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What actually is racism then?

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It's called Xenophobia.


Yeah I know, but I wanted him to tell me what he calls it, I also didn't see the fish say it in his post above, he made my point before I got round to it lol.

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Racism is when a white man calls a black man by any name that may be classed as slightly offensive even if it has nothing to do with race.


how ever anyone that is not white can say what they like and that is not racism.


i hope this has been cleared up for you.

Yep....that's exactly what it is to the world unfortunately.


So, because you disagree with their views, it means you hate them? I don't see the logic in that.




But what about people who are born into religion? I was born a Muslim, and I was just brought up that way.

Oh and so you don't hate extremist Muslims for their views? Or Nazis?:hmm:

I was brought up in a very Christian primary school, was baptised and all that shit...but I'm not a Christian, and I hate going into religious places or being near religionness....mainly Catholic.


A very funny quote from Chris Rock "Whos more racist black people or white people? Black people and you wanna know why because black people hate black people to. You see theres black people and then theres niggers and boy oh boy I hate niggers."

That's actually one of my favourite quotes of all time....and I don't really like Chris Rock.




I don't think 'Xenophobia' or whatever it wants to be called is racism, not at all, as it covers background and culture....and culture doesnt just affect what people do, it does mean their personality is annoying/twa'ish (take tha' anti-sweara, I added accen':heh:).

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I'd say the main racism is things like, calling people niggers, pakis or goobacks.

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Has anyone ever heard the term 'reverse racism'? I first read it in a newspaper and it really annoyed me, they used it to refer to racism against white people. How is it reverse racism though? If racism is hating someone due to their race/background/whatever then surely reverse racism is the opposite - praising someone for their race/background/whatever.

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Has anyone ever heard the term 'reverse racism'? I first read it in a newspaper and it really annoyed me, they used it to refer to racism against white people. How is it reverse racism though? If racism is hating someone due to their race/background/whatever then surely reverse racism is the opposite - praising someone for their race/background/whatever.


Actually....It's supposed to refer to giving someone extra treatment due to their enthicity/whatever....however, it will always be going against others (usually whites).

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Ok then, so what is it if you are being discriminant against a french person? Nationalism? What race is the child of a white and black person? I think it's much more than just skin colour, it's culture and background. As I said though, playing with definitions makes things tricky.


The race of a child from a white parent and a black parent is mixed race. They often share the racial characteristics of both parents. If you are discriminating against another nationality it's Xenophobia.


When you take both culture, colour and religion into account then you're talking about ethnicity. For example, a Hindu from India and a Muslim from Pakistan would both be Asians, but they would belong to different ethnic groups.

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Actually....It's supposed to refer to giving someone extra treatment due to their enthicity/whatever....however, it will always be going against others (usually whites).


And as we can see with the American presidency, what used to be disadvantages are now deciding advantages.

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The race of a child from a white parent and a black parent is mixed race. They often share the racial characteristics of both parents. If you are discriminating against another nationality it's Xenophobia.


When you take both culture, colour and religion into account then you're talking about ethnicity. For example, a Hindu from India and a Muslim from Pakistan would both be Asians, but they would belong to different ethnic groups.


So you don't think Xenophobia comes into racism? It's a completely seperate issue?

At what point do mixed races turn into non 'mixed' races, because I'm sure there are plenty of people who are not purely white, black, asian or whatever, and they probably won't even know because they won't know their whole family tree. Do you see what I'm saying? I don't think it's as clear cut as the slight biological differences.

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I find it silly how I can make fun of a fat person for being fat and a stupid person for being stupid. And it's okay to be treated differently because you're poor or rich. But calling my friend a nigger, in a playful friendly tone with no intent to insult, is a horrific punishable taboo.

Whether religion or nationality is race or not, it doesn't mean it's more acceptable to hate it. Saying "I hate muslims" is just as hateful as saying "I hate black people".

Racism should be treating a character in a derogetry sense, and should be treated the same as any hateful act.

Jade calling Shilpa 'Shilpa popadom' is racist for sure. But if you insulted Jade for a belief, nationality, race, physical attribute, anything; it'd be just as bad.

Not in the real world of course. Racism is holy compared to any other form of insult. You can't order 'nigger brown' shoe polish because it's racist. In my opinion, that's stupid. If I asked for 'nigger brown shoe polish' I wouldn't be asking for 'nigger brown shoe polish, like a dirty black person that I look down on in a racist manner', it's just a word, it's not offensive if you don't use it in an offensive context.


