). >.>;

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The ink should be fine, but there's ink designed for etching that isn't very good for lino prints, so unless it was that, should be fine.


Yeah, we used a small amount of linseed oil (IIRC) after squeezing out the tubes to get a nice consistancy.

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Hmm well the tube doesn't say anything other than "block printing" and "water soluble" heh. Maybe it dries a bit too quickly (I'm quite slow). I think I'll give the printing another shot this weekend, see if it turns out any better. =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I quite like the style you're going for, but I think the legs could do with some work/rethinking. Her inner thighs area seems a bit stange, and where does her other leg go?... it cant simply dissapear behind the other leg like that, especially at that angle.

But I like the design of her top half.

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LOL, I didn't draw the vagina! It's meant to be the line from the leg and hip. Perhaps you'll prefer these:


I know, but it's one of those comic traditions that people incorporate into females, as it's a satisfying image (a continuation on from the legs below), and also "sexy" and tight.


An example from "The 40 worst Rob Liefield Drawings"


Well at least he traced out exactly where the borders of her vagina are, in case anyone was wondering. Wait, someone put one of her legs on sideways. Oh well, heh, I’d hit it.


it just looks bizarre. Though that pic you drew with vagina framing is way better than his, at least the woman in yours is moving, so it would make sense to have the movement show slightly under the dress. RL is such a dong/bad artist.

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it just looks bizarre. Though that pic you drew with vagina framing is way better than his, at least the woman in yours is moving, so it would make sense to have the movement show slightly under the dress. RL is such a dong/bad artist.


OK, cool. I generally draw the whole shape, "naked" if you like, but not deliberately "nude", then apply the clothes. It's difficult to know how much to leave showing if you're drawing tight clothes.


The exception is with men - I draw the torso, but not the legs (as they're covered with looser trousers).

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The exception is with men - I draw the torso, but not the legs (as they're covered with looser trousers).


I noticed that too, (I feel like I'm criticising you harshly, I'm not meaning to at all! :p ) It would probably look better if the trousers were smaller, less flared, and the men had feet. One thing I've learned from drawing people is that feet are fucking annoying, but very important, as they give stability and weight to any figure. The female figure you do (which is nicely thought out and "definite") looks very jarring beside the "incomplete" looking men, IMO because of the feet, or lack thereof, and possibly massive trousers.


Sorry if I'm being overly critical. I do appreciate that your woman is definitely in your own style.

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Sorry if I'm being overly critical. I do appreciate that your woman is definitely in your own style.


Well, it's constructive and I'm taking a lot from it. I should say my inspirations are not American comic books or Manga, but more Asterix, Tintin and Popeye.


I've taken all your and Retro Link's comments on board and (hopefully) drawn a better version. This time, it's just about believable that the right calf could disappear behind the left one. Also, the face is more like I intend and I've only drawn one hip:



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But Moogle, it's part of a stylised drawing. I think they look okay as is, women in comics are always idealized versions of real women anyway.


The face looks nicer in the second one, despite me thinking it was cool in the first too. I think the angrier expression works better maybe. :)

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Her leg still looks wierd. Why don't you draw the other leg?


Because she's walking and it's flicking back. I've thought carefully about it and I'm happy that taking perspective into account, it's fine.


But Moogle, it's part of a stylised drawing. I think they look okay as is, women in comics are always idealized versions of real women anyway.


The face looks nicer in the second one, despite me thinking it was cool in the first too. I think the angrier expression works better maybe. :)


Cheers! It's the same reason I draw men with ridiculous muscles - I just prefer stylised things.


I liked the face in the first one, but this character actually "exists" in my head, and the first face didn't look quite like her. I will certainly try and work the more stern expression into this type of face though.


I'm quite self-critical, and I'm honestly happy that the proportions and general appearance of this character are as good as I can get them at the moment, compared to how I intend them, that is. Maybe I'll realise how awful it is in a few months' time, like my February and March drawings?


I'll think about the breasts next time, but this character is intentionally more "leggy" than "booby", and I don't want them to cover the ribcage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Firstly, Eenuh, you are actually professional standard. In fact, I can't believe you're not a professional - you could probably make money out of this as soon as you wanted to.


Secondly, thank you to Retro Link, Paj Meen Ah and MoogleViper for their comments on my pieces. I was quite unappreciative at the time, but your comments were extremely useful. I honestly didn't know I couldn't draw legs, and I do need these things pointed out to me.


Thirdly, I've done a new piece. A theme popped into my head on Friday and I drew it. It's not explicit and I don't think it breaks any rules, but I've hidden it in case anyone doesn't want to see it:




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Thanks everyone. And Ashley, is that a hint or something? =P

Grazza: I wish I was professional, but I'm really not haha. Someday though hopefully. =)


As for your drawing, it looks nice I think. Only thing I can really point out at first glance is that her left arms is shorter than her right one, plus the hand looks a bit off (it should have a slight curve outwards, being thicker than the arm).

Also, the place where her left leg connects to her hips seems a bit off, but I'm not quite sure how to fix it heh. =P

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As for your drawing, it looks nice I think. Only thing I can really point out at first glance is that her left arms is shorter than her right one, plus the hand looks a bit off (it should have a slight curve outwards, being thicker than the arm).

Also, the place where her left leg connects to her hips seems a bit off, but I'm not quite sure how to fix it heh. =P


Ah, thanks. Things like the arm length are things that pass me by unless they're pointed out. I knew the fingers weren't right, and I'm going to have to work on those. As for the left hip, I think it should be more concave at the top and convex at the bottom.


It slightly reminds me of this..


Ah, I forgot about that. I was actually thinking of Salma Hayek, not Britney, but of course it's the same theme. It may sound strange, but I get a thrill out of people realising what I've drawn. I didn't say what the theme was, but you can see it.


but I like it, her feet are abit off though, like she's hovering, even with a floor I'd think it'd look off..?


Hehe, that's been a big problem of mine for ages. I've done three more pics like this, and I have actually corrected the footing (though not the hands yet - I don't know how to do that). I've also drawn hotpants instead, as they're probably a bit more "polite"!


Thanks to Retro Link as well!

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