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Sunshine baby!


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It's finally here :awesome:

Well today it was anyway (where I am), been a beautiful summer like day, and as I result I feel dramatically more happy than usual. Also reminded me of how much I miss the summer and am very excited about it this year (although I don't want my exams to come in a hurry :hmm:)


It's amazing what weather does for you. Well me at least, I feel like a totally different person when it's sunny, in a good way of course. We don't get much of it in this gloomy country so lets discuss the joy of sunshine :yay:

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It's been sunshine here in Spain for the last few days. Infact, it's so nice, I'm already eating outside at lunchtime!


Edit: It's 23º Celsius here!


I love Spain, especially where i usually go there on holiday (Nerja, in the South). I really would love to live somewhere like that in the future.

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Sun has been shining a lot today here too, but it's still cold outside (wearing my winter coat still). Hope to be seeing more sun in the next weeks and such, cause I love sunshine. =D


Birds are also starting to sing more and there's flowers growing and stuff like that; happy times. Too bad they're apparently predicting a wet Spring for us this year. =(

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Yeah, but I don't really like it. Nerja feels too... you know, not Spanish for my liking. It feels less Spanish than Gilbraltar, and that's owned by the English!

No way! I went to Gilbraltar for a day and hated it, really tacky and ugly. Nerja feels much more authentic. Although I can kind of understand what you're saying, as although Balcon de Europa is a lovely place to be for a summer holiday, it's not natural enough to want to live there permanently i guess.

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Guest Stefkov

Still cold here. Our cars froze over the windshield, had to scrape it all off.

No sunshine here though, I dont want it to be too hot though.

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It's been sunshine here in Spain for the last few days. Infact, it's so nice, I'm already eating outside at lunchtime!


Edit: It's 23º Celsius here!


I was in Barcelona last week and it was 25º at one point.

20º is shorts and t-shirt weather. :heh:



It was really sunny here this morning when we were driving into Stirling but its raining (again) now.

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Two nice days in a row. Soon I will move to the States, a proper country. I cannot decide what state to live in. i'd live near the south, in the sunny parts. Texas, Florida or California? Me thinks Florida..


Eww... Floridas the most un-American part of America. Go somewhere like Texas (Dallas, Texas is nice).

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