I hate how the technicality of the world makes us put things high up above others and completely blows them out of proportion. Hate is hate; and Words are just words.

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Xenophobia and racism are part of the same issue they are both forms of Prejeduce (SP?). However they are not the same thing they are seperate. they can be mixed and usually are that is why people get confused.


If you are mixed race you will always be mixed race. No matter how white or black you look at some point in your genetic line you will get a "throw back". ie a seamingly white couple could have a black child if anywhere in eitheir of their family line there was an issue of mixed race.


please do not look upon my use of black and white as offensive it is a means of explanation.

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This is going to sound kind of bad, as in a way it is, but the problem is the Jews. (told you it would sound bad)


Judaism is a religion, but a lot of Jewish people say that they are a race (and the Nazi's would agree), which means if I say something bad about Judaism (ie "It's fucking stupid for not eating pork. Pigs are cleaner than most animals, for fuck's sake!"), then a Jewish person might just say "You're being racist as Judaism is a race".


You see my problem?

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Judaism is not a race. they may think it is but you can convert to become jewish. i can not convert to become black (and no eminem has not done this successfully).

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Judaism is not a race. they may think it is but you can convert to become jewish. i can not convert to become black (and no eminem has not done this successfully).


I thought as much, it's just an extreme example of people who claim that me disagreeing with their religion is racism.

Yes, I know I have a lot or weird people in my school.

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No. A jew is both a religion and a race. They are different things. You can be Jewish (you were born in Israel) but not be religious. And you can be Jewish in the religious sense and not be born in Israel. They're seperate things with the same name.

The reason the name is the same is because that's where the Jewish religion came from and for a long time it was assumed that if you lived there, you blieved in Jeudaism. But they are DIFFERENT THINGS.

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Judaism is not a race. they may think it is but you can convert to become jewish. i can not convert to become black (and no eminem has not done this successfully).


Michael Jackson converted to white.

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Michael Jackson converted to white.


Yeah...and he's just a hypocrite (?)....he obviously does think it matters if you're black or white

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I find it silly how I can make fun of a fat person for being fat and a stupid person for being stupid. And it's okay to be treated differently because you're poor or rich. But calling my friend a nigger, in a playful friendly tone with no intent to insult, is a horrific punishable taboo.

Whether religion or nationality is race or not, it doesn't mean it's more acceptable to hate it. Saying "I hate muslims" is just as hateful as saying "I hate black people".

Racism should be treating a character in a derogetry sense, and should be treated the same as any hateful act.

Jade calling Shilpa 'Shilpa popadom' is racist for sure. But if you insulted Jade for a belief, nationality, race, physical attribute, anything; it'd be just as bad.

Not in the real world of course. Racism is holy compared to any other form of insult. You can't order 'nigger brown' shoe polish because it's racist. In my opinion, that's stupid. If I asked for 'nigger brown shoe polish' I wouldn't be asking for 'nigger brown shoe polish, like a dirty black person that I look down on in a racist manner', it's just a word, it's not offensive if you don't use it in an offensive context.


I hate how the technicality of the world makes us put things high up above others and completely blows them out of proportion. Hate is hate; and Words are just words.


I see where you're coming from, though due to the stigma of the word I would find the term 'nigger brown' quite offensive if ever used by anyone. I know what you meant about calling your friend it jokingly though, I actually don't think that's bad if neither of you have a problem with it. The reason I think racism is looked at as being worse though is because it is very nearly completely beyond your control(with michael jackson being the exception to the that), but realistically it is beyond the control of most people, whereas the other things you described are not.

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Fair enough, in a way. But how about people who're fat and cannot lose it.

I know a person who works out all the time and has ridiculous diets and tries so hard and are still made fun of for being 'fat'. I'm a rather skinny person and I eat all the time and never lift a finger. How is that fairer? I think that's worse than being a different colour. The only problem with being a different colour is that some people, who are few and far between in my experience, are actually racist.

The problem is that we've already deemed 'fat' as being something that's your own doing and 'race' as something that cannot be changed.

Society is a stereotype in itself in my opinion.

