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Reggie takes on Phil Harrison (kicks ass, takes name)


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You can get a joypad and just map the buttons onto it for the pc.


You're telling me you're at Uni when you can't speak basic English?


I've been wondering the same thing about him. He must be writing using a very small keyboard. Or maybe he has fat fingers? Writing with a stick perhaps?

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You're telling me you're at Uni when you can't speak basic English?


What I mean is that 2D games(essentially everything on NES/SNES/TG16/MD) look fine.


the 3D games(N64) titles don't look very good compared to the games on the any other 3d games on dreamcast,etc.


I've been wondering the same thing about him. He must be writing using a very small keyboard. Or maybe he has fat fingers? Writing with a stick perhaps?


Right why did you quote me on the mapping buttons onto a joypad for the pc as being weird, you do realise you can on emulator for any console.


I type extremely quickly on a laptop.

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What I mean is that 2D games(essentially everything on NES/SNES/TG16/MD) look fine.


the 3D games(N64) titles don't look very good compared to the games on the any other 3d games on dreamcast,etc.


2D Games don't look very good compared to any recent 2D games on home consoles either. Zelda: Four Swords Adventures and the 2D Sections of Super Paper Mario, for example, blow the smeg out of SNES titles.


NES games are as ugly as fuck, to put it bluntly. But who cares?

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NES games are as ugly as fuck


Ugly or not, Super Mario Bros 3 is still considered one of the best in the series. And I rather play Castlevania III than the new ones for the DS. Because the gameplay is so much better. The new CV's play like Metroid wannabees. They're good, but I like the feel of the originals.


But I guess to some, graphics are the carrot that leads them to sit in front of a tv playing a videogame for an hour or two.

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Wait a second, how can you say the 3d games have nbo polish?! I'm in uni halls of residence, and my friend has Mario Kart just literally down the hall on 64, I've gone from playing the original on N64 to the VC one several times, and there is a huge difference in graphics, its very noticeable.

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Games like Castle Crashers, Alien Hominid HD(which is out), and other great unique content not to mentioned updated classics like paperboy, rootbeer tapper. And later this year jetpack refuelled is coming out.


Quite simply awesome.


On VC too expensive for the content they are offering, not even giving us it running at a freakin 60hz, original graphics which are fine but they could of touched it up about.


paperboy? what the hell. I'll agree with AH but cmon for a first time gamer would you rather play OOT or paperboy? i have to admit i have never tried xbox live but if that's the best you can come up with......


People like, Solitanze, ZeldaFreak, and Dabookerman, are what keep me intrested in this forum. Without them this place would be a bore-fest!


i have to agree i love you guys!

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Stop bashing zeldafreak. Please use the Ignore function, go to his profile and press ignore.


I know but what can I say they want to listen to me and say I'm wrong. What can you do heh. I'm just trying dicuss the topics on these forums.


If you were new to gaming they would probably pick up paperboy as its an easy to understand what you have to do - but not OOT

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Back in the day, I enjoyed playing Paperboy on the GameBoy, and I enjoyed playing Links Awakening too. However where in Paperboy I could progress further but in Links Awakening, just figuring out what to do with the raccoon in the woods, and spending a whole night on the first level was an immense task.


So Paperboy being better than Zelda for new players is kinda accurate.



Also, Reggie done good there with old man Harrison! :bouncy:

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I know but what can I say they want to listen to me and say I'm wrong. What can you do heh. I'm just trying dicuss the topics on these forums.


If you were new to gaming they would probably pick up paperboy as its an easy to understand what you have to do - but not OOT


Pick up a dictionary damn it if you want to be a tw*t. OK, bashing over.


I've yet to play Link's Awakening, it seems like an excellent Zelda title. Actually, it's the only one I have yet to play.

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