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They can eat fish, but only on a friday. Otherwise they have to say 20 hail mary's.


I don't often laugh at things on these forums but that made me. A Muslim going "Hail Mary", hehehe.

They can eat fish, but only on a friday. Otherwise they have to say 20 hail mary's.


I laughed at that as well. :P


Muslims can eat meat, but only if the meat is halal. It has to be killed and blessed in a certain way. I don't know the full details, I just wanna eat the food! :heh:


That whole Halal thing is... to put it politly insane.

I come from a Muslim upbringing, we don't eat anything pig but i do now as i've gotten older and become atheist. Either way, blessing an animal and draining its blood by slitting its throat whilst its still alive is hardly fair is it?

That whole Halal thing is... to put it politly insane.

I come from a Muslim upbringing, we don't eat anything pig but i do now as i've gotten older and become atheist. Either way, blessing an animal and draining its blood by slitting its throat whilst its still alive is hardly fair is it?


It's insane, but then like Bluestar says, so's a lot of other things. Either way, I don't each that much meat, as I'm more of a fish person. I think if you think too long and hard about where food comes from, you'll end up not eating anything at all! Think about where eggs, milk, cheese and lamb (duh) come from, for example.

It's insane, but then like Bluestar says, so's a lot of other things. Either way, I don't each that much meat, as I'm more of a fish person. I think if you think too long and hard about where food comes from, you'll end up not eating anything at all! Think about where eggs, milk, cheese and lamb (duh) come from, for example.


What's wrong with eggs, milk and cheese? At least animals don't get killed for those...

And I barely eat meat; I don't like the taste and texture, plus I'm a bit of an animal lover. I do eat some fish though (tuna and salmon mostly) and sometimes some chicken or turkey, though lately a lot of our meals haven't even contained that.

What's wrong with eggs, milk and cheese? At least animals don't get killed for those...

And I barely eat meat; I don't like the taste and texture, plus I'm a bit of an animal lover. I do eat some fish though (tuna and salmon mostly) and sometimes some chicken or turkey, though lately a lot of our meals haven't even contained that.


What I meant was, if you think long and hard about where other food comes from, it can also be off putting. (eggs- coming out of a chicken's arse)


But yeah, you're right, animals don't get killed for those, except the lamb.

That whole Halal thing is... to put it politly insane.

I come from a Muslim upbringing, we don't eat anything pig but i do now as i've gotten older and become atheist. Either way, blessing an animal and draining its blood by slitting its throat whilst its still alive is hardly fair is it?


I thought one of the reasons behind Halal meat was that it was to prevent undue cruelty to animals by introducing a humane method of killing?

What I meant was, if you think long and hard about where other food comes from, it can also be off putting. (eggs- coming out of a chicken's arse)


But yeah, you're right, animals don't get killed for those, except the lamb.


Yeah but see, you don't eat the eggshell. =P

And milk of course gets filtered and stuff; not that an udder of a cow is that off putting for me. Got to milk a cow once even, pretty difficult. =O


Don't really get why you put lamb in that list though, as that's just meat like any other kind of meat, and has nothing to do with eggs and milk?

So killing a cow is bad but a fish its all right?


I guess that was aimed at me?


I'm not saying any of it is bad or good, but animals like sheep and cows basically get treated like shit and are abused before they get killed (which is not always done in the least painful way).

Fish on the other hand are not kept in small cages and are not beaten with sticks.

Yeah but see, you don't eat the eggshell. =P

And milk of course gets filtered and stuff; not that an udder of a cow is that off putting for me. Got to milk a cow once even, pretty difficult. =O


Don't really get why you put lamb in that list though, as that's just meat like any other kind of meat, and has nothing to do with eggs and milk?


I know, but some people get really turned off if they think extremely long and hard about where certain things come from. Like, maybe if someone suggested to you the idea of eating a sheep's stomach, I know that definitely doesn't appeal to me!


