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TCGs (Trading Card Games)


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pokemon at 9, when it was a 'craze'


Yu-Gi-Oh is bludy huge in the states


I grew out of it about 5 years ago


same, WoW TCG is really good, and oddly mature!


and the art on the cards is really good-it makes you want to buy all the cards cos they look soo damn nice! grrrr

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Guest Stefkov

I still have my pokemon cards, I never actually played properly with them though. Like using those fire card things to use a move.

In college I see two popel playing some sort of card game, I dont know what it is though. Looks fun though.

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I've got the Pokémon cards still, don't play with them anymore, use to play agaisnt my brother but he had no idea what he was doing.


I've got some of the WoW cards, including one of those rare reward cards, its was a crappy tabbard. I also ercently purchased some naruto card but I doubt I play the TCG just wanted to buy some.

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I used to play Pokemans and was freaking good at it, then I became gym leader and got tired and stopped playing. Then I started Magic, I was a mediocre player, specially cause I couldn't/didn't want to waste the money on cards that I wasted on PKMN. Now, I don't play anything, but I kinda miss it.

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