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FIFA 2008


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So far so good! At first I was like WTF with the controls so headed into drill training and actually picked them up really easily.


Played a few games and seems ok just gotta get used to the wii mote.


Gonna go online now and see what that shizol is all about.




Online works pretty well. You can play randoms, Set up a lobby to play friends or enter a league type thing with a team which im guessing is the career mode but using online leagues and data to keep it up to date.


So far im loving it. However a lot of people online seem to be a hell of a lot better than me.

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Quite incredulously, my copy has turned up today too. A day early, and only posted yesterday - excellent. So far it's all looking good. I really like the controls and graphics etc. I don't want to alarm anyone though, but I cannot seem to find a widescreen setting anywhere. I've checked my Wii settings, and all is correct, but FIFA only seems to play in 4:3. All the players are squished up. Also, there seems to be an awful lot of disc access going on. I know my Wii is OK, it's fine with all my other games, but with FIFA it seems to be constantly busy, leaving commentary out of place and crowd noises out of whack. Hmmmm...


In other news, the management mode is indeed absent. It might be unlockable I suppose, but I doubt it. It's a pity since it's a lovely solid game. The controls are quite complex, but I like that and it gives me loads to get my teeth into.


Let me know how you get on with it dudes.

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In other news, the management mode is indeed absent. It might be unlockable I suppose, but I doubt it. It's a pity since it's a lovely solid game. The controls are quite complex, but I like that and it gives me loads to get my teeth into.



Go online, there is a thing called "interactive leagues"


Click on that and I do believe that is the management/career mode as once inside you have to pick a team to go forward with and have options like my interactive career and things like that. Not 100% sure tho but could be the new way of doing it to keep teams/leagues all updated via online servers?

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So am I right in saying that the missing Management mode is the Fifa counterpart to the Master League in Pro Evo?


Am glad that theres a good online mode for the Wii so now I'm stuck on whether to get the game on Wii or Ps2. Or do I wait for PES on either console. Unfortunately my Ps2 is not online but my Wii is. Also I can not afford a 360 or Ps3.

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Also, there seems to be an awful lot of disc access going on. I know my Wii is OK, it's fine with all my other games, but with FIFA it seems to be constantly busy, leaving commentary out of place and crowd noises out of whack. Hmmmm...


That seems to be a recurring theme with anything that comes from EA.


Hope others post up some online opinions also , because so far my opinions of EA Nation are pretty low (although not basing that on this game).

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Go online, there is a thing called "interactive leagues"


Click on that and I do believe that is the management/career mode as once inside you have to pick a team to go forward with and have options like my interactive career and things like that. Not 100% sure tho but could be the new way of doing it to keep teams/leagues all updated via online servers?


you see thats not technically true...The other versions have both a management and interactive leagues mode...


I'm still undecided on this. Think I will leave it, still got to complete Super Paper Mario and Football Manager demo out at the weekend so won't find the time to play it really, so will wait and see how well it reviews...

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I think I'll stick to the 360 version.. controls sound a bit of a hassle when it shouldn't really, why do we need to tilt the nunchuck to curl the ball? ON a normal control you use the left analog stick to curl it.


You don't tilt the remote to curl the ball. You use the left analogue as you usually would. The remote is used for shots of varying power, and for goal kicks and ball clearances. It works well imho. I suspect those hardcore PES'ers will turn their noses up, but that's a shame since the gameplay depth is still all there intact.


Unfortunately the online option isn't one I want to take Platty, but nevertheless there's still no excuse for removing the career mode. But I'm suitably impressed with things so far and won't be returning it just because its missing. I'm disappointed yes, but the game is great fun to play so it would be churlish to return it on those grounds.


I'm still interested in hearing about other people's experiences regarding my criticisms earlier though, so please let me know.

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Thanks for everyone who has posted their opinions on this so far. I'm really undecided, from what I can gather, the controls seem to hold up well once you get used to them?


For anyone who has played PES6 and this, how do they compare for multiplayer?


I've not played FIFA since 2002, and have always purchased PES, but I'm tempted with this, altho I may just get PES2008 on the PS2

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My apologies for causing confusion over the widescreen issue. FIFA definitely is widescreen, it's just me and my daft eyes, obviously! I set my Wii to 4:3 just to see if I could spot the difference, and there was clearly a difference, with everyone looking very squished in 4:3 on my widescreen set. Set it back to 16:9, and it all looks better. It's just that it looked a little bit peculiar to me at first, and I couldn't tell if it was a genuine 16:9 picture. You might see what I mean when/if you get it.


