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Beautiful Katamari


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I just see 360 and PS3 mentioned.

Fuck you Namco.

I know!


No offence to the 360 or PS3 but I can't understand putting this game on either console over the Wii!


The graphical capabilities of the 360/PS3 aren't being used in the slightest,

and the game could have benefited from the Wii controls, taking the series to a new level!





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But won't it just be the same as all the rest?
It certainly looks to be! That's why putting it on Wii and using the controller would have been a much better move; at least it would have added something different!
Can someone please explain to me the point/objective, i.e. what the hell is going on, of Katamari?

I've never played it but I've heard good things!

Here's a trailer from 'We Love Katamari' on the PS2 to show what the games are like;



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Err well the PS3 could do rolling stuff with the sixaxis, so it would have to be super uber totally different not Katamari any more to use full Wii Remote functions.


I'll be getting this game, now the deciding factor is which version, guess I'll have to wait for reviews to see what uses each systems abilities.


Remember kids, Katamari is worth buying alone just for the awesome soundtrack those games have.

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Reasons for BK not on Wii are:





Katamari creator has something about Nintendo. (I remember him saying something that Katamari is more suitable for PSP than GC)

That's all bullshit. Unless you're just putting up some stupid reasonings to get a reaction off some of the above people.


Online isn't an issue, as neither of the PS2 games had it. Blu-Ray/DVD disc isn't an issue either, as the Playstation games were on single-layer DVD's. And finally the Katamari creator has nothing to do with this version of the game as far as I know.


I think the series is overrated, and got far more praise than is deserved. Gameplay and innovation wise it's outstanding, but that initial buzz goes real quick.

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Katamari is the perfect for Wii, it's seriously stupid. Also, it's the only one I own. For now.


The producer said in a quote that they did try using the remote but it ended up in serous control issues they are still looking into it but until they find a decent control scheme no way hosé


Reasons for BK not on Wii are:





Katamari creator has something about Nintendo. (I remember him saying something that Katamari is more suitable for PSP than GC)


Seen as he left Namco as well as the Games industry I doubt it.

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The producer said in a quote that they did try using the remote but it ended up in serous control issues they are still looking into it but until they find a decent control scheme no way hosé.


No one said a word about next-gen Katamari.

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Nintendo News | Namco Bandai Bringing Katamari to Wii and DS?


Quick News - As previously reported, Namco Bandai has announced the Wii version of Katamari will come later than the rest on 14th November for $29.99 to give the team time to make full use of the controls. The DS was also mentioned by Jun Moriwaki, the game's director, as a possiblity.

I thought they'd ditched the Wii version having not announced it with the 360 and PS3 version?!


Good news it seems!

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