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I just downloaded this and when I do find game it comes up with a screen saying "DOWNLOADING GAME SETTINGS".....bt then doesn't seem to do anything....What have I done wrong??


I've got this problem as well now, what the hell's going on?

I've got one too guys, none of my friends needed it so anybody who needs it is welcome to it.


Give it here, I know someone else who wants one. :heh:


Thanks in advance!

Methinks Fish is flogging them on ebay lol


Did my code work for your mate?


He hasn't yet replied, the lazy git.


I'll give him the second one before my other friend in need, as the first friend asked...


ahhhh this is the most fun I have had with any online game ever.. i usually don't play that much online but here you have no choice and I was hooked.. even did pretty well in some games.. something im not that used to ha ha..

In the name of Harman...


It finally started working for me and its a crap load of fun! One of the matches I played was super laggy, it was driving me nuts. The best I've managed to do is string together 3 kills but I'm encouraged by the fact I do rack up a bit of a kill count in my first couple tries. The maps are a bit daunting but the ones I've played have been cool. My favorite one is the one with the downed helicopter. I'd definitely be up for joining some forum games...assuming the Bate works the next time I try it!


I'm not sure if I'll buy the game launch day but its definitly shot up to a pretty much must but.


It just got ridiculous when I was standing about 2 feet away from someone and I was dancing/having a fit around them and my gun was deciding to go off at random intervals. But thats what the Beta is for so I'm not too bothered.


Does anyone have a link to somewhere that describes the controls and more detailed aspects like calling in air support (I gathered you need to string kills together to get that) because at the moment I'm playing this a bit like the Halo 3 Beta with a bit of Counter-Strike mixed in.


I'm digging the experience points as well!


w00t! i've got my key!


got no bloody time to play it though, i've hardly had a chance to sit down all week and next week doesn't look good either :(


The more I play this the more fun it gets!! I keep screwing up the melee attack, I just panic and mash the pad! I've switched the controls over now.

It just got ridiculous when I was standing about 2 feet away from someone and I was dancing/having a fit around them and my gun was deciding to go off at random intervals. But thats what the Beta is for so I'm not too bothered.


Does anyone have a link to somewhere that describes the controls and more detailed aspects like calling in air support (I gathered you need to string kills together to get that) because at the moment I'm playing this a bit like the Halo 3 Beta with a bit of Counter-Strike mixed in.


I'm digging the experience points as well!


3 kills in a row: UAV (radar)

5 kills in a row: Airstrike

7 kills in a row: Helicopter

3 kills in a row: UAV (radar)

5 kills in a row: Airstrike

7 kills in a row: Helicopter




I managed to get 5 kills!! I assume you don't have to direct the air strike? I set mine off about a second before I got killed...:heh:


Just to check, If I shoot my own team does it hurt them? I ask because I can't always tell if the other person is on my team or not until its too late.

The map pops up and you've gotta direct the air strike somewhere.

The helicopter just flies in killing people.


So I had to stay alive....damn. :heh:


Just had an awesome match! Managed to call in the helicopter twice. There was this one guy I killed about 4 times in a row. I like how you can see where the person who killed you is, its kinda realistic giving away their position.


I really hate the farm/countryside map...I'm rubbish at it. I love the other two, one of them reminds me of counter strike.

The farm one is too long i swear. If you spawn at the wrong end you've got a small treck on your hands.


I still haven't worked out its layout! Also I really don't like the fact that there are so many places to hide and camo comes into goood use....But thats just because I'm crap at playing like that!! :heh:


Does anyone think the rocket launcher, that you get with a skill, is a bit weak? Do you get skill points for killing people with it or have I been missing?

I still haven't worked out its layout! Also I really don't like the fact that there are so many places to hide and camo comes into goood use....But thats just because I'm crap at playing like that!! :heh:


Does anyone think the rocket launcher, that you get with a skill, is a bit weak? Do you get skill points for killing people with it or have I been missing?


It's for killing the helicopter more than anything else I think.

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