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No third party games online until 2008


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Yes, Nintendo executives never lie. SNK must be lying.
That's not what I'm implying. Let's be fair here:


a) Reggie states as a fact that online devkits are ready. This is not something that he'd just make up; if it wasn't true he'd change the subject to the success of Nintendogs and the DS like the executives usually do.



b) An SNK employee's view says no 3rd party will go online in 2007 because of limits.



c) SNK never made an attempt to make an online game of any reasonable proportion to date. It's not the company for it. Nintendo might have overlooked them.



d) Blazing Angels is supposedly an online game.


e) Nintendo studios already implement online gameplay. It's unfair to give a disadvantage to the 3rd parties that way; Nintendo hasn't done so with the Wii devkits (Ubisoft got the devkits at the same time Koei did) and is unlikely to do so now as their strength isn't in the online area.

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Even if 3rd parties do have their online dev kits, we still have to wait for Nintendo to launch the service, which they insist must begin with a Pokemon game


Well, kits are there but how its going to help projects that are nearly finished? Online code isn't something that you hastily slap to your product under month. That Reggie said this at DICE means that online kits haven't been out for long, and also hints that there is limited amount* of them, distributed to only amongst most important key players. Furthermore, SNK Playmore USA isn't even game company in most strictest sense. It has only ten employees, and it only localizes stuff that SNK Playmore Japan sends to it. In fact, SNK Playmore USA didn't even know what SNK Playmore Japan had planned with Nintendo's VC.


And what comes to 3rd party games, let's also remember that Nintendo Wi-Fi service started with both 1st- and 3rd party game. Pokemon Battle Revolution isn't also going to be very far, as Diamond / Pearl are Q2 games, and it is obvious that PBR comes out at same time.


* Some indie developers have clearly stated that they haven't got their Wii devkits because Nintendo can't produce them so fast as they want, and current kits go to more "important" developers. This means online kits must have similar shortage.

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So Nintendos strategy to gain more market share is to deliever online capabilities as late as possible? I mean to be honest whats in that SDK now? 2 examples of code used for a chat? A library to make it easier to connect to servers?


That is a cruel joke. Such things should be in the package from the start an be improved in a regular interval.

Maybe that is why the games are the same when it comes to graphical/online quality ... Nintendo did not update their SDK.

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If you place it in a business perspective, it's no wonder Nintendo aren't hurrying to get this finished. People won't buy the Wii for online gameplay, not even 'hardcore' gamers buy Nintendo consoles for online gameplay. It's a niche and won't add anything in Nintendo's perspective.


That doesn't mean they should get their stuff sorted out for once. This happens way, way too often.

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Nintendo are good at keeping quiet about details (we've seen that with the Wii name and the actual controller), so it doesn't really surprise me that they're keeping their online details and plans silent. If anything, it means they might actually be taking their time and polishing this up, rather than rushing it like they did with the DS, but that's at a guess.


I want official details from Nintendo.

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Despite being an awesome console, I could see that the Wii is semi-dead in around 2 years cause of the lack of online play. The 360 and PS3 will have a huge boost in this area when Nintendo will be miles after. The online functions for the DS was a step in the right direction but the full-fledged experience sucked, imo.


Nintendo takes huge risks by having a motion-sensitive remote controll scheme but can't get the thumbs outta their asses and make online gaming a normality (which it pretty much has on the 360).

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Despite being an awesome console, I could see that the Wii is semi-dead in around 2 years cause of the lack of online play.


Online play isn't so important feature as certain Internet using geeks always try to make it to be. And before you people start telling me about Xbox Live, let's take few statistics (oh boy..).


First, Xbox Live, world's preminium online service roughly about 12 percent of all users during lifespan of first Xbox. This number came directly from Microsoft, and there is no reason whatsoever to doubt its validity. Last June Microsoft told how extremely popular new Xbox Live had been. 5.3 million owners, 2.6 million accounts. Big number eh? But let's put that number into perspective....


1) 5.3 million isn't really that many consoles, and during this phase, console was bought mostly by previous console's core fans. Same core fans who were already active users of original Live service. It also shows only half of early adopters were interested enough to use Live in some form.


2) Microsoft didn't (naturally) tell division between type of accounts, probably because it was heavily tilting towards silver accounts. People register silver accounts, grab firmware updates, maybe few demos and that is. Furthermore if you had bought preminium package on march, you still had your 3 month limited Gold subscription. There is no info whatsoever how many people did actually renew these subscriptions.


