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Zombie plans?


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I have this great book called "The Zombie Survival Guide" so i jsut follow it, and i'm safe.



Awsome Read, I've got it, and World war Z, no finished Z though.



But after reading the Survival Guide I think i'll have to stock up on a few things, hopefully gra some sort of instrument of Destruction for protection and Find a nice Secure location, in the Cold so it'll hinder the zombies a little bit, but after that I think I'll be pretty screwed I'm not much of a survivalist >> or fighter...or a runner...I'm fucked arn't I? ;_; I'll do my bestthough, get my girlfriend safe and family, and then stock up on as much food as possible and try not to die.

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Well they had some good ideas for survival. I've actually been looking around my room just now and spotted my geological hammer, now there's a weapon. :D So spade for medium range melee combat and hammer for up close and personal. Maybe a nail gun for more long range, hmmm. I think I'm thinking about this too much.


Yup, they deffo had good ideas! Too bad they didn't pull them off well enough, lol! :grin:


I've got some swords here, so they could work as good weapons. Though they're cheap and kinda crappy. I bought the set (3 of them) for 10 quid when I went on holiday to Wales. One of them broke as soon as I got back, lol. So they probably wouldn't be that good in combat. So much for that idea. :heh:


or then again,


i might just take photos of them.


Hehe, now theres a plan! Dead Rising style ftw! And if/when you survived, you could sell the pics for a stupidly high price.

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Awsome Read, I've got it, and World war Z, no finished Z though.



But after reading the Survival Guide I think i'll have to stock up on a few things, hopefully gra some sort of instrument of Destruction for protection and Find a nice Secure location, in the Cold so it'll hinder the zombies a little bit, but after that I think I'll be pretty screwed I'm not much of a survivalist >> or fighter...or a runner...I'm fucked arn't I? ;_; I'll do my bestthough, get my girlfriend safe and family, and then stock up on as much food as possible and try not to die.



Yeah, read both of them - According to Max Brook's website World War Z is being made into a film with Brad Pitt.

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