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Top Nintendo mistakes

mcj metroid

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Creating the Wii was not a mistake. It was a wise choice, for them especially, as well, the blue ocean strategy is pretty much working financially, they're getting tons of profit from it. Had they made a powerful console like Gamecube 2, that would have been a mistake, as they would have most likely totally failed.

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The N64 controller stuff was rubbish - A PS1 fighting game could of easily been ported to the 64. D-pad + L or Stick + Z. then the C buttons could easily of replicated the PS's 4 buttons. It was comfortable, unlike the PS controller. The controller for the 64 really had a lot of unused potential.

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it was a piece of crap. Why do you think the gamecube controller looks more like the ps2 controller? I mean why would they change it if it's comfortable? the dual anologue controllers of the ps1 were much better. Ape escape controlled beautifully. Even the anologue stick of the n64 controller is dated compared to the excellent gamecube controllers. It was stupid and it looked like the enterprise. Making a controller for one game( cough super mario 64 cough)doesn't work

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The N64 controller is easily the most comfortable controller I've ever held. I know the left side was completely useless but I really don't care. I couldn't imagine playing goldeneye with any other controller.


Do you have one arm longer than the other? There's no way you can go back to playing on the N64 after playing the Cube and say it's controller is more comfortable.

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That article is really, really bad. They are excepting, for example, that Nintendo won't ramp its console's horsepower in next generation. And of course they haven't understood that the other companies will mimick market leader, meaning that next generation consoles won't probably have so drastic jump in horsepower.


They missed out 'never listening to the consumer'.


If Nintendo would listen kids ranting in the forums, it would be much worse financial shape.

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I agreed with some parts of the article.


Treating Europe with a bit more respect isn't on the list, which is surprising.


I still stand with 'my' opinions on the release schedule, i'm allowed my view on what i think about the European release dates. NOE said themselves not long ago, that Europe wouldn't suffer the same-fate as the Gamecube releases, but i think we are in some ways.


Also, some 'kids' on this forum, talk alot of sense and NOE should listen to them! We are the people who buy the consoles and games etc..


Also, i think it's fair to say that a very high percentage want online gaming, so Nintendo made a mistake there. Consumers like choice. 6 million didn't sign-up for Xbox Live for nothing.

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Hmh... I did read more of the article, and it is fun that in addition of being sensationalist, it is factually incorrect. For example, part about 3rd parties that don't have access to Mii and online features.


6 million didn't sign-up for Xbox Live for nothing.


Except that nobody knows how many of these 6 million accounts actually play games. The fact that Microsoft doesn't want to tell actual figures means they are much smaller in reality. Furthermore, Microsoft counts anyone who was connected at least once to Live network as active user, even if he has silver account. Figures are also skewed by fact that X360 is still on early adopter phase, which mostly consist tech-heads and HC-fans of original Xbox (same guys who used first Xbox Live).

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There's no way you can go back to playing on the N64 after playing the Cube and say it's controller is more comfortable.


Erm... Yes there is?

I'll take Perfect Dark with the N64-controller any time over anything else.

On a side note, had Perfect Dark Zero been released with a surprisingly N64-esque controller to go with it, it would have, at the very least, sucked a tiny little bit less. ;)

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Statistically speaking they are minority, and will stay that way for long time. It is just fact that most internet geeks can't accept.


I'm an Internet geek for wanting online play?


I agreed with some parts of the article.


Treating Europe with a bit more respect isn't on the list, which is surprising.


I still stand with 'my' opinions on the release schedule, i'm allowed my view on what i think about the European release dates. NOE said themselves not long ago, that Europe wouldn't suffer the same-fate as the Gamecube releases, but i think we are in some ways.


Also, some 'kids' on this forum, talk alot of sense and NOE should listen to them! We are the people who buy the consoles and games etc..


Also, i think it's fair to say that a very high percentage want online gaming, so Nintendo made a mistake there. Consumers like choice. 6 million didn't sign-up for Xbox Live for nothing.


It's written by Americans is it not? Americans don't actually care about Europe, they probably don't know we exist.

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Motion speaks the truth. GC pad is the most comfortable pad I've ever played with. I find on the PS2 pad (recently got the console), when I play 24 my finger slips away from the analogue stick and I have to keep letting go and repositioning it.

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I'm an Internet geek for wanting online play?


Let's put things into perspective. You are active Internet user. You are using Internet for 1-3 hours per day, by looking how often you post there. This is statistically speaking way more than Joe Average ever uses Internet. Geek wasn't proper word, but the point is that those who are active Internet users tend to be more interested about online gaming. For Joe Average it means less.

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The Sony Dual shock analog sticks are horrible.


Stop being so kind to Sony! Horrible isn't strong enough a word. They are absolute shite, the GC, Wii and 360 sticks are easily the best there have been, as they actually detect motion that isn't moving the sticks all the way to the side.

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Stop being so kind to Sony! Horrible isn't strong enough a word. They are absolute shite, the GC, Wii and 360 sticks are easily the best there have been, as they actually detect motion that isn't moving the sticks all the way to the side.


I personally didn't like any of the last generation controllers. Each had some features that really annoyed me.

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I'll take Perfect Dark with the N64-controller any time over anything else.


Maybe that's because you were used to playing it on an N64 controller but playing 2 similiar games like Mario Kart 64 and MKDD the cube controller is so much more comfortable. Games like Resi4 wouldn't have been as good on the N64 controller. Fair enough if you have personal preference but think the majority of people would prefer the cube, and logically it is the next design, they got rid of the bits on the n64 that didn't work and improved it.


Also going back to that article I don't think as many people were interested in online gaming in 2004 as 2007 and only now as wireless connections and broadband are becoming more widely available are the majority of people actually going to give it a go. And I agree that the next generation console after the Wii is going to have a horse power boost but don't think that this makes Nintendo hypocrates in any way, you can't expect such a massive innovation every generation and it would be a very risky if each time they were trying to 'out innovate' their previous incarnation. Why try to re-invent the Wiil?

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I'm an Internet geek for wanting online play?





It's written by Americans is it not? Americans don't actually care about Europe, they probably don't know we exist.


Geeks are pretty cool! :D


I thought it was written on the European website, so my mistake.

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Also going back to that article I don't think as many people were interested in online gaming in 2004 as 2007 and only now as wireless connections and broadband are becoming more widely available are the majority of people actually going to give it a go.?


Over 50 percent of US Internet connections are still 56kb or less, thanks to phone company monopolies and fact that ISPs are actively blocking ports that would make faster connections, you know, useful.


For example, if you aren't willing to pay 60 dollars per month in some states, you aren't allowed to use ports that are required by most net games and serious, work related programs such as FTP-clients. In Europe, broadband adaption rate is around 90 percent, but rest of the world is lagging behind badly, with only exception being South-Korea and Japan.

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