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Im off ill and im bored and its my first thread on the new boards :) and its comin up to halloween.


Anyway Ghosts,

Do you believe in them? Seen any? Any stories that you would like to tell (not made up ones stolen from scooby doo)


I believe!


I saw one at my bedroom door before and for some reason i wasnt scared, anyway i told my mum. She asked me what i thought his name might of been and i said george or fredrick and my great granded which i never knews name was George Fredrick. Coinkeydink maybe?


so share your thoughts.......


-oh and i remember somthing on the old forums about a guy that could make UFO's appear......what ever happened to his las vagas plan?-

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To be honest you could see a ghost and not know, the only instances which seem to stick out are in peoples homes, churches etc. Though really how would you distinguish between a ghost and a real person. I don't know if i've seen any or not but I do believe there are some things people have seen, which simply can't be explained away by reflective light from the Moon or some crap.

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My twin sister, shares my bedroom with me, this would seem ok but the fact that my twin sister is dead and has been for 22 years is the freaky part.


Things in my room are alwas disaperring and then reappering at the place i left it, the longest period was for a week, or things just being in a different place where i left it things like that. Also in the period where I was always very depressed I would feel a calming presence beside me like some one was telling me I was going to be ok and that she was looking after me.


I think I saw her on one ocasion sitting on the end of my bed, just a faint outline of a girl about my age, looking at me, I wasnt scared just smiled and went back asleep.


Seen my cat a few times after he was put down, he was my loving pet for 18 years and Im glad he's decieded to stick around. Also almost every day after my gran died there has been a smell of smoke in our bottom hall every morning and sometimes paint. Noone in our house smokes, but my gran was a smoker and a painter and dececorter by trade. This smell was very strong on the anniversery of her death.


So yes I do belive in ghosts :p

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There is something there I do not deny.


I don't know what it is though and I don't believe anyone has proved what it is. Therefore the theory of it being dead people, pfft. Just because you can't prove something don't start assuming.

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My twin sister, shares my bedroom with me, this would seem ok but the fact that my twin sister is dead and has been for 22 years is the freaky part.


Things in my room are alwas disaperring and then reappering at the place i left it, the longest period was for a week, or things just being in a different place where i left it things like that. Also in the period where I was always very depressed I would feel a calming presence beside me like some one was telling me I was going to be ok and that she was looking after me.


I think I saw her on one ocasion sitting on the end of my bed, just a faint outline of a girl about my age, looking at me, I wasnt scared just smiled and went back asleep.


Seen my cat a few times after he was put down, he was my loving pet for 18 years and Im glad he's decieded to stick around. Also almost every day after my gran died there has been a smell of smoke in our bottom hall every morning and sometimes paint. Noone in our house smokes, but my gran was a smoker and a painter and dececorter by trade. This smell was very strong on the anniversery of her death.


So yes I do belive in ghosts :p


JESUSCRAPSCARY. That kind of stuff would freak me the hell out. I salute you on the ability to live with that sorta stuff.

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One time i called my dad's house and an old woman answered the phone. I said i msut've got the wrong number her name was bsrbera or sumat. So anyway, i told my stepmum that i rang and she said that they were in, i checked my phone i had dialled the right number because i tried rinigng it and it turns out that the woman that used to live here had the same name as the woman on the phone.


So yes i do, anyone ever done a ouija board? They sound shit scary

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Reading soag's post sent shivers down my spine.

I always believed in ghosts as a kid & was always scared to go to sleep after seeing horror movies. Now I am not so sure about ghosts but I would love to go to supposedly haunted places with a group of friends to find out.

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I think George has seen so many ghosts... because he's crazy. I've never seen any and the thought scares me shitless.


I hope i never see any. Ever.

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I believe they do; august 2004, my nan died in hospital, but I was going through a weird selfish phase then, and instead of visiting on the saturday or sunday, I went out to a party and a big booze up. When I did go on the Monday, she died about 10 minutes before we got there; really upset me.


A few weeks after the funeral, I started to get some weird smells in my bedroom, but they made me feel at ease. Then I realised, the smell was the scent of my nans perfume. She always wore the same perfume, and i felt like she was there next to me, showing she forgave me for my wrongdoings when she died. I cried when I realised it, but the smell doesnt come back as often now, only once or twice a month, but whenever it does, I feel safe.


Another thing that happened was a few days ago, I was lying on the floor(downstairs, my bedroom is currently being decorated so i chose to sleep on the floor). I rolled onto my side, and there was this big black thing, about the size of a football, about 3ft away from my face. Then as fast as I saw it, it shot across the room. I got up, turned on the lights, but there was nothing there. Scared the shit out of me, especially as I have no idea what it was.


There are quite a few happenings I could mention, like my grandads voice coming through on a tape my mom made just after he died....but the one i'll mention scared me shitless. It happened to me is when I used to have a cabin-esque bed. I was asleep one night, when I was awoken by people speaking. I looked out in the streets and there was no-one there, and then i realised the speaking was coming from my bed. I slid the cabin door open to see my portable radio. I pulled it out and the speaking stopped. Then i turned it round.....and there were no batteries in it.....

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There are quite a few happenings I could mention, like my grandads voice coming through on a tape my mom made just after he died....but the one i'll mention scared me shitless. It happened to me is when I used to have a cabin-esque bed. I was asleep one night, when I was awoken by people speaking. I looked out in the streets and there was no-one there, and then i realised the speaking was coming from my bed. I slid the cabin door open to see my portable radio. I pulled it out and the speaking stopped. Then i turned it round.....and there were no batteries in it.....


thats actually making me slightly scared, just reading it! i would be terrified if that happened to me!!!!


does anyone every get the (freaky as hell) cold sensation? i get that all the time, its really strange, you're cold then you move and suddenly you are warm like a strange prescence in that very small area.

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