I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying this. The game is much better than 07 to me, with some much swifter movement, passing and shooting. I'm now a bit more proficient with the controls, and have moved the camera angle to the more traditional side view, and it's brilliant. It all works really well. Whacking a shot off with the remote is great fun, and curiously satisfying. All complaints that "you kick a ball with your feet, not your hands" are forgotten once you get used to it. I have to say though, that the controls are quite complex at first. There will be an acclimatising period with FIFA. That said, I've only had it a day and can't say I'm having too much bother.


Dying to know what everyone thinks!

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Okay im convinced Im getting it today. however, because of no reviews i didnt preorder and want to buy it after work. But I dont want to pay £10 more than i would online. Sooooo, anyone know where its cheap? Toys R us and Asda/Tesco seem to be the obvious places.


It's £31 on Asda's website, and the in store prices are usually the same. It'll be worth giving asda a ring to make sure before heading over there though.

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Got the game. Check back later with impressions - I cant wait!! Im gonna change fth view from the get-go as everyone seems to think it doesnt matter




Okay. Firstly, this is the best fifa game Ive played since the original on the SNES! Its not Pro Evo on a footballing level, but its an awesome game. The motion controls feel good and there is just enough without getting tiring and the mini games are awesome - especially table football and juggle - love them. Havent played load yet, going to crack into it now, but from initial play I'm loving it!

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Some further impresions/views having bought the game today:




It all started out a little poor as there is no fancy FMV intro and when I went to see what songs are in the game I couldn't find any option to this (as you may well know, previous FIFA offerings have enabled song selection). I figured this would be hidden deep within the game.




I started with the Footii Party mode with my fiance. We played them all a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed them. The graphics were very "wii sports" and the music, sound effects were thoroughly fitting and polished. Table football was a riot but they were all good in their own way. I particularkly enjoyed the "BOOT IT" game as it reminded me of SM:TV's Penalty kicks. (indeed). We had a good laugh with those and the calorie counter and medals made it competitive.


So far it was very suprising how good this was. Refreshing.




I begged my fiance to try the main game and try the "family mode". I awaited the pitch intro scenes to gauge the graphical quality. I was very impressed. Screenshots don't do the game justice. It's like a high-res version of the previous GC versions with all the graphical inconsistencies (like clipping) ironed out. Very smooth. (The depth blur is beautiful too).

We were both lost initially. It was NAILS and not controlling the players direction felt alien to both of us.


Later I played the tutorials and got used to the feel of the controls and the play mechanics. Now I'm loving it. It's very much like pro evo. Ball physics are great and the game is structured around passing! I also like how you can use A to pass, hold A and swipe in a direction of a player or even use the D-Pad directions...all just to pass. Brilliant. The motion controls are great. Throw-ins, corners, free kicks, shooting all have a freshness to them. And they work!




The online mode wasn't too bad neither. After registering (effortlessly) and finding my way around I played a ranked game (similar to Mario Strikers) and it was (for the most part) lag free. Beaten by Barcelona 2-0. But enjoyable. Slight lag at the end of the first half but nothing extreme. The menu's are swish and the loading isn't too bad at all. The botom of the pages also have LIVE! real-world updates of premiership news. Which is fabulous.




I went back to the free play and played and played and it dawned on me that this is fabulous. In the replays the graphics are superb up close and during penalties it looks amazing. Near enough to the first FIFA on the 360. Very impressive. Pro Evo has its work cut out.




I'm a music whore and want to select the tunes I hear on the menus...No chance. It's NOT to be found ANYWHERE! After about 4hrs play I heard Travis' last song and other songs I love. There should be some way to disable the crap latino songs on there...oh well.

The worst thing with the whole game (which is praise too) is that the replays at half-time and full-time are eerily silent. No music nor sound effects AT ALL. Just silence. I wonder....Is it just my game? - As this doesn't seem right at all.


Overall I'm blown away by this. Way better than I thought it would be. Let the good times roll online and off. :D


A screen from the replays...It's from the Wii...Honest :D



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Glad it's not just me! :D Top fun isn't it? I started with the tutorials first for the main game, and dived straight. Consequently, I've only just discovered the table football. I can't believe such a simple thing can work so well on the Wii. Such a simple throwaway concept.


The only real gripe for me is the missing Manager mode as many have said. I know there's an online equivalent, but really I'm more disappointed at EA's decision to actually remove content for the Wii version. Especially as they've got all the other aspects of a FIFA game down so well. I can only hope it makes a return in next years version.


What camera is everyone using now? Once I got good with the controls, I switched it over to Tele, which is a side view camera. It works just as well as the FreeMotion one. In fact I prefer it tbh.


The worst thing with the whole game (which is praise too) is that the replays at half-time and full-time are eerily silent. No music nor sound effects AT ALL. Just silence. I wonder....Is it just my game? - As this doesn't seem right at all.


No mine's the same too. I thought it might be my game too, so I'm glad you've mentioned this.

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