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N-E Meet-up Part 3 - Alton Towers


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Guest Stefkov

Ugh if I just had the courage, money ans some sort of transport.

Fish I had the same idea in my head just then. But that would be so geeky the amount of embarrasment would overwhelm me.

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Fish, we can't really stop you. :heh:


Fair enough. It'll probably only be me and 2 or 3 others.

I'm just wondering if anyone massively objects to someone of my importance to this form using the only realistic method of getting there.:indeed:

Me and my ego can't just walk, can they?;)

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Fish I had the same idea in my head just then. But that would be so geeky the amount of embarrassment would overwhelm me.


Get friends who both can drive and have Nintendo consoles onto the forum, and get them involved.

And then you say "Hey, friends, look! A load of the people on the forum are meeting up at Alton Towers! Why don't we go as a group?"

If they are resilient, point out that there's safety in numbers in case any of us are psychos.

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Guest Stefkov
Would of been cool if you could go :(

:o Wow..i mean wow.

:grin: I joke, really would be good if I sat down and thought about it. Is there only 1 Alton Towers?

Theres one less than 2 hours from me...


I just thought the Bard, but I have this feeling that he's a kinda hobo and his car smells of wild animals (if he has one)...hope he doesnt read this...

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You should try and come too. Almost all the aficionados are respected and recognised members!


I'd love to, but there's no way i'd be able to get to Alton towers to meet internet people. Or go and get pissed (obviously) down.. wherever the hell it is.

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Location: Alton Towers

Date: August 1-4 (tentative)



August 1 :

(am): Arrive at accom.

(pm): Scout out Derby


August 2:

Day: Alton Towers

Night: ????


August 3:

Day: ????

Night: ????


August 4:

Day: ????

Night: Leave


We now need to decide where we're going to stay (both Stoke and Derby are relatively close), what we're going to stay in (hotel, hostel etc) and how much we're wanting to pay*.


*Don't say as little as possible as that is no help at all, we need exact ammounts

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Guest Stefkov

I've said it before but in Derby theres a Ukrainian camp. If you gave the guy who lives in the pub down the bottom of the camp, Smiler's his name, told him how many were coming, how long for. Theres a football field which you can pitch up tents on.


I've never heard it done for just people coming down to go to Alton towers though...so don't expect anything, I could ask my dad about it. But don't hold out.

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id be willing to go then, but it will be a shitty day with the amount of queing that you have to do in early august. But i spose we got company for the queues lol. Id stay for a few nights, i need to get hammered with Caris.

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