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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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Does anyone REALLY have any faith left in sega to update nights? I'd love to but... well... the company is clearly a shadow of it's former self... and Naka has said that if it is nights, it's nothing to do with him.


I can understand this actually they have done more shite games that good games in recent years.

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Well I guess this is it pretty much confirmed now.


SEGA you better not screw us all over with this.Better be one of the "better" games.I hope they'll take their time and put effort in this.I seriously don't want this messed up.


I hope it's a Wii exclusive.

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I believe it will because it is logical consequence but if it will be a exclusive game, a PS2 port or a spin off we don't know yet.


Nintendo Official Magazine says that it has exclusive preview for new, exclusive Wii title. That's more than enough to confirm that it isn't multiplatform title or PS2 port.

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I still don't think this is an April fools now.Especially with ONM claiming it's not and with SEGA phoning that magazine place remove the cover.


We just don't know what platform it is(assuming NiGHTs isn't the ONM exclusive)


To be honest I think it would be stupid if it was for the DS.

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Here is from SpOnG.


New Wii NiGHTS Shifts Developer

Devs US-based. New game assured

27 Mar 2007

Link to this: http://news.spong.com/article/12166



Gamereactuer's apparent exclusive.

According to reliable sources - who wish to retain their anonymity - the 100% new NiGHTS for Wii has shifted developer from the Japan-based Prope to US-based Sonic Team.


The emergence of a brand new NiGHTS also appears to be confirmed by a third-party, in this case Gamereactor magazine and its April 2007 cover story.


Prope was set-up by with initial SEGA funding by the former Sonic Team leader (and lead programmer on the original Sonic The Hedgehog), Yuji Naka. The current Sonic Team has been responsible for, among others, Sonic and the Secret Rings for Wii.


Naka is a close personal friend of Satoru Iwata, President and CEO of Nintendo, and a staunch advocate of Nintendo hardware. He was also paraded by Nintendo during its DS launches - and has been a keen advocate of Wii (back when it was still a Revolution). So, the reason for the Dev' move remains shrouded mystery.


Sonic Team connection, however, simply adds to the verbal confirmations we have already received regarding the fact that the latest NiGHTS game will be an entirely new property designed specifically for Nintendo's hard-to-find console.

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IGN Board folks say this is a late arpil fool jokes and it not going to be on the wii but the DS. :blank:
I wouldnt mind if they did both,(specially if the DS one was a remake/port of the original).


But I want it on Wii more.

Yeah, so elaborate that SEGA Germany's PR Chief, Best Buy's management, NGamer, ONM and Gamereactor have took part on it. It's real, goddamnit. :)
SEGA Germany's PR? I didn't know that.


Anyway... also count EGM and Famitsu who had rumors on that way before this.


But yeah, It must be real, and I've been rooting for this one for a long time, yay :D

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Kotaku have also posted about it:




Some of the 360/PS3 owners in that comment thread are saying that it would be better on their consoles because "the graphics would make the game better"... :indeed:


I know not all 360/PS3 owners think that way, and I'm sure several also own Wiis, but I have to say graphics aren't the be-all and end-all...


Remember Sonic 360/PS3? :P


Seriously though, it's great news to hear that NiGHTS is virtually confirmed. :yay: I know my best friend will be happy, he owns the original and special Xmas editions of NiGHTS.


If Sega can truly harness the potential of NiGHTS and the Wiimote, then this could be a true great. Or we could be weeping at its mangled ruins, wondering how Sega could screw up one of the best ideas...

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Kotaku have also posted about it:




Some of the 360/PS3 owners in that comment thread are saying that it would be better on their consoles because "the graphics would make the game better"... :indeed:


It's not even remotely close in X360 or PS3.


I know not all 360/PS3 owners think that way, and I'm sure several also own Wiis, but I have to say graphics aren't the be-all and end-all...


Remember Sonic 360/PS3? :P

Most people simply don't even know what Wii is capable of graphically, and simply complain based on what system it's for; if SEGA is willing to push the platform it might have awesome graphics, and of course I'm kinda rooting for that, but even if they won't the gameplay is bound to be good, and at worse we can expect Sonic and The Secret Rings level of graphics, and that wasn't bad, graphically.


NiGHTS fits like a glove in the system and the public it's going after; in a way it doesn't fit in X360 or PS3. And on X360 going solely for the better graphics would compromise the gameplay as it wouldn' evolve from the standard controllers. Some of us started talking about NiGHTS being perfect when we first saw Wii's controller, no one said it was perfect for X360 after seeing techdemos.

Seriously though, it's great news to hear that NiGHTS is virtually confirmed. :yay: I know my best friend will be happy, he owns the original and special Xmas editions of NiGHTS.


If Sega can truly harness the potential of NiGHTS and the Wiimote, then this could be a true great. Or we could be weeping at its mangled ruins, wondering how Sega could screw up one of the best ideas...

Wholeheartedly agree, I know I'm happy.


I don't think sega is willing to let this one suck, and Sonic Team is known to love the franchise, if they are the ones doing it... I'd guess it's a project with lots of love in it.

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