I put lamb in the list because I mostly associate lambs as those cute little clouds in the field with legs. If you think about eating that, it's a little bit heartbreaking, I think:D


I don't like eating lamb all that much anyway. It's a bit too chewy for my liking. Thinking about it, the only meat I eat is chicken, and that isn't very often.

I guess that was aimed at me?


I'm not saying any of it is bad or good, but animals like sheep and cows basically get treated like shit and are abused before they get killed (which is not always done in the least painful way).

Fish on the other hand are not kept in small cages and are not beaten with sticks.


The way you kill a fish here is by smashing its head in with a rock..

Yeah, but don't people still ride around on horseback and cart in Shetland?


The horses are all shit and midgety :D


Theres no way you could ride one, and they bite >:

The way you kill a fish here is by smashing its head in with a rock..


I don't think that's how they do it on big fishers' boats though...

And still, at least that is a pretty much immediate death I think(even though dead fish can still have blood going through their veins and get muscle spasms; we saw that in biology class in 7th grade D: )?

I guess that was aimed at me?


I'm not saying any of it is bad or good, but animals like sheep and cows basically get treated like shit and are abused before they get killed (which is not always done in the least painful way).

Fish on the other hand are not kept in small cages and are not beaten with sticks.


Not aimed at anyone directly, just seemed the common acceptance from people o prefer fish.


Fish are usually beaten to death, or opened right in the middle while still alive.


Or in massive trawler fishing they are just left to suffocate, yay!


I find it strange that many people dont understand that fish is probably one of the last things we should be eating considering that we are doing a VERY good job of making many species extinct. You should feel blessed that you can even eat cod nowadays.


the only thing i don't get is the fish thing, i mean why don't people like fish? not only that but i couple of veggies at my school say theu don't count fish is meat? why the hell not? i always saw veggies as no eating food with a face but i guess they are just picky nowadays >.>

the only thing i don't get is the fish thing, i mean why don't people like fish? not only that but i couple of veggies at my school say theu don't count fish is meat? why the hell not? i always saw veggies as no eating food with a face but i guess they are just picky nowadays >.>


You're not a real vegetarian if you eat fish in my opinion, cause it's still a living creature. It's something some people don't get though. Like my cousin who is/was a vegetarian would come over often and mom always always kept asking her if maybe she wanted some fish.


Fact: The human body is DESIGNED to digest meat, fruit and carbohydrates quite well. It is CRAP at digesting any form of vegetation.


This is an excellent example of 'he who talks louder talks ****'. The human body is not designed to eat meat. Animals designed to eat meat have sharp teeth and fangs.


I think it's very important part of life to understand that things die so we can eat them. People do not farm cows/chickens/sheep so they can look pretty in a field and mow the lawn. Hunting/farming/butchering are some of the oldest skills which humans possess and we should be proud of it.


Humans shouldn't be proud of killing animals. Animals are killed to provide meat, but that doesn't mean we should gloat about how we 'store' animals like crap and do the most to 'maximise taste and profits'.


P.S. If you cant stomach prep-ing your own food, you dont deserve to buy it in the supermarket you jessie.


You missed the entire purpose of this program. People who just buy meat from the supermarket take it for granted, and don't even think twice about it. The purpose of the program is to get rid of the obnoxious elitist attitude that you have, and be educated on the matter. People may or may not change their minds after watching it.


Humans are designed to be omnivores (Well, human's aren't 'designed' at all in my opinion, but you know what I mean) Hence tearing incisors rather than the flat, grinding teeth you see in herbivores.


Anwyay, watched the lamb episode yesterday morning at work and I was actually surprised by how professional, humane and clean it all was. Actually made me quite hungry and I went to morrisons and bought some minted lamb afterwards. I agree that shutting your eyes and pretending your not eating a little fluffy animal that once gambled round the feilds then got slaughtered for your plate is hypocritical. If you can't stomach that fact, don't eat the meat. I think it's a good programme as well and I can't see how either vegetarians or meat eaters can or should have a problem with it.

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