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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


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You mean the silo part? That part was a bitch.


Yeah the silo, i hit the checkpoint where you're staring at the huge star on the war, gotta get through that long corridor now.


Sorry i didn't play last night, i'm trying to not do online till i've finally finished veteran.

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Speaking of the plot, I'm surprised at how well the British are portrayed in it.


They always are in IW's Call of Duty's.

My two complaints about the Brits are that the cars in the training mission are all left-hand drive, and Gaz refers to a mobile as "his cell phone".

Other than that, and the lack of SA80's (the best assault rifle in the world, and used by the British army and SAS), I'd say they are bloody well done.


Oh, and Price refers to "stout", which I've never heard anyone call it by that name, but now I'm just splitting hairs.

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Right, i'm still stuck in this damn corridor in the Silo now. It's proper pissing me off. Any help?


on what difficulty?


Grenades.. flash bangs.. run like hell and hide in a corner with the shotgun


I had problems with this one on normal.. right now im trying on (i almost typed legendary) veteran.. im stuck on that mission where you have to check the houses for some terrorist.. getting killed a lot

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Guest Stefkov
Right, i'm still stuck in this damn corridor in the Silo now. It's proper pissing me off. Any help?

get rid of the first few that come out both silo entrances. Run to the middle behind the boxes. Clear down that corridor.

Get your grenade launcher out, strafe looking towards one of the silos and fire down at the silo to rid of a guy on that side, do the same for the other. Go down one side, using your grenade launcher for far away enemies. Keep using walls, like firing your grenades at them to set them off right next to enemies. Use flash bangs aswell.

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This is what I done.


Shoot the first guys that are in the straight section, there should be 4.


I then pegged it to the barricade that the bad guys had set up and hid right next to it in the corner just picking off enemies in the straight corridor.


Next you need to take care of both the guys in the left and right passage ways. What I done was equip the grenade launcher and strafed past one side and shot to blow the guy up, healed and then strafed the other side.


Now as you walk into which ever path you choose ( left or right ) as soon as you walk where one of the missles are a guy will run out, shoot him. Take aim with you Launcher and shoot the wall just inside the tunnel and that will kill another guy. There may be another so be careful.


Next you need to kill the guy right at the other end of the passage way. I just used the launcher while strafing.


I then charged ahead throwing flashes and firing the grenade launcher. Once that is clear look around to the final passage and all the way over the other end there should be 2-3 guys. Again just strafe and fire your grenade launcher or grenades if you are out.


That will be it and your men will charge forward.


When I did this I thought I had to clear both sides out but you only need to do one. If you stick to the same path you will see that the guys appear at the same place at the same time.

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Oh, and Price refers to "stout", which I've never heard anyone call it by that name, but now I'm just splitting hairs.

He's actually from the early 20th century remember ;)



I REALLY don't get how people can do this game on Veteran; Even Hardened.



And yeh...the SA80 being missing is pretty bad. I hope on the next one there's more Tankey stuff *CoughChallengerIICough*




The end's confusing as fuck...Who's actually dead and alive?


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Guest Stefkov

HOT described in detail, much more detail that mine, but that's how to do it. Trust me, when you get the hang of the grenade launcher and find out for some reason shooting it at an enemy only makes them stumble over a bit. I mean it's a grenade ffs. Why didn't it blow on impact if he's that bloody strong. [/rant]

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Guest Stefkov

We're talking about (why you should play on normal first imho, so you know what to expect later on) the part just before the door that opens really slow. But you played on Vet first time so you don't know this bit.

A bad drawing but it kinda looks like that. The centre there is a "barricade", just boxes and drums. either side there are silo/cylinder objects where there are passage ways either side full of enemies.

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Guest Stefkov

Yeah, that area, just do as HOT says. Just a lot of strafing, getting and hiding in cover when injured, don't even poke a little bit out cos they'll get you.

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Say you are looking at the corridor straight ahead, kill the first 4 guys that come at you then move forward.


Forget about the left and right passage ways and ahead forward where the boxes etc are. There you can pick everyone off in behind the barricade.


Now go back to the left or right paths and strafe with your launcher.


Now pick which path you want to take and then just do as I said in the previous post. Remember about 3 guys will come at you when you enter the 1st Silo area.

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actually i think you wwere talking about the bit jsut ahead of where i am, either way, i can get past where i was stuck, then the next corridor. It's thinner, big pile of boxes, i think that's what you thought i meant.


You on about the corridor where there are guys everywhere in little nooks and boxes all over the place? If you are then I just headed left and used flash grenades before ploughing enemies down with my gun. Flashes are the way forward in veteran :)

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