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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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Following an Official Nintendo Magazine UK back page teaser, NiGHTS looks to be in development but CVG has learnt that original creator Yuji Naka won't be at the helm.


If the rumours of a new NiGHTS game being in development for Wii turn out to be true (read our story on there here), chances are Yuji Naka won't have anything to do with its development.


We recently tracked down the ex-Sega genius Yuji Naka, who left the company last year to form his own start-up Prope, for a catch-up and asked him if he currently has any plans on the table to revisit any of his old Sega properties. We were told flatly that, "At present, I have no such intentions."


Let the speculation begin. Check back later this week for our full interview with Yuji Naka.




Read this article earlier but it's hardly news, I mean I knew he had left Sega so it was never likely that he was going to work on it, unless he made a drastic turn around and it doesn't either confirm or deny that nights will come.

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I have been thinking it couldn't it be Boogie developed by EA for the Wii, as the characters look very toejam and earl- esque. Thats what the ONM feautures bit probably is on about


Nah can't be, as that is a new franchise, not and old classic getting a revival. I think it is Nights, but the people involved have been told to shut up!

I wish it wasn't Nights tho, as I have no idea what all the fuss is about.

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I have been thinking it couldn't it be Boogie developed by EA for the Wii, as the characters look very toejam and earl- esque. Thats what the ONM feautures bit probably is on about


So you make something up in your head and then suddenly it's what's going to happen?

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So you make something up in your head and then suddenly it's what's going to happen?


I thought everyone knew that by now.



Well, I'd be lying if i was to say i know nothing about NiGHTS (2). As a matter of fact we've been pretty well informed for about half a year now on a lot of juicy (and not so juicy) details. But as admin of the fanbase i felt i had to keep my mouth shut to protect the game so early in its production. This is no net rumor. It's real. Which is why i've been trying to get people to give their opinions to Sega for the past few months. If you did, thanks, if you didn't, well...


Many months have passed since the last E3 and the generic gaming media is all over NiGHTS 2 rumors like i dunno what, this week in particular after ONM's world exclusive teaser here in the UK and *****'s 'CONFIRMED' news yesterday morning. Speaking of which DiGi bought me a clear scan of ONM on Tuesday, check it out in the ARTiCLES/News section. This is no April Fools hoax, let that be clear. And if it is then it doesn't really matter as there are NiGHTS games in production. So rather than sit back and play dumb i think as loyal fans of 11 damn years you deserve the truth. And i want to be the one to give it to you straight at the heart of the fanbase.


Yes NiGHTS 2 is happening. Yes it's real. And yes i knew a lot about it months ago. But i will respect ONM's World Exclusive and refrain from giving away game/character details or the games title. I find it exciting yet also find it slightly worrying. Visitors to the old forums will recall the sequel topics. I'll say no more.


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I firmly believed ONM bullied NGamer into not revealing the exclusive in this magazine. They are both under the same publishers, and I think ONM has more power.


BUT in Greener's apology on the NGamer forums, he says that Nintendo would kill him if he revealed anything about the game. Joke aside, don't SEGA own the rights to NiGHTS? And therefore the NDA would be nothing to do with Nintendo. This leads me to believe that ONM and NGamer have different exclusives.

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I firmly believed ONM bullied NGamer into not revealing the exclusive in this magazine. They are both under the same publishers, and I think ONM has more power.


BUT in Greener's apology on the NGamer forums, he says that Nintendo would kill him if he revealed anything about the game. Joke aside, don't SEGA own the rights to NiGHTS? And therefore the NDA would be nothing to do with Nintendo. This leads me to believe that ONM and NGamer have different exclusives.


Yeah your right, Sega would have sent out the NDA not Nintendo, unless they have asked Nintendo to work on their behalf, unless Nintendo are really keen to keep it under wraps until this whole share issues has been resolved (which surely should be resolved by now?)

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Are you sure it wasn't just a slip of the tongue? Although I suppose we won't know until we know. I sincerely doubt it's Super Mario Galaxy, why would they put an NDA on that now? (unless they decided to turn it into an MMO or something bizarre :heh: ).

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I actually want this to be Skies of Arcadia 2 now :heh:


If you think about it Cupil can sort of fit into those stars.

Oh, I loved Skies of Arcadia to bits. Awesome game, I bought the Dreamcast original, then the Gamecube special edition.


Pirates, flying ships, ruins, exploration, and legends. What more could you possibly want?


I was gutted when I heard the sequel was canned after Sega reorganised its studios. :( I hope Sega develops a new game, the SoA world truly deserves a sequel.

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Are you sure it wasn't just a slip of the tongue? Although I suppose we won't know until we know. I sincerely doubt it's Super Mario Galaxy, why would they put an NDA on that now? (unless they decided to turn it into an MMO or something bizarre :heh: ).


NGamer's next month page has a promise of the same exclusive.

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