3) After June, Microsoft hasn't been eager to tell Xbox Live numbers anymore. Probably because they are steadily going down percentage wise, as more casual players start to buy X360.


4) And before you guys start to explain you and your mates play actively on the Live, remember that you are currently posting on relatively minor and specialized gaming forum, have broadband connection and are very active net user. Not really what could be called "normal" gamer by any means.

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We'll see online Nintendo games this year, and Pokemon is already online in Japan, so it'll surely be the same here.


Still though, about the whole third parties going online, I'd wait to hear what Nintendo have planned before I automatically wrote Nintendo out of the 'race'.

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Next time I see "Quote for truth" as a reply by itself, I'm going to track down ZeldaFreak and stab him in the blooming ear.


That aside, I'm not too worried about onlining my Wii up. I've got a PC for that.

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Guest Stefkov

I didnt play much of Blazing Angels online on the 360 but I dont see why people are so eager to say it wont be online. From the couple games I played it was a great online game. (Shame there probably about 10 people who ever played it online)

They could be keeping it under wraps for now, so much information they could leak about it, features in the game itself they dont want to tell, inviting friends or whatever, which the 360 has down to a t.

To be honest, im not bothered about online on the Wii, I may get a bit bothered if Smash bros is announed its not online. If its not I will be pissed.

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If you place it in a business perspective, it's no wonder Nintendo aren't hurrying to get this finished. People won't buy the Wii for online gameplay, not even 'hardcore' gamers buy Nintendo consoles for online gameplay. It's a niche and won't add anything in Nintendo's perspective.


Add to that, the fact that the service is 'free'. Nintendo definately arent going to place priority on anything they arent profiting from. 2008 sounds about right

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Online play isn't so important feature as certain Internet using geeks always try to make it to be. And before you people start telling me about Xbox Live, let's take few statistics (oh boy..).


First, Xbox Live, world's preminium online service roughly about 12 percent of all users during lifespan of first Xbox. This number came directly from Microsoft, and there is no reason whatsoever to doubt its validity. Last June Microsoft told how extremely popular new Xbox Live had been. 5.3 million owners, 2.6 million accounts. Big number eh? But let's put that number into perspective....


1) 5.3 million isn't really that many consoles, and during this phase, console was bought mostly by previous console's core fans. Same core fans who were already active users of original Live service. It also shows only half of early adopters were interested enough to use Live in some form.


2) Microsoft didn't (naturally) tell division between type of accounts, probably because it was heavily tilting towards silver accounts. People register silver accounts, grab firmware updates, maybe few demos and that is. Furthermore if you had bought preminium package on march, you still had your 3 month limited Gold subscription. There is no info whatsoever how many people did actually renew these subscriptions.


3) After June, Microsoft hasn't been eager to tell Xbox Live numbers anymore. Probably because they are steadily going down percentage wise, as more casual players start to buy X360.


4) And before you guys start to explain you and your mates play actively on the Live, remember that you are currently posting on relatively minor and specialized gaming forum, have broadband connection and are very active net user. Not really what could be called "normal" gamer by any means.




I see your point but do you really think after all those years were the XBOX, the XBOX 360, the Playstation 2/3, PSP, NDS have online enabled games a company should neglect online functionality in their games?


You know it takes time to build a comfortable, powerfull and stable online experience - MS and Sony already tested out their systems. Nintendo did not. Do you really think that Nintendo can compete with Microsofts XBOX Live in a year? Especially developers need time to understand the basics of a new system. The online SDK should have been available a year ago not reccently. Look what happend with the graphical quality of the games because the SDK was basicly a Gamecube SDK with Wiimote documents/libraries?


I am aware that Nintendos online service will be free but the tradeoff is that so far it is not running (at least not for the Wii) and to be honest in my opinion you play the role of online games down a bit too much.


Animal Crossing, Battalion Wars, Pokemon, Brawl, ... sure great singleplayer games but their true strength lays in online play.

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Despite being an awesome console, I could see that the Wii is semi-dead in around 2 years cause of the lack of online play.


Online sucks anyway. It's ruined by many things. Lag, hackers, massive variation in skills, characters in games who have advantages over others, disconnectors, server problems, etc. It pales in comparison to normal multiplayer.


Why people will get games just because it's online, I have no idea.

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