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Wii Region Free Modchip


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Fully upgradable via DVD/disc (future proof, expect cool features to come)

Direct boot of Wii backups (like originals)

Direct boot of GC backups (like originals)

Boots different region GC games/backups

Boots different NTSC region Wii games/backupsp

Supports multi-disc games

Supports DVD-R and DVD+R

Built-in audio fix (for games using streaming, no patch required)

Stealth mode

4 wires & quick solder interface

Compact design, best quality components, rock solid high speed controller

Professional ESD packing


More features are being worked on, and will either be included in the upcoming release or in a future upgrade that will follow the release shortly.


We will upload a picture and more features within the next few days!


Expected shipping date: February 7th, 2007



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Im going to wait at least a year befor i do anything with my wii.wait to see if i can do a soft mod.


best to wait a year as the warranty will be up anyway. I think it would be wise not to do any of the wii's auto updates. The problem is that you miss online features like the news chanel.

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  • 4 months later...
Has anyone got one of these yet? They have updated the functionality list a LOT. They seem to be working on it but not fast enough for the customers. Does this go in the SD card slot?

DONT get a wikey get a cyclowiz or something instead as they actually supply updates..

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As it is clearly stated on that list, this chip only boots seperate NTSC region games. Japanese Wii can boot US games and vice versa. It doesn't allow you to boot NTSC games with PAL Wii or vice versa.
Exactly. New imported games can ruin ('brick') your Wii if you're not careful. They try to install the firmware from a different region on your Wii, it overwrites the good program, and the Wii is rendered useless.
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i only want original games on my wii so i would only be interested in this if they had only the region fixed like i had with the cube! it still only played only the original games and no ILLEGAL copy's that i o so mush hate! copying games is wrong and even if its for your own! you should be careful with the games you buy and pick your games more carefully.


I hate game pirates!

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I have a friend who has modded his pal wii although he uses it for backups so he is wrong. I know that when he tries to play US region games it asks for firmware upgrade and as he is scared he doesnt say yes.


If he's fully updated through the internet first he'll be fine because the foreign games wont attempt the update.

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If he's fully updated through the internet first he'll be fine because the foreign games wont attempt the update.
From what I've read Mario Party 8 attempts an install that's not available in Europe yet and still bricks the Wii. That's only MP8 though.


I'm on the brink of getting my Wii modded now. I'll probably have to stop playing console games otherwise, and I'm rather bad than Wiiless :hmm:

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