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Should I sell my Wii for a 360?

Dark Wolf

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I'm seriously considering this. I'll most likely be able to afford a 360 with the money I get. As much as I love the Wii, there's no games that I want until Q4. These are the games I want:


Mario Galaxy

Super Paper Mario

Smash Bros


No More Heroes


Most of those will most likely come out in Q3/Q4 in which time I will be able to afford it after Christmas.


Games I want for 360:



Gears of War

Splinter Cell: DA

Mass Effect

Blue Dragon

Oblivion (my brother has this on PC, but he's got it in Uni)


Halo 3

Banjo 3

Half Life 2

Resident Evil 5

Enemy Territory Quake Wars


Sure, a few of those games aren't coming out for ages, but there's more there than there is that I want on the Wii


The only problem is, is that I got the Wii as a Christmas present (I paid £140 for it...)


Should I do it then?

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Yes i think you should, you'll have more money to buy a Wii again before long anyway, get a 360 elite if you can just for the 120GB HDD-and if you like it in black.


you wont feel like you made a mistake though, trust me.

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I did this. I dont regret it


The 360 has far better games and you can easily build up a sizeable library on the cheap


Thats true!


I would say no though. I would say get a 360 aswell...but I suppose that is quite a lot of money...You ain'y gonna go wrong which ever one you pick!

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I too comtemplated this, but I could validate re-buying a Wii and I knew, once Mario Galaxy and Brawl hit, I'd need a Wii no matter how desperate the situation now.


If you really can find no other way of buying a 360, do it. If you can afford a 360 and a Wii, it will just take longer, be patient. Thats what I did.

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Personally I'd cling on to the Wii for now and save up for those newfangled "Elite" 360s that'll be out later.


That's what I'd do. But obviously if you don't play on the Wii and really want a 360 then go for it. It's easy for me to be sat here with both saying 'get both'.

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You shouldn't sell it, you should get both. Wii will always beat 360 in the department of: gaming fun when you have a bunch of mates round. Plus you only get about 2/3 of the money towards the 360 when you sell....

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If you want better games, and more of them- yes. Not to mention a fantastic online service that makes it seem like the machine is taking strides forward, not stuck in last generation.

You could always re-buy a Wii in winter when the good games are supposedly coming out.

Seriously, are you surprised people accuse you of trolling?


Anyway, I would say that the 360 will probably have the best year of all the consoles. It's getting into its stride now, and there will be big hitters basically every month.


I think the main thing to consider is online gaming. If you're really into it then you should definitely get a 360, as there are already a plethora of solid 360 multiplayer titles and plenty more on the way. If that's your thing, and you have a bunch of people you know to play with, then I don't think there's much worry of you getting bored. However, you really do have to find a group of people to play with, otherwise Live is more of a chore than anything; I'm sure you can join in with the other 360 owners here.


Having said that, 2007 will see the release of quite a few RPGs for the 360, and if you like Oblivion then there's plenty of content to be getting on with there. There will also be over a year's worth of titles for you to catch up on, and a lot of them can be found for about £15 if you look in the right places.


If you're not having fun with the Wii then I doubt there will be anything coming along to change your mind in the next few months, and if you're the profiteering type you could probably sell your Wii for more than you paid for it given the surge in interest and lack of stock.


We can't make the decision for you, but if you think it's okay to sell on your Wii and you're really interested in a 360 then I don't think there's any real reason not to. My only suggestion would be that if you haven't spent much time with Microsoft's machine perhaps you could borrow one of someone for a while? The best way to avoid regret is to see exactly what you're buying in to, after all.

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Anyway, I would say that the 360 will probably have the best year of all the consoles. It's getting into its stride now, and there will be big hitters basically every month.


I hope so....Havent fired up the 360 for around a month and a half.

(Hope that balances the thread up a little :heh: )

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Seriously, are you surprised people accuse you of trolling?


For stating my opinion! Oh fucking no!

The only people who accuse me of trolling are inbred retards who can't stand any conflict of opinion. You aren't one of them, are you?

I always thought this forum was about sharing and discussing what you think. Why can't I do that? Please explain, i'd love to see how you can justify saying that.

If you can't handle the fact that I prefer my 360 to my Wii, and that I say so in a thread about which is better, maybe forums aren't for you.

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For stating my opinion! Oh fucking no!

The only people who accuse me of trolling are inbred retards who can't stand any conflict of opinion. You aren't one of them, are you?

I always thought this forum was about sharing and discussing what you think. Why can't I do that? Please explain, i'd love to see how you can justify saying that.

If you can't handle the fact that I prefer my 360 to my Wii, and that I say so in a thread about which is better, maybe forums aren't for you.


Some of your comments are a bit sarcastic, although for the most part I agree with what you're saying (about giving your opinion, not about the Wii having no games)

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I suppose so. If people are generally bothered about my opinion on the Wii, I guess I could stop talking about it in general :confused:.

This place means more to me than a console ever did.


I prefer my 360 to my Wii aswell! TBH The Wii will never have anything as good as XBL, The 360 library is vastly bigger and has and will have way more AAA titles and the graphics are stunning.


I love the Wii but, at least at the moment, I couldn't play it for more than an hour. It's just not that compelling...TBH it will only be fair to compare them when the Wii has had a longer run in the market and has a lot more game. However I still see my 360 as my number 1 choice. And I use to be, about 2 months ago, a Nintendo zealot!

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For stating my opinion! Oh fucking no!

The only people who accuse me of trolling are inbred retards who can't stand any conflict of opinion. You aren't one of them, are you?

I always thought this forum was about sharing and discussing what you think. Why can't I do that? Please explain, i'd love to see how you can justify saying that.

If you can't handle the fact that I prefer my 360 to my Wii, and that I say so in a thread about which is better, maybe forums aren't for you.

It isn't your opinion, it's how you put it forward. Read the post I quoted again:

If you want better games, and more of them- yes. Not to mention a fantastic online service that makes it seem like the machine is taking strides forward, not stuck in last generation.

You could always re-buy a Wii in winter when the good games are supposedly coming out.

I'm just saying that if you're going to phrase things like that then expect to be accused of trolling, as I've heard more balanced comments from Peter Moore himself.


Discussion is about acknowledging other people's views as well as putting your own forward. Not accusing people of being an "inbred retard", or suggesting I'm simply unable to handle discussion, or indeed implying I "can't handle" you preferring the 360 over the Wii when... well, did you read the rest of my post?


I'm not telling you what to do, and I don't think you're an idiot or a fanboy. But if you will phrase your comments as you do then don't be surprised if there's a backlash against them.

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