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Zack & Wiki


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Maybe this might just surpass Toonstruck as my favorite Point and Click game of all time, although Toonstruck is one of the only point and click games i've played other than a game by Activision called Zork Nemesis and another point and click game called Obsidian...


Try Monkey Island, you won't regret it. ;)

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I've heard a lot of good things about Monkey Island, might just get it off Ebay for Christmas. Hopefully it works on Vista...


Use ScummVM, you should be able to google it. It'll play all of the monkey island games, and I'm pretty sure it works in vista.


Another good point and click adventure is The Longest Journey, more on the serious side of things but very good too. Oh and my favorite point and click Day of the Tentacle is well worth a look in.



Just went on there website http://www.scummvm.org/ and they have a full version of another point and click called Beneath a Steel Sky, which is another good point and click. God man all these games bring back so many memories.

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Use ScummVM, you should be able to google it. It'll play all of the monkey island games, and I'm pretty sure it works in vista.


Another good point and click adventure is The Longest Journey, more on the serious side of things but very good too. Oh and my favorite point and click Day of the Tentacle is well worth a look in.



Just went on there website http://www.scummvm.org/ and they have a full version of another point and click called Beneath a Steel Sky, which is another good point and click. God man all these games bring back so many memories.


Thanks for the tip Stegs :smile:


I'll try it out sometime before the end of this week.



I love Point and Click games. I even liked Mickey Mouse Magical Mirror game on GC, so this game is definitely no exception. Guaranteed purchase, don't want to see this legitimate effort from Capcom go the way of Eternal Darkness into literal Eternal Darkness, very little sales, very little recognition and it didn't deserve the almost non existent reception it received...

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  • 2 weeks later...
It will, don't worry ;)

This game have everything to get right!


Wow... the reappearance of dellusional positivity (...must be a Nintendo fan right?) You have nothing to base this on. Its a first timer for a franchise from a 3rd party and its being released on a Nintendo console. Chances are that unless Nintendo and Capcom make a concerted effortin the advertising (and I'm talking smart not lots of) then this game will fly totally under the radar.


I like the look of this game a lot but it doesnt mean the public will be tempted. I'm not that naive.

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Wow... the reappearance of dellusional positivity (...must be a Nintendo fan right?) You have nothing to base this on. Its a first timer for a franchise from a 3rd party and its being released on a Nintendo console. Chances are that unless Nintendo and Capcom make a concerted effortin the advertising (and I'm talking smart not lots of) then this game will fly totally under the radar.


I like the look of this game a lot but it doesnt mean the public will be tempted. I'm not that naive.


It's got the $40 retail price in the U.S. and I think that'll be very important in getting it to be a success. Just look at what the cheaper price did for RE4's sales.


I think it'll be interesting, the game has alot of crossover appeal and will be popular in all 3 major sales regions, so I don't think this will flop. It seems to get plenty of coverage from the gaming press so I'm pretty positive.


Time shall tell I guess, Capcom estimated sales of 610k, which to me is very doable. It's going to be hit or miss, if the game is as good as IGN and co make out then it could sell just off of word of mouth, much like Guitar Hero did.


The game got a 35/40 in Famitsu, which is pretty positive. Famitsu are very erratic with their scores so I'll wait and see what gametrailers and IGN say, but this game will be mine no matter what in the end :).

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Wow... the reappearance of dellusional positivity (...must be a Nintendo fan right?) You have nothing to base this on. Its a first timer for a franchise from a 3rd party and its being released on a Nintendo console. Chances are that unless Nintendo and Capcom make a concerted effortin the advertising (and I'm talking smart not lots of) then this game will fly totally under the radar.


I like the look of this game a lot but it doesnt mean the public will be tempted. I'm not that naive.

Why not think that the game have evertyhing to works?

I mean, i think it's the first 3rd party game that mades a awesome use of the motion-sensing controls. (Btw, i am indeed a Nintendo fan. But not a fanboy. Don't know if you seeing any differences...).

I mean, yes, i agree with you in one thing: I really don't know if the game gonna be a sucess or a flop, but i'm not saying this without thinking in the facts first:


The game, has i said before, makes a great use of the gameplay, or at least so it seems.

