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Manhunt 2


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The french version will it have an english option?


If not what does?


Play.com FTW then!


ha that's my point exactly. I'm getting about 3 copies. It's one of those games you can piss people off with. You know i think this might actually increase it's sales:)

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Some good news guys. Just found this on their website:


The British Board of Film Censors was set up in 1912 by the film industry as an independent body to bring a degree of uniformity to the classification of film nationally.


Statutory powers on film remain with the local councils, which may overrule any of the Board's decisions, passing films we reject, banning films we have passed, and even waiving cuts, instituting new ones, or altering categories for films exhibited under their own licensing jurisdiction.


Maybe we can hammer the councils?

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Some more news on Jersey and this sounds like I'll be preordering from Play.com today!


In 2007, the Chief Minister and the UK Lord Chancellor signed an agreement[18] which established a framework for the development of the international identity of Jersey. The agreement stated that:


the UK has no democratic accountability in and for Jersey;


the UK will not act internationally on behalf of Jersey without prior consultation;


Jersey has an international identity which is different from that of the UK;

the UK recognises that the interests of Jersey may differ from those of the UK, and the UK will seek to represent any differing interests when acting in an international capacity;

the UK and Jersey will work together to resolve or clarify any differences which may arise between their respective interests.


Now that sounds to me like a big fuck you for the BBFC!

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Its getting released in less than a month. Its kinda late to cancel a PAL release at this moment dont you think?


If a game was being releasde tomorrow Governments and censors still have the power to have it stopped.


I don't know whether it will be on sale or not in Europe I was just highlighting the uncertainty surrounding it's release now.

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But they just announced the ban today.


It could still be taken off.



Yup thats possible but then you never know eh - So I've just preordered it I'll see what happens. Theres always loopholes and Play.com might just be that very loophole.


the UK has no democratic accountability in and for Jersey


Fuck the BBFC :bouncy:


Oh and I'd expect to see this on the 6 o'clock news.


From BBC Website link


Censors ban 'brutal' video game

British censors have banned a violent video game from the UK for the first time in a decade.

The video game Manhunt 2 was banned for its "unrelenting focus on stalking and brutal slaying", the British Board of Film Classification said.


It means the Manhunt sequel cannot be legally supplied anywhere in the UK.


The parents of a Leicester schoolboy who blamed the original game for the murder of their 14-year-old son said they were "absolutely elated".



There is sustained and cumulative casual sadism in the way in which these killings are committed

BBFC director David Cooke


The original Manhunt game was given an 18 classification in 2003.


Manhunt 2, for PS2 and Nintendo Wii consoles, is made by Rockstar Games.


The company has six weeks to submit an appeal.


The last game to be refused classification was Carmageddon in 1997.


David Cooke, director of the BBFC, said: "Manhunt 2 is distinguishable from recent high-end video games by its unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone.


"There is sustained and cumulative casual sadism in the way in which these killings are committed, and encouraged, in the game."


'Morally irresponsible'


The original Manhunt game caused huge controversy and was blamed for the murder of Stefan Pakeerah.


The boy was stabbed and beaten to death in Leicester in February 2004.



His parents believe the killer, Warren LeBlanc, 17, was inspired by the game.


Stefan's mother, Giselle Pakeerah, had condemned the sequel, branding the gaming industry "morally irresponsible".


"We have been campaigning against these games for a long time and the BBFC made the right decision," she said.


Police said robbery was the motive behind the attack on Stefan in Stokes Wood Park on 26 February 2004 - and not the video game blamed by Stefan's parents.


Manhunt's maker Rockstar North has always insisted its games are geared towards mature audiences and are marketed responsibly.


Story from BBC NEWS:



Published: 2007/06/19 13:00:55 GMT

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I'm slightly shocked by this decision. There are loads of games with merciless killing and violence as their premise. I don't see how it's really an issue of 'oh well this game's gone a shade too far'! It just seems a little disproportionate.


Personally though, I wasn't at all interested in this title. It looks pretty grim and styless, and the whole thing just reeks of ps2.

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I'm not disagreeing with this decision in some ways. Some of you are trying to justify your opinin saying 'but their are other violent games'


This is the most violent game of all time.There is nothing worse than this(Except maybe the coming no more heroes:))


Some of you are saying that gta is worse. Well considering what ign have said and what i played of the first it really isn't..NO way


It doesn't stop me from being annoyed though,,guys telling me what i can and cannot play.

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..oh.. please please please let it be available from Play.com. I'm not 100% sure I will get the game yet, but I want there to be the opportunity available hould I decide to.


Well I've preordered it now from Play.com - now if I'm lucky enough to get it from them it's a win win situation - I either get a game I like or I get a game I'll make a healthy profit from on Ebay!


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His parents believe the killer, Warren LeBlanc, 17, was inspired by the game.


Oh FFS! Tell us the WHOLE story, BBC.


The victim owned the game, the killer had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the game.

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Well I've preordered it now from Play.com - now if I'm lucky enough to get it from them it's a win win situation - I either get a game I like or I get a game I'll make a healthy profit from on Ebay!



Actually.. you're probably right, I should pre-order.. but then I probably wouldn't be selling it on ebay and I don't know what else I could do if I don't like it (though I Imagine I will)


I'll have to go read up about it or get NGamer to see how it looks. Damn you, BBFC :heh:

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BBC are cocks.


No offence guys but like most of the british media they just havn't got a clue.


I remember reading 3 years ago on the bbc website. that the ps3 already had the console wars won and this is when we knew nothing about any of the machines. Very very annoying.

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Oh FFS! Tell us the WHOLE story, BBC.


The victim owned the game, the killer had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the game.



They did actually:


Police said robbery was the motive behind the attack on Stefan in Stokes Wood Park on 26 February 2004 - and not the video game blamed by Stefan's parents.
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