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Yeah...and he's just a hypocrite (?)....he obviously does think it matters if you're black or white


TBH, it was a C-C-C-C-C-COMBO between a disease and a show acident that made him white.

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Almost QFT, though I don't agree with the religion bit. That is an opinion, and you have every right to think someone's opinion is bullshit.

I should be able to say "I hate Christians/Muslims/Jews/Buddhists/Hindus/Sikhs/any other religion you care to name because I think they're beliefs are stupid and illogical."

They can choose what they want to believe, and if you think what they believe is wrong, and you dislike them for it, fair enough. I dislike Evangelical Christian's, as they believe it is their duty to go around trying convert all non-Christians to Christianity. They seem to have no understanding of the phrase "as I told you last time, fuck off, I think evolution is correct because there is evidence for it and it's more plausible than a magic man in the sky (for which there is no evidence) making it all."

My school has a lot of fuckwits like this in it...:mad:


However, no one has control over their ethnic background. It is totally unfair to say "American people are all idiots", as they had no control over the fact they where born to American parents.

The exception is if you could actually prove that all Americans are idiots, which you can't because they're not.


Thus proving just how stupid and illogical you actually are. There is no evidence for evolution, hence being called a theory[i


20% of americans are obese. 60million. That is the population of the UK. Racism has never been an issue where I come from. i grew up with a black boy not knowing he was any different until the TV started displaying a whole load of rascist stuff. my girlfriend is asian. I find their skin colour ro be my favourite. It is lovely and dark and I wish i was asian and not white. Rascism is something that is dying now. Inj 20 years london will be teaming with chinese people (getting the best jobs) and england will be 50% white and 50% black, you mark my words.

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Thus proving just how stupid and illogical you actually are. There is no evidence for evolution, hence being called a theory[i


*Bang's head on table*

Christ your thick.



A few things:

How am I stupid or illogical? If anything, you, being the Christian, are stupid and illogical. You have also just proved yourself to be stupid, and the reason why is my second point...


There is evidence for evolution. Lots. Lots and lots and lots. There may be no direct evidence, but there is loads of indirect evolution. Read The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. More evidence for evolution in that than you can shake a stick at.


All science is theoretical. If it could be proved that something was not correct, then the original theory would go out the window.


Oh, and just so you know, there is no direct evidence for gravity, only indirect evidence, so by your logic, it can't exist.



I was just beginning to not find you really annoying. Pitty you had to go ahead and prove yourself to be a moron.

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*Bang's head on table*

Christ your thick.



A few things:

How am I stupid or illogical? If anything, you, being the Christian, are stupid and illogical. You have also just proved yourself to be stupid, and the reason why is my second point...


There is evidence for evolution. Lots. Lots and lots and lots. There may be no direct evidence, but there is loads of indirect evolution. Read The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. More evidence for evolution in that than you can shake a stick at.


All science is theoretical. If it could be proved that something was not correct, then the original theory would go out the window.


Oh, and just so you know, there is no direct evidence for gravity, only indirect evidence, so by your logic, it can't exist.



I was just beginning to not find you really annoying. Pitty you had to go ahead and prove yourself to be a moron.


congratulations! You have just insulted 2.1billion people! Not all science is theories. Take Pythagoras's therom for example. And the only indirect evidence of evolution is that we are all primates. I could say 'well, humans all used to have one eye, but evolution changed us, and it would be a theory. Indirect evidence/ we all have 2 eyes! As long as it goes against what is in the Bible, your a fan.

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Does another thread have to degenerate into pointless bickering over who's right and who's wrong? You both have your beliefs, which you're entitled to(funny actually, sort of comes into what Jonwah was saying), and nobody can 100% conclusively say who is wrong and who is right. Not only that, but I highly highly doubt either one of you will be able to convert the other to your viewpoint, so why bother trying to justify and argue about something that is a matter of opinion, and not fact?

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I like to think I don't discriminate against anyone. I hate everyone equally.


Anyway, being racist is too illogically hate someone purely based on their ancestry and appearance and to openly express it. To say 'those crazy frogs' is just a light hearted stereotype meant with no anger or hatred. It's about as racist as telling an Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman joke as it is just playing off generalisations and stereotypes. Anyway there is my opinion on the matter.


Oh and The Ganondorf, please please don't argue against evolution. It will make me angry and you wont like having an angry geologist/palaeontologist arguing against you. :smile:

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