Graphically it also seems in a good way, in my point of view. Not a next-gen game at all, with anti-aliasing and awesome physics, but decent enough for me, with good use of the cel-shading. And, for ending... is a Capcom title. It got to mean something.


It's innovative, with good retailer price.... I don't think i'm being naive at all...

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Yes I think you are... two of the best games on the Gamecube sold poorly for exactly the reasons that I'm trying to illustrate to you. Both Beyond Good & Evil and Eternal Darkness sold VERY badly eventhough they were great games and they were given shining reviews by the industry. It just happens with new franchises, they are very hard to get off the ground.


I mention this because it makes it less comparable to RE4 Wii, which is an established franchise that is a Wii-make of a masterpiece of a game that people have been talking about for 2 years already. Although a good game, it is just a cash in.

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Yes I think you are... two of the best games on the Gamecube sold poorly for exactly the reasons that I'm trying to illustrate to you. Both Beyond Good & Evil and Eternal Darkness sold VERY badly eventhough they were great games and they were given shining reviews by the industry. It just happens with new franchises, they are very hard to get off the ground.


I mention this because it makes it less comparable to RE4 Wii, which is an established franchise that is a Wii-make of a masterpiece of a game that people have been talking about for 2 years already. Although a good game, it is just a cash in.


I'm understanding your point of view... but you got to see that Gamecube in that time was in a completely different situation. This time around you have Wii in the top of the food chain. I mean, Wii has already more success than GameCube had in 5 years. This helps a lot a game like this to get good sales.

I will say it again: This game have everything to work! But i'm not saying that will.... although, I think it has all the conditions to be, at least, a good success.

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Yes I think you are... two of the best games on the Gamecube sold poorly for exactly the reasons that I'm trying to illustrate to you. Both Beyond Good & Evil and Eternal Darkness sold VERY badly eventhough they were great games and they were given shining reviews by the industry. It just happens with new franchises, they are very hard to get off the ground.


I mention this because it makes it less comparable to RE4 Wii, which is an established franchise that is a Wii-make of a masterpiece of a game that people have been talking about for 2 years already. Although a good game, it is just a cash in.

Wii has a different userbase it seems, which does look pretty healthy at getting new franchises off the ground. Rayman Raving Rabids and Red Steel both flew past 1 million, Trauma Centre has surpassed 500k, Elebits got to about 400k and games MySims has taken off pretty well.


Of course this isn't saying it will be a success, and there have been flops at the same time (Dewy's Adventure), but the potential for success on the Wii looks far greater then a third party could hope for on the GameCube.


To me it feels like this game has enough hype to surpass 500k before Christmas, and end up with about 1 million in life sales. It's just a guess though.

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I believe that One million is already a success for a eventual franchise made of nothing...
Concerning the budget... even less than that.


There's games that having sold 100.000 units are already a success, because the forecasts predicted less than that (and thus the investment needed to pay the game is done)


Zack and Wiki could very possibly be paid after 250.000 or even less, units sold. Capcom didn't give us projections for this products sales though.

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Concerning the budget... even less than that.


There's games that having sold 100.000 units are already a success, because the forecasts predicted less than that (and thus the investment needed to pay the game is done)


Zack and Wiki could very possibly be paid after 250.000 or even less, units sold. Capcom didn't give us projections for this products sales though.

They did give target sales a while back. RE4 was 420k, Z&W 610k, RE:UC 820k and DMC4 1.8m.


To be honest turning a profit on the Wii aint all that hard, I'd guess Zack and Wiki is looking at 200k sales to break even. It's hard to imagine it not selling that sort of numbers, but worse things have happend.

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I Like the Graphics from this game, the MultyPlayer mode (Now we don't just stare at the other playing, we draw and confuse him :P), the Puzzles seem just lovely and if i had an Wii... i would buy it in the first day


This can be a new franchise, we never know...


(BTW, i wanna join the Portuguese Mafia :P)

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I really wasn't aware that this game would come out in America next tuesday already! I was fixed on our date of early december and thought that this game might still be in its finishing touches. Hope we'll see some reviews soon then. :)

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I'm still struggling to look forward to this game...It's odd...the premise looks great...the graphics are highly stylized and effective...the motion controls look perfect...but still I just don't feel excited about it...and I don't think good review scores are gonna make me feel any different...it's odd...

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